
shake + to move something violently back and forth or up and down

7 New HSK word(s): HSK5 握手 + wo4shou3 to shake hands HSK5 + yao2 to shake; to rock; to row HSK5 发抖 + fa1dou3 to tremble; to shake; to shiver HSK6 颠簸 + dian1bo3 to shake; to jolt; to bump HSK6 震撼 + zhen4han4 to shake; to vibrate; to shock; to stun; shocking; stunning; fig. mind-blowing HSK6 + huang4 to sway; to shake; to wander about HSK6 颤抖 + chan4dou3 to shudder; to shiver; to shake; to tremble
12 Old HSK word(s): A * wo4 shou3 shake hands/ clasp hands B VA * yao2 sway/ shake C VA * zhen4 shake/ shock/ vibrate/ quake/ be excited/ be shocked C VA * dong4yao2 waver/ vacillate/ shake C VA * yao2huang4 rock-shake/ sway/ shake/ swing/ rock C VA * dou3 tremble/ quiver/ shake/ jerk/ expose/ rouse C VA * huang4 wigwag/ sway/ rock/ shake C VA * chan4dong4 vibrate/ quiver/ shake C VA * chan4dou3 tremble/ shiver/ shake D VA * zhen4dang4 shake/ vibrate D VA * zhen4 shake/ flap D VA * huang4 dazzle/ shake

Bắt tay +

Lắc +

Lắc +

Va chạm +

Sốc +

Akira +

Run rẩy +
Grade E word(s):

握手时软弱无力。 Has limp, weak handshake.
倒果汁前,先把瓶子摇几下。 Give the bottle a couple of shakes before pouring the juice.
英国广播公司计画播放莎士比亚的全部戏剧。 The BBC plans to televise all Shakespeare's plays.
是把这面红旗打开的时候了。 It's time to shake out the red flag.
别摇晃瓶子, 要不沉淀就都搅起来了. Don't shake the bottle or you will disturb the lees.
这个城市设立了关于莎士比亚的优秀论文奖。 There was a prize for the best essay on Shakespeare in the city.
除了14行诗和其他诗体之外,莎士比亚的形式感隐蔽起来了,不存在着威胁。不论这一看法多么不对,它确实使这位紧跟在莎士比亚后面浮现出来的诗人一时生产一种幻觉:他可能是有惊无险。 Except in the sonnets and poems, Shakespeare's formal sense is disguised and does not threaten. No matter how wrong this idea might be, it does give the poet bobbing in Shakespeare's wake the momentary illusion that he might be waving instead of drowning.
今天,人们已经摆脱了一些习俗的束缚。 Nowadays, people have shaken off the shackles of some conventions.
挽救该公司的唯一办法是彻底改变其经营方式. The only thing that will save the company is a thorough shake-up of the way it is run.
这可不是一般的旧床--是莎士比亚的. This isn't any old bed it belonged to Shakespeare.
对原文的分析研究鉴定出作者是莎士比亚. Textual analysis identified the author as Shakespeare.
我给我儿子买了为儿童改编的莎士比亚剧本。 I bought my son an adaptation for children of a play by Shakespeare.
加紧干吧!如果不快点,我们永远也完不成的。 Shake a let there! We'll never finish if you don't hurry up.
该委员会需要彻底改组,去除某些不合格的成员。 The committee needs to be shaken out to get rid of some unqualified members.
把这个混合物充分摇匀. Shake the mixture well.
莎士比亚葬於何处? Where is Shakespeare buried?
她纤弱的身躯因阵阵咳嗽而发颤。 Her slight frame was shaken by bouts of coughing.
莎士比亚的作品赋予他不朽的声名。 Shakespeare's works have given him immortality.
这个剧本通常认为是莎士比亚作的. This play is usually attributed to Shakespeare.
他引用莎士比亚的话是恰如其分的。 His quotation from Shakespeare is appropriate.