
reach + To come to or arrive at a goal or destination

10 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + gou4 to reach; to be enough HSK4 + man3 to fill; full; filled; packed; fully; completely; quite; to reach the limit; to satisfy; satisfied; contented HSK5 达到 + da2dao4 to reach; to achieve; to attain HSK5 到达 + dao4da2 to reach; to arrive HSK5 结论 + jie2lun4 conclusion; verdict; CL:个/个ge4; to conclude; to reach a verdict HSK6 抵达 + di3da2 to arrive; to reach (a destination) HSK6 成交 + cheng2jiao1 to complete a contract; to reach a deal HSK6 达成 + da2cheng2 to reach (an agreement); to accomplish HSK6 上游 + shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river); upper level; upper echelon; upstream HSK6 妥协 + tuo3xie2 to compromise; to reach terms; a compromise
21 Old HSK word(s): A VA * dao4 arrive/ reach/ go to/ leave for A VS * gou4 be enough/ be up to/ reach/ quite B VA * dao4da2 arrive/ reach/ get to B * da2 dao4 achieve/ attain/ reach C * jue2 kou3 (of a dike/ dam; etc.) be breached C v;n * tu1po4 charge-breach/ break through/ breakthrough C VA * fei4teng2 boil/ reach ebullition/ seethe with excitement C VA * da2 extend/ reach/ attain/ understand/ express C * da2 cheng2 reach (agreement)/ conclude (negotiation) C VA * di3 support/ set off/ be equal to/ compensate/ reach C VA * zhuan3da2 relaying-reach/ pass on/ convey/ communicate C VA * zhi2da2 direct-reach/ go straight (or nonstop) to the destination C N * shang4you2 upper reaches (of a river)/ advanced position C N * xia4you2 lower reaches (of a river)/ backward position D VS * shen1yuan3 far-reaching D VA * gu3chui1 advocate/ preach up D VA * po4lie4 breach/ rive D * mian4 mian4 ju4 dao4 reach every aspect of a matter D N * que1kou3 breach/ gap D N * jing4jie4 realm/ extent reached D N * zhong1you2 middle reaches of a river



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Grade E word(s):

青少年是身体成熟期。 Teenage is the period at which the body reaches maturity.
我走到临湖而开的那扇门前。 I reached the gate that opened onto the lake.
两国关系已达到出现危机的地步。 Relation between the two countries has reached a crisis point.
一个干部必须联系群众,同群众打成一片。 A cadre must reach out to and be one with the masses.
许多富商靠极其残酷地践踏别人而爬了上去。 Many a rich businessman reached the top by trampling on others in the most brutal way.
那次行进速度很快, 到中午已抵达伦敦. It was good going to reach London by midday.
我的记忆靠不住。 My memory is treacherous.
那是我想象不到的。 That's beyond the reach of my imagination.
这条新的公路一直延伸到我们村庄。 The new road reaches as far as our village.
她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。 She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis.
这段时间的失业人数又达到了创纪录水平。 In this period, unemployment reaches record levels.
到这次新闻发布时, 贸易量已达到最低点。 At the time of this news release, trading had reached its lowest point.
水源污染已经达到危及居民健康的程度。 Pollution of the water supply reached a level pernicious to the health of the population.
当我到达山顶的时候,我有一种巨大的成就感。 I felt a great sense of achievement when I reached the top of the mountain.
常去教堂的英国人更喜欢严格的布教者,因为他认为一些深刻的真理不至于伤害他的邻居。 The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm.
她的头发几乎垂到了腰部. Her hair nearly reached down to her waist.
他已经登上事业的顶峰。 He has reached the pinnacle of his career.
他已经达到了他事业的顶峰。 He has reached the zenith of his career.
达成和平协定的概率是零。 The probability of a peace agreement being reached is zero.
他们钻透了几层岩石以寻找石油. They drilled through several layers of rock to reach the oil.
我们很快就抵达一片高度约九十英尺的高原。 Soon we reach a plateau at an elevation of about ninety feet.
他平安的消息到达她那里之前,那段时间似乎是无限漫长的。 It seemed an eternity before news of his safety reached her.
他们与雇主达成的协议是他们在工资方面降低要求, 但每周工时要缩短. The bargain they reached with their employers was to reduce their wage claim in return for a shorter working week.
辐射作用已达到前所未有的程度. Radiation reached unheard-of levels.
他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨. He preaches the same sermon every Christmas.
牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。 The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我). Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
这个消息万一传到她的耳朵里,她一定得大发雷霆。 If this news ever reaches her ears, she'll be furious.
他小心翼翼地沿著突出的檐向那惊惶失措的男孩靠近。 He eased himself along the ledge to reach the terrified boy.
这种胡乱猜测甚嚣尘上, 已经到了必须立即解决的程度了. Speculation has reached such a pitch that a decision will have to be made immediately.
一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。 Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
我的家乡在这条河的上游地区。 My hometown is in the upper reaches of the river.
如果今年做出较大努力,我们有可能达到这个指标。 If we put in more efforts this year, we may be able to reach that mark.
事情到了两群人马各坐在教堂里相对的两边,隔着通道怒目相视的地步。 Things reached the point where the two groups sat on opposite sides of the church, glaring across the aisle.
谈判陷入僵局. The negotiations have reached deadlock.
谈判陷入僵局。 The negotiations have reached a deadlock.
我方坦克突破了敌人的防线. Our tanks have breached the enemy defences.
我晕船, 恨不得立刻上岸. I'm no sailor and I couldn't wait to reach dry land.
一大群人聚集起来听他布道. A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
罢工者与雇主已达成协议。 The strikers have reached a settlement with the employers.
对不起,您的汇款还没有到我们这儿。 Sorry, your remittance have not reach us yet.
早晨八九点钟是交通的高峰时刻. Traffic reaches a peak between 8 and 9 in the morning.
在圣诞节期间, 广告战已达到高潮. The advertising campaign reached a crescendo at Christmas.
他们已经到了必须彼此分手的地步。 They have reached the point where they have to separate with each other.
无论如何, 医疗物资会在一周内到达。 At any rate, the medical supplies will reach you within a week.
有效的防卫是不待对方导弹击中我们而先行将其拦截. Effective defence is a matter of intercepting their missiles before they can reach us.
我们经过好多小时的辩论以后,谈判有了转折,没用多久便达成了协议。 After all those hours of arguing, the talks began to head out and it was not long before we were able to reach an agreement.
我们沿着一条人迹罕至的小径到达了寺庙。 We reached the temple through an unfrequented mountain track.
我的脚怎麽也够不著踏板. My feet can hardly reach the pedals.
【谚】狐狸吃不到葡萄,就说葡萄酸。 "The grapes are sour", as the fox said when he could not reach them.
违背违背一项法律、规则或协议;违反 A violation, as of a law, a regulation, or an agreement; a breach.
足球比赛中恣意闹事现在已经达到愈演愈烈的地步。 Football hooliganism is now reaching epidemic proportions.
光度视网膜亮度单位,相当于每平方米有一烛光亮度的表面,通过一平方毫米的瞳孔区域,到达视网膜的光线数量 A unit of retinal illumination, equal to the amount of light that reaches the retina through 1 square millimeter of pupil area from a surface having a brightness of 1 candela per square meter.
他伸手去拿枪. He reached for his gun.
已达成和解. An amicable settlement was reached.
我伸手到桌子那端去拿果酱. I reached across the table for the jam.
沿路前行直至有交通灯处. Go down the road till you reach the traffic lights.
那几笔款子加起来总数很可观。 The sums reached to a considerable total.
她一直在鼓吹新鲜空气的好处。 She's always preaching the value of fresh air.
当我们到达山顶时,美丽景色展现在我们的眼前。 The beautiful scenery was set out before us as we reached the top of the hill.
这位教师停下手中批改的试卷,伸手去拿香烟和火柴。 The teacher set the papers he was marking on one side and reach for his cigarettes and matches.
我们最终达成了协议。 Finally we reached an agreement.
日落时我们抵达了港口. We reached (the) harbour at sunset.
大浪在堤上冲出一个缺口. The huge waves made a breach in the sea wall.
对文盲的教育服务项目扩大 An educational outreach to illiterate adults.
那猫轻轻一跃就够到了树枝. With an easy spring the cat reached the branch.
他登上顶端时气喘得很厉害. He was quite puffed by the time he reached the top.
陪审团做出被告无罪的裁决. The jury returned a verdict of (ie reached a decision that the accused was) not guilty.
我们驶抵公海, 海岸似乎退到了远方. We reached the open sea and the coast receded into the distance.
科学家推算出宇宙飞船抵达月球的时间。 The scientists calculated when the spacecraft would reach the moon.
他徒步走了好几天,最后安全到达一个游击队根据地。 He travelled on foot for several days until he safely reached a guerrilla base.
最高天天堂的最高处,古人相信那里完全是火与光的圣地 The highest reaches of heaven, believed by the ancients to be a realm of pure fire or light.
既然雇主们同工会领袖无法在直接谈判中达成协议,就指定了一位当地的名律师进行调解。 A well-known local lawyer has been appointed to mediate between the employers and the union leaders, since they can't reach an agreement in direct talks.
验证协议的程序,它从一个给定的初始状态机械地产生出一切可以到达的状态,并且审查每一状态下用户定义的条件的有效性。 A program for protocol verification which mechanically generates all states reachable from a given initial state and checks the validity of user defined conditions in each state.
销售现已开始停滞不前。 Sales have now reached a plateau.
救护车及时赶到了那座倒塌的大厦。 The ambulance reached the collapsed building in due time.
狐狸躲在猎狗抓不到它的灌木丛中。 The fox hid in the thicket where the dog could not reach it.
双方能互让和解吗? Can the two sides reach a compromise?
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳. After a period of rapid inflation, prices have now reached a plateau.
经急剧通货膨胀之後物价现已趋於平稳。 After a period of rapid inflation, price have now reach a plateau.
由於双方都不肯妥协, 谈判陷入僵局. The negotiations had reached an impasse, with both sides refusing to compromise.
飞机上升到这样高度时,飞行员昏厥了片刻时间。 The pilot blacked out for a moment upon reaching such a high altitude.
他小心翼翼地往后探身终于拿到了橱顶的那支笔。 He reached back carefully and got the pen on the very top of the cupboard.
他们须通过齐膝的烂泥和堆积物, 磕磕绊绊来到遇难者身旁. They had to wade knee-deep through mud and debris to reach the victims.
少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。 In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
这个理论清楚地阐述了一种新的、影响深远的有关空间、时间、运动、质量、能量的特性及控制这些的关系的结论。 The theory set forth new and farreaching conclusions about the nature of space, time, motion, mass, energy, and the relations governing all these.