
preparation + act of making ready for a purpose or activity

2 New HSK word(s): HSK2 准备 + zhun3bei4 preparation; to prepare; to intend; to be about to; reserve (fund) HSK6 筹备 + chou2bei4 preparations; to get ready for sth
1 Old HSK word(s): D * pei2 kuan3 reparations



Sẵn sàng +

Chuẩn bị +
Grade E word(s):

他考试前没做任何准备,所以不及格。 He didn't do any preparation for this exam, so he failed.
他们对即将到来的选举作了充分的准备。 They have made good preparation for the upcoming elections.
新娘的男亲属们聚集在一起为婚礼做准备。 The bride's kinsman gathered to make preparations for the wedding.
那计划的构想倒是十分宏伟, 但终因准备不足而告吹. The plan, brilliant in its conception, failed because of inadequate preparation.
犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备 A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing.
该国正进行备战[准备打仗]. The country is making preparations for war/to go to war.
学生要先念一年预科, 然後才能开始攻读学位课程. Students have to do a year's preparation before they start the degree course proper.
这部词典的筹备工作已进行了多年. Years of work have gone into the preparation of this dictionary.
熟石膏粉供绘画或作浅层浮雕表面用的混有胶水的熟石膏制剂 A preparation of plaster of Paris and glue used as a base for low relief or as a surface for painting.