
remember + To bring a previous image or idea to your mind

4 New HSK word(s): HSK3 记得 + ji4de5 to remember HSK5 想念 + xiang3nian4 to miss; to remember with longing; to long to see again HSK5 纪念 + ji4nian4 to commemorate; to remember; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 记忆 + ji4yi4 to remember; to recall; memory; CL:个/个ge4
5 Old HSK word(s): A VA * ji4 mark/ remember/ jot down/ record B VA * xiang3nian4 remember with longing/ miss B VA * ji4de remember B v;n * ji4yi4 remember/ memory D VA * wang4que4 forget/ disremember



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Grade E word(s):

向你全家问好。 Remember me to your family.
别忘了给服务员小费. Please remember (ie Don't forget to tip) the waiter.
在以后的岁月中,他一直记着她临别时的一吻。 He remembered her parting kiss in the following years.
我对发生的每件事的细枝末节都记得清清楚楚。 I had remembered in minute detail everything that had happened.
你记得表上的读数吗? Do you remember the reading on the meter?
你还记得我们解剖青蛙的那堂课吗? Do you remember the lesson on the anatomy of a frog?
一谈到别的事情时,他们的记性并不是很好,但他们却记得彗星。 Their memory wasn't very good when it came to recalling other things, but they remembered the comet.
我记得很清楚。 I remember quite clearly.
他重复了几遍直到记住为止. He repeated it several times over (ie again and again) until he could remember it.
人们不会忘记他统治时期的暴行。 People will remember the tyrannies of his reign.
"我对自己说过的话很懊悔"。"不必在意,反正我不会记在心上的。" "I'm sorry for what I said." "Forget it, I can't remember anyway."
这些公式我并不全都记得。 I do not remember all these formula.
他只不过是照背讲义而已. He's simply regurgitating stuff remembered from lectures.
是为了它那不曾要求,不曾知道,不曾记得的小小的需要。 It is for small needs it never asks, or knows or remembers.
记住,你现在当家作主了,要大胆说话,有什么想法就告诉我们。 Remember you are one of the masters now, so speak up and tell us what you think.
他因品质高尚而被人怀念。 He is remembered for the nobility of his character.
他把诗中记得住的都背诵出来了。 He recited as much of the poem as he could remember.
让我们永远怀念为世界和平献身的勇士们。 Let us remember the brave who died for the peace of the world.
那事件是值得记忆的。 The event is worthy of being remembered.
谁也没记著应当签名. Nobody remembered to sign their names.
有个机警的店员准确记得那个男子的穿著. An observant shop assistant had remembered exactly what the man was wearing.
儿子,别担心,作不出来就算了。告诉你老师,别忘了诗人是天生的,不是教出来的。 Stop worrying if you can't do it, son, and tell your teacher to remember that poets are born, not made.
我们应该始终牢记日本是一个好战的国家。 We should always remember that Japan is a martial nation.
我记得感到上帝或某人把我们凑合在一起。 I remember feeling that God, or someone, had brought us together.
记住,靠近大桥时开慢一些,迎面来的车流有先行权。 Remember to ease up as you approach the bridge; oncoming traffic has the right of way.
她对这个老人手脚迟缓,头脑糊涂十分恼火。她应该记住人都要年老的。 She gets impatient with the old man being so slow and confused. She ought to remember that old age comes to us all.
今天,托马斯·莫尔爵士作为《乌托邦》的作者而留在人们的记忆之中。 Sir Thomas More is remembered today as the author of Utopia.
回忆或遐想指与另一人、物或观点联系在一起的记忆中的或想象的感情、情感、观点或感觉 A remembered or imagined feeling, emotion, idea, or sensation linked to a person, object, or idea.
坐在窗边的那个老家伙不太引人注目—人们记不起他是什么时候开始就每天晚上光顾这家酒吧。 That old fellow by the window is part of the furniture—he's been coming in this pub every night for longer than anyone can remember.