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青少年是身体成熟期。 Teenage is the period at which the body reaches maturity.
在一般情况下他都和我们一起来, 只是他现在身体不太好. In the ordinary way he would have come with us, but he's not feeling well.
小孩有柔软的身体。 Little babies have lithe bodies.
男性在身体上要比女性强壮。 The male is physically stronger than the female.
她瘦长结实的身体看上去精力充沛。 Her wiry athletic body seems energetic.
out? 你经常锻炼身体吗? Do you often work
他个子小但身体很健康。 He was small and healthily built.
只要我身体好一定来。 I will come provided that I am well enough.
我近几个月身体不好没上班. I've been too sick/ill to go to work for the last few months.
吸烟对身体有害。 Smoking is bad for health.
他身体在逐步好起来。 He is getting better by degrees.
我们的身体需要充足的营养。 Our bodies need adequate nutrition.
运动和身体的关系,如同思考和头脑的关系。 Exercise is to the body what thinking is to the brain.
他身体的重量把树枝压弯了. The branch began to give under his weight.
他喝酒过多, 身体逐渐衰弱了. He started to drink too much and gradually ran to seed.
他舒展开身体躺在炉火旁边睡著了. He stretched (himself) out in front of the fire and fell asleep.
过敏是身体对某些物质的不良反应。 An allergy is an adverse reaction of the body to certain substances.
如果他身体这么糟,那么他的所有财富对他毫无用处。 All his riches are of no good to him if he is so ill.
坏死因创伤或疾病引起的细胞或组织的死亡,尤其指身体局部面积的坏死 Death of cells or tissues through injury or disease, especially in a localized area of the body.
她娇弱的身体需要小心照料。 Her delicate health needs great care.
多吃油腻食物对身体有害。 A surfeit of rich food is bad for you.
盔甲防护性外套,如锁子甲,穿上后保护身体免受武器攻击 A defensive covering, such as chain mail, worn to protect the body against weapons.
身体缺乏维生素就会生病. Deficiency in vitamins/Vitamin deficiency can lead to illness.
健全的精神是与健康的身体不可分割的。 A sound mind is inseparable from a sound body.
在我看来, 他本身体现了教师应有的一切优秀品质. To me he embodies all the best qualities of a teacher.
由于你身体不好,你必须尽量避免为孩子们操心。 On account of your health, you must endeavour to shift off the care of your children.
他猛击对手的身体. He punished his opponent with fierce punches to the body.
他的身体被工作压垮了. His health collapsed under the pressure of work.
锻炼身体能使肌肉结实。 Exercise will firm up your muscles.
放松运动可以松缓身体的紧张. Relaxation exercises can free your body of tension.
随着病情加重,她的身体日渐衰弱。 She weakened as the illness grew worse.
身体同侧的处于或影响着身体的同侧的 Located on or affecting the same side of the body.
精神起因一种由心理因素而不是生理因素引起的身体机能失调或疾病 Development of a physical disorder or illness resulting from psychic, rather than physiological, factors.
我姐姐身体很棒--她能游5英里. My sister's very strong she can swim 5 miles.
碳水化合物给我们的身体提供热量和能量。 Carbohydrates provide our bodies with heat and energy.
针灸,针刺疗法,针刺麻醉以细针扎入身体特定部位以减轻疼痛或诱导局部麻醉的方法 A technique, as for relieving pain or inducing regional anesthesia, in which thin needles are inserted into the body at specific points.
抗荷衣宇航员或喷气机飞行员穿的飞行服,在快速垂直加速中增加身体下部的压力以保持脑部血液供应 A flight garment worn by astronauts and jet pilots that presses on the lower body to maintain the blood supply to the brain during rapid vertical acceleration.
健全的身体比金冕更有价值。 A good healthy body is worth more a crown in gold.
内分泌学研究身体腺体和激素以及他们之间相关的失调的科学 The study of the glands and hormones of the body and their related disorders.
挛缩一种异常且常为永久性的缩短,如肌肉或瘢痕组织,会导致扭曲或变形,特别是身体关节处 An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body.
过量喝酒对你的身体有害。 It is harmful to your health to drink too much.
整形术的,还原成形术有关对身体缺失部分进行还原的外科手术的 Relating to the surgical restoration of a lost or absent part.
本体感受由身体本身的内部刺激引起的对于运动和空间定向的不自觉的感受 The unconscious perception of movement and spatial orientation arising from stimuli within the body itself.
他的工作方法无甚条理. You'll find little system in his method of work.
血液还能从身体组织里排出废物。 The blood can also export waste products from the tissues.
事实上,许多人身体都有某种缺陷。 As a matter of fact, many people have a disability.
那个法西斯士兵把刺刀刺入那人的身体。 The fascist soldier thrust his bayonet into the man's body.
我每天尽量腾出一些时间锻炼一下身体. I try to set aside a few minutes each day to do some exercises.
外伤身体的严重损伤或刺激,常由暴力或事故造成 A serious injury or shock to the body, as from violence or an accident.
兴奋增盛身体某个器官或部分对刺激反常或过度的敏感 Abnormal or excessive sensitivity of a body organ or part to a stimulus.
成洞身体组织或器官内空洞的形成,尤指那种因肺结核而在肺中形成的空洞 The formation of cavities in a body tissue or an organ, especially those formed in the lung as a result of tuberculosis.
他身体有一部分瘫痪了. He is partially paralysed.
身体的损伤,发炎或损伤 A bodily injury, irritation, or trauma.
那个印度勇士用剑刺穿了对手的身体。 The Indian warrior passed a sword through his opponent.
屈肌一块收缩时能弯曲身体的关节或四肢的肌肉 A muscle that when contracted acts to bend a joint or limb in the body.
乳脂提供我们活力,以及我们身体上无法产生之脂肪酸。 Milkfat provides energy and essential fatty acids that our bodies cannot make.
她来了将近两个月的时候,开始抱怨说她觉得身体更糟了,从那时起,她成了牧场上的负担。 Nearly two months after her arrival she began to complain that she felt worse. It was then that she became ranch's old man of the sea.
用暴力威胁侵犯他人身体犯罪行为应与殴打罪区别开来。其区别是,前者是用暴力相威胁而后者是实际上的使用暴力。 Assault shall be distinguished from battery, in that assault is the threat of violence, whereas battery is actual violence.
身体经不住那麽大剂量的放射线。 The body cannot tolerate such large amounts of radiation.
壁身体部位、器官或腔的外表面。常用复数 A wall of a body part, organ, or cavity. Often used in the plural.
[谚]与狗同眠的人必然惹一身跳蚤;同坏人为伍必然吃亏。 He that lies down with dogs must rise up with fleas.
健康尤指身体或心智的健康;免受疾病或反常影响的 Soundness, especially of body or mind; freedom from disease or abnormality.
动脉任何树枝形系统,将血液从心脏输送到身体各细胞、组织和器官的肌肉的,一种有弹性的血管 Any of a branching system of muscular, elastic tubes that carry blood away from the heart to the cells, tissues, and organs of the body.