
149 New HSK word(s): HSK2 + zhen1 really; truly; indeed; real; true; genuine HSK2 + qing2 clear; fine (weather) HSK2 牛奶 + niu2nai3 cow's milk; CL:瓶ping2,杯bei1 HSK3 历史 + li4shi3 history; CL:门/门men2,段duan4 HSK3 健康 + jian4kang1 health; healthy HSK3 个子 + ge4zi5 height; stature; build; size HSK3 结束 + jie2shu4 termination; to finish; to end; to conclude; to close HSK3 + cha1 difference; discrepancy; to differ; error; to err; to make a mistake HSK3 + cha4 to differ from; to fall short of; lacking; wrong; inferior HSK3 + chai1 to send; to commission; messenger; mission HSK3 满意 + man3yi4 satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction HSK4 教授 + jiao4shou4 professor; to instruct; to lecture on; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK4 橡皮 + xiang4pi2 rubber; an eraser; CL:块/块kuai4 HSK4 区别 + qu1bie2 difference; to distinguish; to discriminate; to make a distinction; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 大使馆 + da4shi3guan3 embassy; CL:座zuo4,个/个ge4 HSK4 力气 + li4qi5 strength; CL:把ba3 HSK4 同情 + tong2qing2 to sympathize with; sympathy HSK4 使用 + shi3yong4 to use; to employ; to apply; to make use of HSK4 自信 + zi4xin4 to have confidence in oneself; self-confidence HSK4 修理 + xiu1li3 to repair; to perform maintenance; to overhaul; to fix; to prune; to trim; (coll.) to sort sb out; to fix sb HSK4 信心 + xin4xin1 confidence; faith (in sb or sth); CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 律师 + lu:4shi1 lawyer HSK4 误会 + wu4hui4 to misunderstand; to mistake; misunderstanding; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 调查 + diao4cha2 investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:项/项xiang4,个/个ge4 HSK4 礼貌 + li3mao4 courtesy; manners HSK4 + tang1 soup; hot or boiling water; decoction of medicinal herbs; water in which sth has been boiled HSK4 兴奋 + xing1fen4 excited; excitement HSK5 表现 + biao3xian4 to show; to show off; to display; to manifest; expression; manifestation; show; display; performance (at work etc); behavior HSK5 运用 + yun4yong4 to use; to put to use HSK5 工程师 + gong1cheng2shi1 engineer; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK5 刺激 + ci4ji1 to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant HSK5 权力 + quan2li4 power; authority HSK5 + qiang1 gun; firearm; rifle; spear; thing with shape or function similar to a gun; CL:支zhi1,把ba3,杆/杆gan3,条/条tiao2,枝zhi1; to substitute for another person in a test; to knock; classifier for rifle shots HSK5 + wu4 fog; mist; CL:场/场chang2,阵/阵zhen4 HSK5 平等 + ping2deng3 equal; equality HSK5 居然 + ju1ran2 unexpectedly; to one's surprise; go so far as to HSK5 力量 + li4liang5 power; force; strength HSK5 思考 + si1kao3 to reflect on; to ponder over HSK5 手工 + shou3gong1 handwork; manual HSK5 利用 + li4yong4 to exploit; to make use of; to use; to take advantage of; to utilize HSK5 透明 + tou4ming2 transparent; open (non-secretive) HSK5 繁荣 + fan2rong2 prosperous; booming (economy) HSK5 用功 + yong4gong1 diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort HSK5 用途 + yong4tu2 use; application HSK5 假设 + jia3she4 suppose that...; hypothesis; conjecture HSK5 集合 + ji2he2 to gather; to assemble; set (mathematics) HSK5 信任 + xin4ren4 to trust; to have confidence in HSK5 狮子 + shi1zi5 lion; CL:只/只zhi1,头/头tou2 HSK5 组合 + zu3he2 to assemble; combination; combinatorial HSK5 维修 + wei2xiu1 maintenance (of equipment); to protect and maintain HSK5 编辑 + bian1ji2 to edit; to compile; editor; compiler HSK5 讽刺 + feng3ci4 to satirize; to mock; irony; satire; sarcasm HSK5 军事 + jun1shi4 military affairs; military matters; military HSK5 补充 + bu3chong1 to replenish; to supplement; to complement; additional; supplementary; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 冷淡 + leng3dan4 cold; indifferent HSK5 道理 + dao4li5 reason; argument; sense; principle; basis; justification; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 字幕 + zi4mu4 caption; subtitle HSK5 实话 + shi2hua4 truth HSK6 奉献 + feng4xian4 to consecrate; to dedicate; to devote HSK6 干扰 + gan1rao3 to disturb; to interfere; perturbation; interference (physics) HSK6 干预 + gan1yu4 to meddle; to intervene; intervention HSK6 干涉 + gan1she4 to interfere; to meddle; interference HSK6 理智 + li3zhi4 reason; intellect; rationality; rational HSK6 无知 + wu2zhi1 ignorant; ignorance HSK6 动力 + dong4li4 power; motion; propulsion; force HSK6 更正 + geng1zheng4 to correct; to make a correction HSK6 事态 + shi4tai4 situation; existing state of affairs HSK6 事件 + shi4jian4 event; happening; incident; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 + ta1 to collapse; to droop; to settle down HSK6 真理 + zhen1li3 truth; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 真相 + zhen1xiang4 the truth about sth; the actual facts HSK6 蔑视 + mie4shi4 to loathe; to despise; contempt HSK6 敬业 + jing4ye4 to be dedicated to one's work; to respect one's work HSK6 藐视 + miao3shi4 to despise; to look down on HSK6 恶化 + e4hua4 to worsen HSK6 相辅相成 + xiang1fu3xiang1cheng2 to complement one another (idiom) HSK6 相差 + xiang1cha4 to differ; discrepancy between HSK6 瓦解 + wa3jie3 to collapse; to disintegrate; to crumble HSK6 振兴 + zhen4xing1 to revive; to revitalize; to invigorate; to re-energize HSK6 投机 + tou2ji1 to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable HSK6 推论 + tui1lun4 to infer; inference; corollary; reasoned conclusion HSK6 推测 + tui1ce4 speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate HSK6 拼命 + pin1ming4 to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it HSK6 过失 + guo4shi1 defect; fault HSK6 过渡 + guo4du4 to cross over (by ferry); transition; interim; caretaker (administration) HSK6 威力 + wei1li4 might; formidable power HSK6 民间 + min2jian1 among the people; popular; folk; non-governmental; involving people rather than governments HSK6 屈服 + qu1fu2 to surrender; to yield HSK6 疏忽 + shu1hu5 to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness HSK6 陶醉 + tao2zui4 to be infatuated with; to be drunk with; to be enchanted with; to revel in HSK6 晴朗 + qing2lang3 sunny and cloudless HSK6 昌盛 + chang1sheng4 prosperous HSK6 愚昧 + yu2mei4 ignorant; uneducated HSK6 旷课 + kuang4ke4 to play truant; to cut classes HSK6 思索 + si1suo3 to think deeply; to ponder HSK6 思念 + si1nian4 to think of; to long for; to miss HSK6 思维 + si1wei2 (line of) thought; thinking HSK6 财富 + cai2fu4 wealth; riches HSK6 削弱 + xue1ruo4 to weaken; to impair; to cripple HSK6 收藏 + shou1cang2 to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (Internet) HSK6 锲而不舍 + qie4er2bu4she3 to chip away at a task and not abandon it (idiom); to chisel away at sth; to persevere; unflagging efforts HSK6 钦佩 + qin1pei4 to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly HSK6 气魄 + qi4po4 spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude HSK6 生存 + sheng1cun2 to exist; to survive HSK6 生效 + sheng1xiao4 to take effect; to go into effect HSK6 复活 + fu4huo2 resurrection HSK6 复兴 + fu4xing1 to revive; to rejuvenate HSK6 熏陶 + xun1tao2 to seep in; to influence; to nurture; influence; training HSK6 牺牲 + xi1sheng1 to sacrifice oneself; to lay down one's life; to do sth at the expense of; beast slaughtered for sacrifice; sacrifice; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 牲畜 + sheng1chu4 domesticated animals; livestock HSK6 敌视 + di2shi4 hostile; malevolence; antagonism; to view as enemy; to stand against HSK6 解体 + jie3ti3 to break up into components; to disintegrate; to collapse; to crumble HSK6 名副其实 + ming2fu4qi2shi2 not just in name only, but also in reality (idiom) HSK6 传记 + zhuan4ji4 biography; CL:篇pian1,部bu4 HSK6 优胜劣汰 + you1sheng4lie4tai4 survival of the fittest (idiom) HSK6 倒闭 + dao3bi4 to go bankrupt; to close down HSK6 侵略 + qin1lu:e4 invasion; encroachment HSK6 川流不息 + chuan1liu2bu4xi1 the stream flows without stopping (idiom); unending flow HSK6 修复 + xiu1fu4 to restore; to renovate; restoration HSK6 侮辱 + wu3ru3 to insult; to humiliate; dishonor HSK6 信赖 + xin4lai4 to trust; to have confidence in; to have faith in; to rely on HSK6 停滞 + ting2zhi4 stagnation; at a standstill; bogged down HSK6 反思 + fan3si1 to think back over sth; to review; to revisit; to rethink; reflection; reassessment HSK6 反射 + fan3she4 to reflect; reflection (from a mirror etc); reflex (i.e. automatic reaction of organism) HSK6 领事馆 + ling3shi4guan3 consulate HSK6 分歧 + fen1qi2 difference (of opinion, position); bifurcation HSK6 纲领 + gang1ling3 program; guiding principle HSK6 终点 + zhong1dian3 the end; end point; finishing line (in a race); destination; terminus; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 衰退 + shuai1tui4 to decline; to fall; to drop; to falter; a decline; recession (in economics) HSK6 变故 + bian4gu4 an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune HSK6 变质 + bian4zhi4 to degenerate; to go bad; to deteriorate; metamorphosis HSK6 废墟 + fei4xu1 ruins HSK6 腐朽 + fu3xiu3 rotten; decayed; decadent; degenerate HSK6 畜牧 + xu4mu4 to raise animals HSK6 新陈代谢 + xin1chen2dai4xie4 metabolism (biology); the new replaces the old (idiom) HSK6 毅力 + yi4li4 perseverance; willpower HSK6 误解 + wu4jie3 to misunderstand; to misread; misunderstanding HSK6 谦逊 + qian1xun4 humble; modest; unpretentious; modesty HSK6 凝聚 + ning2ju4 to condense; to coagulate; coacervation (i.e. form tiny droplets); aggregation; coherent HSK6 问世 + wen4shi4 to be published; to come out HSK6 差别 + cha1bie2 difference; distinction; diversity; disparity HSK6 首饰 + shou3shi4 jewelry; head ornament HSK6 爆发 + bao4fa1 to break out; to erupt; to explode; to burst out HSK6 爆炸 + bao4zha4 explosion; to explode; to blow up; to detonate HSK6 火药 + huo3yao4 gunpowder HSK6 额外 + e2wai4 extra; added; additional HSK6 实力 + shi2li4 strength HSK6 活力 + huo2li4 energy; vitality; vigor; vital force HSK6 性能 + xing4neng2 function; performance
Old HSK word(s):



Thực sự +


Sunny +


Sữa +

这个房子差不多有 300 年的~了。

Lịch sử +


Sức khỏe +


Sub - +


Sự kết thúc của những +


Sự khác biệt +


Sự khác biệt +


Sự khác biệt +


Sự hài lòng +


Giáo sư +


Cao su +


Sự khác biệt +


Đại sứ quán +


Sức mạnh +


Sự thông cảm +


Sử dụng +


Sự tự tin +


Sửa chữa +


Sự tự tin +


Luật sư +


Sự hiểu lầm +


Survey +


Lịch sự +


Súp +


Sự phấn khích +

Hiệu suất +

Sử dụng +

Kỹ sư +

Sự kích thích +

Sức mạnh +

Súng +

Sương mù +

Sự bình đẳng +

Thực sự +

Sức mạnh +

Suy nghĩ +

Hướng dẫn sử dụng +

Sử dụng +

Trong suốt +

Sự thịnh vượng +

Sức mạnh +

Sử dụng +

Giả sử +

Bộ sưu tập +

Sự tin tưởng +

Sư tử +

Một sự kết hợp của +

Sửa chữa +

Chỉnh sửa +

Sự trớ trêu +

Quân sự +

Bổ sung +

Sương mù +

Sự thật +

Subtitles +

Sự thật +

Sự cống hiến +

Sự can thiệp +

Sự can thiệp +

Sự can thiệp +

Sự tỉnh táo +

Sự thiếu hiểu biết +

Sức mạnh +

Chỉnh sửa +

Sự kiện +

Sự kiện +

Sự sụp đổ +

Sự thật +

Sự thật +

Sự khinh thường +

Sự cống hiến +

Sự khinh thường +

Suy thoái +

Bổ sung +

Sự khác biệt +

Sự sụp đổ +

Sự hồi sinh của những +

Suy đoán +

Suy luận +

Suy đoán +

Tung hết sức, +

Sơ suất +

Sự chuyển đổi +

Sức mạnh +

Dân sự, +

Năng suất +

Sơ suất +

Say sưa +

Sunny +

Sự thịnh vượng +

Sự thiếu hiểu biết +

Với sự vắng mặt +

Suy nghĩ +

Suy nghĩ +

Suy nghĩ +

Sự giàu có +

Làm suy yếu +

Bộ sưu tập +

Sự kiên trì +

Sự ngưỡng mộ +

Sự táo bạo +

Sự sống còn +

Sự xâm nhập vào lực lượng +

Resurrection +

Sự hồi sinh +

Sự soi sáng +

Sự hy sinh +

Gia súc +

Sự thù địch +

Sự sụp đổ +

Một sự thật +

Tiểu sử +

Sự sống còn của +

Sự sụp đổ +

Sự xâm lược +

Dòng suối +

Sửa chữa +

Sự xúc phạm +

Sự tin tưởng +

Sự trì trệ +

Sự phản ánh +

Sự phản ánh +

Lãnh sự quán +

Sự khác biệt +

Chương trình nghị sự +

Sự kết thúc +

Suy thoái +

Sự thay đổi +

Suy thoái +

Sự đổ nát +

Suy +

Gia súc +

Sự trao đổi chất +

Sự kiên trì +

Sự hiểu lầm +

Sự khiêm tốn +

Sự gắn kết +

Sự ra đời của những +

Sự khác biệt +

Đồ trang sức +

Sự bùng nổ của những +

Sự bùng nổ +

Thuốc súng +

Bổ sung +

Sức mạnh +

Sức sống +

Hiệu suất +
Grade E word(s):
