
sorry + what you say to admit you were wrong

6 New HSK word(s): HSK1 对不起 + dui4bu5qi3 unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat) HSK4 抱歉 + bao4qian4 to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry! HSK5 遗憾 + yi2han4 regret; to regret; to be sorry that HSK6 狼狈 + lang2bei4 in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derog.) HSK6 心疼 + xin1teng2 to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge HSK6 惋惜 + wan3xi1 to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb
3 Old HSK word(s): A * dui4buqi3 sorry/ excuse me/ let down B VS * bao4qian4 be sorry/ apologize/ regret B VS * nan2guo4 feel bad/ feel sorry/ sad



Xin lỗi +


Xin lỗi +

Xin lỗi +

Hỗn loạn +

Đau khổ +

Xin lỗi +
Grade E word(s):

我只想说对不起。 I want to say nothing but sorry.
对不起,我忘了你的名字。 I'm sorry; I've forgotten your name.
对不起,我不能来参加晚会了。 Sorry, but I can not join you for the evening party.
听说你的猫死了,我觉得很难过。 I was sorry to hear that your cat had died.
对不起,对方的电话好象坏了。 I'm sorry, caller, their telephone seems to be broken.
很遗憾,你没有得到那份工作。 I'm sorry that you didn't get the job.
对不起,我来晚了。刚才我在开会,不能脱身。 I'm sorry I'm late; I was at a meeting and couldn't get away.
我对此非常抱歉。 I'm terribly sorry about that.
我真是非常抱歉了。 I can't tell you how sorry I am.
真抱歉给你添了这么多麻烦。 I am so sorry to give you not a little trouble.
很抱歉,你的病刚好我就给你加上了新的负担,但确实没有别的人能干这活。 I am sorry to impose a new burden on you so soon after your illness, but there is no one else who is capable of doing this work.
很遗憾你的饼烘坏了,但不要紧,下次烘得好些。 I'm sorry the cake you baked turned out a flop; never mind, better luck next time.
对不起, 我踩著你的脚了吧? Sorry, did I tread on your toe?
对不起, 我不是故意吓唬你的. Sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you.
对不起打扰一下, 请问去车站怎麽走? I'm sorry to bother you, but could you tell me the way to the station?
"我对自己说过的话很懊悔"。"不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
她写道:亲爱的詹姆斯,刚听说你妻子过世了,我真不知道该怎样表达我的悲伤之情。 Dear James, she wrote, I have just heard of your wife's death. I can't tell you how sorry I am.
对不起, 你只能在八号窗口买旅行支票。 I am sorry, you can only buy traveler's check at Window Eight.
对不起,您的汇款还没有到我们这儿。 Sorry, your remittance have not reach us yet.
她说她很难过, 但从她的眼神里却流露出她内心的喜悦. She said she was sorry, but her eyes betrayed her secret delight.
很遗憾要打扰你一下,我想问问我们什么时候能聊聊。 I'm sorry to trouble you, but I wondered if we could have a word some time.
听到这些我非常难过。请接受我最诚挚的慰问。 Oh, I'm dreadfully sorry to hear that. Please accept my deepest sympathies.
小毛孩子, 别跟我来这一套, 要不然有你後悔的. Don't try anything on with me, kid, or you'll be sorry.
他揍了你我毫不同情——是你先打他的,你挨打活该。 I'm not sorry he hit you- it serves you fight for starting the fight!
听到这个消息我感到很遗憾。 I'm sorry to hear that.
福斯特先生不能接受你的宴请,深表歉意。 Mr Foster is sorry that he cannot accept your invitation to dinner.
所提出的事实会揭示社区中普遍存在的一种可悲的情形。 The facts quoted would reveal a sorry state of affairs in any community.
我非常为你惋惜。 I'm dreadfully sorry for you.
哦,对不起。允许我更正一下,这件古董绝对是真的。 Oh, I'm sorry, but if I may correct you, this is absolutely real.
不知为什麽, 我有点为他惋惜. I'm not sure why, but I feel kind of sorry for him.
麻雀看见孔雀负担着它的翎尾,替它担忧。 The sparrow is sorry for the peacock at the burden of its tail.