
13 New HSK word(s): HSK3 健康 + jian4kang1 health; healthy HSK4 力气 + li4qi5 strength; CL:把ba3 HSK5 权力 + quan2li4 power; authority HSK5 力量 + li4liang5 power; force; strength HSK5 用功 + yong4gong1 diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort HSK6 动力 + dong4li4 power; motion; propulsion; force HSK6 拼命 + pin1ming4 to do one's utmost; with all one's might; at all costs; (to work or fight) as if one's life depends on it HSK6 威力 + wei1li4 might; formidable power HSK6 牲畜 + sheng1chu4 domesticated animals; livestock HSK6 畜牧 + xu4mu4 to raise animals HSK6 首饰 + shou3shi4 jewelry; head ornament HSK6 实力 + shi2li4 strength HSK6 活力 + huo2li4 energy; vitality; vigor; vital force
Old HSK word(s):



Sức khỏe +


Sức mạnh +

Sức mạnh +

Sức mạnh +

Sức mạnh +

Sức mạnh +

Tung hết sức, +

Sức mạnh +

Gia súc +

Gia súc +

Đồ trang sức +

Sức mạnh +

Sức sống +
Grade E word(s):
