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我们说服她参加了宴会。 We argued her into joining us.
他说服女儿改变主意. He persuaded his daughter to change her mind.
我妹妹认为,她能极力说服父亲提高她每月的零用钱。 My younger sister thinks she can argue Father into increasing her monthly pocket money.
我说几句好听的, 也许能说服他去做这工作. With a little flattery I might persuade him to do the job.
这个商人说服我买了他的货物。 This trader persuaded me into buying his goods.
利用权力压服别人并非永远是上策, 运用说服方法或许更为可取. Exertion of authority over others is not always wise; persuasion may be better.
他完全是靠个人的魅力,说服他们和他在一起干。 He persuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.
我只要做的就是说服他跟我们一起去。 All I have to do is persuade him to go with us.
你的论点太薄弱了,说服不了我。 Your argument is too weak to convince me.
他用欺骗手段说服她在文件上签字。 He persuaded her to sign the document by guile.
他们因那个孩子有说服力的理由相信了他。 They believed the child by his persuasive reasons.
试图说服他未免太愚蠢了。 It is a great folly to try to persuade him.
那个推销员试图说服她买他的东西。 The salesman tried to persuade her to buy his goods.
温和的说服胜於压服. Gentle persuasion is more effective than force.
这些建议已向我们作了传达,既简明扼要,又很有说服力。 The proposals were put to us very briefly and forcibly.