
satisfy + To be happy because you met your expectation

3 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + man3 to fill; full; filled; packed; fully; completely; quite; to reach the limit; to satisfy; satisfied; contented HSK5 满足 + man3zu2 to satisfy; to meet (the needs of); satisfied; content HSK6 过瘾 + guo4yin3 to satisfy a craving; to get a kick out of sth; gratifying; immensely enjoyable; satisfying; fulfilling
0 Old HSK word(s):



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Grade E word(s):

现在该是填饱肚子的时候了。 It's time to satisfy my inner man.
要满足每一个人绝非易事。 It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone.
我只好解释原因来满足他的好奇心。 I had to explain the reasons to satisfy his curiosity.
我只是出于好奇,请问你买这辆车花了多少钱? Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car?
我不能肯定已经领会您的意思。是不是您不满意您现在的工作。 I am not certain I have grasped what you meant. Is it(that) you are not satisfy with your present job?
并非所有外宾均符合入境规定. Not all foreign visitors satisfy/fulfil legal entry requirements.