
shock + sudden bad feeling caused by something unexpected

5 New HSK word(s): HSK4 吃惊 + chi1jing1 to be startled; to be shocked; to be amazed HSK6 不象话 + bu4xiang4hua4 unreasonable; shocking; outrageous HSK6 震撼 + zhen4han4 to shake; to vibrate; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; fig. mind-blowing HSK6 震惊 + zhen4jing1 to shock; to astonish HSK6 冲击 + chong1ji1 an attack; under attack; a shock
7 Old HSK word(s): B * chi1 jing1 be startled/ be shocked C VA * zhen4 shake/ shock/ vibrate/ quake/ be excited/ be shocked C VA * zhen4dong4 shock-move/ quiver/ vibrate/ quake/ shock/ astonish C VA * chong1ji1 impact/ shock/ pound/ attack/ interfere C VS * jing1qi2 amazed/ astonished/ surprised/ shocking strange C VS * jing1ren2 astonishing/ amazing/ alarming/ shocking D VA * song3 shock/ lift


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他的死使我们大家都大为震惊。 His death was a great shock to us all.
节目中的暴力场面和难听的粗话使许多观众感到震惊。 The violence and bad language in the program shocked many of the viewers.
许多人到国外时,都感受到文化震撼。 Many people suffered from cultural shock when they came abroad.
任何人碰到那根电线都会遭到严重的电击。 Anyone touching that wire could get badly shocked.
老人们为电影和小说的大胆感到震惊。 The old people is shocked by the new freedom in movies and novels.
我对这些官员的普遍受贿感到震惊。 I'm shocked at the prevalence of bribery among these officials.
在维多利亚时代, 许多人对於人是由低级生物进化而来的见解大为震惊. Many Victorians were shocked by the notion that Man had evolved from lower forms of life.
去海外旅行时,许多人会感觉到不同文化的冲击。 Most people feel culture shock when traveling to a foreign culture.
缓冲器使震动减少了许多. Buffers absorbed most of the shock.
这座城市被占领使国人大为震惊。 The capture of the city shocked everyone in the country.
凡是有正义感的人都一定会对这种暴行感到震惊. All ,right-minded people will be surely shocked by this outrage.
他被驱逐使我们很震惊。 His banishment shocked us all.
振作起来,面对冲击! Brace yourself for a shock!
他母亲去世的噩耗使他非常震惊. The news of his mother's death was a terrible shock to him.
那个有毛病的电灯开关把我电了一下. I got an electric shock from that faulty light switch.
外伤身体的严重损伤或刺激,常由暴力或事故造成 A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
他的粗鲁的举止使每个人震惊。 His coarse manners shocked everyone.
所有的人都震惊于她天仙般的美貌。 People were all shocked at her godlike beauty.
局势真惊人哪! What a shocking state of affairs!
震荡剧烈的掸击;震荡 A violent jarring; a shock.
下次再到一个需要使Shockwave的网站时,Shockwave控制程序就会自动装载并播放电影。 The next time you go to a"Shocked" website, the Shockwave control loads and plays the movie.
谵妄一种暂时精神混乱和神志不清的状态,由高烧、酒醉、休克、震惊或其它原因导致。其症状是:焦虑、迷失方向、发生幻觉、妄想、颤抖和说胡话 A temporary state of mental confusion and clouded consciousness resulting from high fever, intoxication, shock, or other causes. It is characterized by anxiety, disorientation, hallucinations, delusions, trembling, and incoherent speech.