
coverage + type of programs a radio or TV station broadcasts
storage + act of storing something; a depository for goods
average + typical or normal; usual; ordinary
drag + To pull something that difficult to move
encourage + To make someone more determined or confident
fragment + part that is broken off of something
paragraph + section of writing that usually deals with one subject

43 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + ting1 to listen; to hear; to obey; a can (loanword from English "tin"); classifier for canned beverages HSK1 + shui3 water; river; liquid; beverage; additional charges or income; (of clothes) classifier for number of washes HSK2 + ling2 zero; nought; zero sign; fractional; fragmentary; odd (of numbers); (placed between two numbers to indicate a smaller quantity followed by a larger one); fraction; (in mathematics) remainder (after division); extra; to wither and fall; to wither HSK2 + gao1 high; tall; above average; loud; your (honorific) HSK3 饮料 + yin3liao4 drink; beverage HSK3 + duan4 paragraph; section; segment; stage (of a process); classifier for stories, periods of time, lengths of thread etc HSK4 鼓励 + gu3li4 to encourage HSK4 + qing1 light; easy; gentle; soft; reckless; unimportant; frivolous; small in number; unstressed; neutral; to disparage HSK4 + la1 to pull; to play (a bowed instrument); to drag; to draw; to chat HSK4 勇敢 + yong3gan3 brave; courageous HSK4 + xiang1 fragrant; sweet smelling; aromatic; savory or appetizing; (to eat) with relish; (of sleep) sound; perfume or spice; joss or incense stick; CL:根gen1 HSK4 流行 + liu2xing2 to spread; to rage (of contagious disease); popular; fashionable; prevalent; (math.) manifold HSK5 车库 + che1ku4 garage HSK5 + sui4 to break down; to break into pieces; fragmentary HSK5 + long2 dragon; CL:条/条tiao2; imperial HSK5 + hui1 ash; dust; lime; gray; discouraged; dejected HSK5 灰心 + hui1xin1 to lose heart; to be discouraged HSK5 平均 + ping2jun1 average HSK5 勇气 + yong3qi4 courage; valor HSK5 + chui1 to blow; to play a wind instrument; to blast; to puff; to boast; to brag; to end in failure; to fall through HSK5 实用 + shi2yong4 practical; functional; pragmatic; applied (science) HSK6 理直气壮 + li3zhi2qi4zhuang4 in the right and self-confident (idiom); bold and confident with justice on one's side; to have the courage of one's convictions; just and forceful HSK6 鞭策 + bian1ce4 to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress) HSK6 杠杆 + gang4gan3 lever; pry bar; crowbar; financial leverage HSK6 + ye4 to drag; to haul HSK6 挫折 + cuo4zhe2 setback; reverse; check; defeat; frustration; disappointment; to frustrate; to discourage; to set sb back; to blunt; to subdue HSK6 不象话 + bu4xiang4hua4 unreasonable; shocking; outrageous HSK6 零星 + ling2xing1 fragmentary; random; bits and pieces; sporadic HSK6 + xie4 bits; fragments; crumbs; filings; trifling; trivial; to condescend to HSK6 通俗 + tong1su2 common; everyday; average HSK6 悲惨 + bei1can3 miserable; tragic HSK6 + hou3 roar or howl of an animal; bellow of rage HSK6 见义勇为 + jian4yi4yong3wei2 to see what is right and act courageously (idiom, from Analects); to stand up bravely for the truth; acting heroically in a just cause HSK6 贬低 + bian3di1 to belittle; to disparage; to play down; to demean; to degrade; to devalue HSK6 勉励 + mian3li4 to encourage HSK6 片断 + pian4duan4 section; fragment; segment HSK6 魄力 + po4li4 courage; daring; boldness; resolution; drive HSK6 停泊 + ting2bo2 to anchor; anchorage; mooring (of a ship) HSK6 储存 + chu3cun2 stockpile; to store; to stockpile; storage HSK6 端午节 + Duan1wu3jie2 the Dragon Boat Festival (5th day of the 5th lunar month) HSK6 奖励 + jiang3li4 to reward; reward (as encouragement) HSK6 泄气 + xie4qi4 to leak (gas); to be discouraged; to despair; (disparaging) pathetic; to vent one's anger; (of a tire) to be flat HSK6 激励 + ji1li4 to encourage; to urge; motivation; incentive
51 Old HSK word(s): A VA * la1 pull/ drag/ haul/ play/ draw in/ shit A VS * xiang1 fragrant/ savory/ be with relish A M * duan4 segment/ period/ paragraph A VA * chui1 blow/ brag/ fail/ break up B VS * ping2jun1 share out equally/ mean/ average B v;n * gu3 encourage/ urge/ encouragement B VS * yong3gan3 brave/ courageous B N * yong3qi4 courage B VS * pu3tong1 ordinary/ common/ average B VA * lao1 drag for/ dredge for B VA * tuo1 tug/ drag/ pull B N * long2 dragon B VS * shi2yong4 practical/ pragmatic B v;n * bao4dao4 report/ cover/ coverage/ story C VA * che3 tear/ pull/ drag/ chat/ chitchat C * hui1 xin1 lose heart/ be disheartened/ be discouraged C N * zu3li4 resisting-force/ resistance/ drag/ obstruction C VS * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered C VA * gan3yu2 have the courage to/ dare to/ be bold in C N * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke C VS * nu4 angry/ raging/ forceful/ vigorous/ dynamic/ vehement C VS * can3 miserable/ tragic/ cruel/ inhumane C VA * zha4 1. explode, burst 2. blow up, blast, bomb 3. fly into a rage, flare up C v;n * jiang3li4 encourage with some incentive/ reward/ award C N * dan3 gallbladder/ courage/ nerve/ bladder C N * yin3liao4 drinking-stuff/ drink/ beverage D N * lie4huo3 raging fire/ blaze D VA * yong3yu2 have the courage to D v;n * cai2jue2 judge/ umpirage D VS * ling2xing1 scattered/ fragmentary D N * qing1ting2 dragonfly D N * xiang1wei4 fragrance D N * xu4mu4 pasturage D VA * mian3li4 encourage D VA * zhu4zhang3 foster/ encourage D VS * qi1can3 tragic/ deplorable D VA * mie4shi4 disparage/ scorn D VA * zhuai4 drag/ haul D VS * fen1fang1 fragrant D * qi3 you3 ci3 li3 outrageous/ preposterous D * xie4 qi4 pathetic/ feel discouraged D N * si4liao4 feedstuff/ forage D VA * sou1cha2 search for/ forage for D N * ma1bu4 cleaning rag D N * dan3liang4 courage/ spunk D v;n * wang4xiang3 mirage/ deliria D N * dan3zi courage D VS * ren2jun1 personal average D N * bei1ju4 tragedy D * chui1 niu2 brag/ boast D N * ku4cun2 storage



Nghe +


Nước +


Zero +


Cao +


Đồ uống +


Phần +


Khuyến khích +


Ánh sáng +


La +


Dũng cảm +


Hương +


Phổ biến +

Garage +

Broken +

Rồng +

Ash +

Chán nản +

Trung bình +

Can đảm +

Thổi +

Thực tế +

Tự tin +

Không +

Đòn bẩy +

Kéo +

Thất vọng +

's một vụ bê bối! +

Không thường xuyên +

Chip +

Phổ biến +

Bi kịch +

Tiếng gầm +

Dũng cảm +

Coi thường +

Khuyến khích +

Mảnh +

Can đảm +

Đậu +

Lưu trữ +

Lễ Hội Thuyền Rồng +

Phần thưởng +

Chán nản +

Kích thích +
Grade E word(s):

电视上对这件事报道很少。 The television coverage of the event was rather sparse.
请于每段第一行缩格书写。 Please indent the first line of each paragraph.
工厂的平均支出是二千美元。 The average outgo of the factory is 2000 dollars.
本班男生的平均年龄是十五岁。 The average age of the boys in this class is fifteen.
我觉得我没有勇气告诉他这个坏消息。 I don't think I have the courage to tell him the bad news.
这些羊被赶在一起,排成歪歪扭扭的一行。 The sheep were herded into a ragged line.
你决不会知道你的鼓励对我多么有意义。 You will never know how much your encouragement meant to me.
他在面对危险的时候表现出非凡的勇气。 He showed remarkable courage when he faced the danger.
我妈妈鼓励我,而且坚持我应该继续我的教育。 My mother encouraged me and insisted that I continue my education.
香山红叶是北京最浓最浓的秋色。 The red leaves of maple trees of the Fragrant Hills are the most charming autumn scenery in Beijing.
人生幸福易逝。 Human happiness is so fragile.
那儿有很多喂牛的饲料。 There is much forage for the cattle.
花发出一阵幽香。 The flowers gave off a fragrant odor.
这艘船的停泊税一年是五千美元. The vessel tax of anchorage is 5,000 dollars per year.
要她去牙科医生那里看病非得生拉硬拽不可. She had to be dragged into seeing the dentist.
贵国是什么时候实行普选权的? When was universal suffrage introduced in your country?
这一段里面有很多名词,例如男孩、女孩和书本。 In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book.
我看不上他的作品。 I disparage his work.
那个女人讨厌透顶。 That woman is a thorough drag.
他们的勇气慢慢消失。 Their courage oozed away.
这个玻璃盘子很容易碎。 This glass plate is very fragile.
他以勇气赢得大家的尊敬。 He won honor for his courage.
抗议者被警察拖走了。 The protesters were dragged away by the police.
他把汽车送到修车厂修理。 He sent his car to the garage for repair.
这里年平均降雪量为10厘米. The average snowfall here is 10cm a year.
我可以闻到雨后鲜花的清香。 I can smell the fragrance of flowers after showers.
他鼓起全部的勇气参加比赛。 He mustered all his courage to take part in the game.
农产品价格的提高有助于农业。 High prices for farm products encouraged farming.
她鼓励她表达个人深处的感情。 She encourages her to express her innermost feelings.
我们鼓励他坚持自己对此事的看法。 We encouraged him to assert his view of the matter.
我们不得不把汽车拖到最近的修车厂。 We have to tow that car to the nearest garage.
你的鼓励使我对我的未来更加有信心。 Your encouragement made me more confident of my future.
几个孩子跟不上父母的步子,落在后面。 A few young children are straggling along behind their parents.
他一方面受到批评,另一方面却受到鼓励。 He has been criticized on one hand and encouraged on the other.
从一间屋子的量度可以推断出整座建筑物的大小. One can extrapolate the size of the building from the measurements of an average room.
收成可能低于平均水平,请以同样价格再采购一些。 Crop likely below average will suggest renew purchase contract same price
我咬牙切齿愤怒已极。 I was gnashing my teeth with rage.
这只老虎拖着它的猎物进了丛林。 The tiger dragged its kill into the jungle.
要鼓励消费者对劣质商品投诉. Consumers are encouraged to complain about faulty goods.
那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。 The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.
那位著名的政治家死于一场悲惨的意外事故。 The famous politician died in a tragic accident.
在离开停车场之前, 我们鼓励了史密斯一家。 We encouraged the Smiths before leaving the parking lot.
我们永远都不应该忘记日本侵略者犯下的暴行。 We should never forget the outrage committed by the Japanese invaders.
我是失望,而不是泄气。 I was more disappointed than discouraged.
我佩服他的坚韧不拔的勇气。 I admire him for his grim courage.
那个女人常贬低我的成就。 The woman always disparages my achievements.
划龙舟时每个人都拿着一枝桨。 In dragon boat rowing each person has one oar.
将某人的收入分至四年从而使税赋降至最小程度 Average one's income over four years so as to minimize the tax rate.
4,6,8的平均数是6。 The average of 4, 6 and 8 is 6.
他们对犯人的残酷虐待激起了极大的愤怒。 Their barbarous treatment of prisoners aroused great rage.
她热爱自己的家庭, 但家庭却是她事业的累赘. She loves her family, but they're a drag on her career.
存资料区域专用来贮存积累资料的储存区域 A section of storage reserved for storing accumulated data.
一达到适当的年龄,孩子们就被鼓励,而不是被强迫,"离开老窝"。 Upon reaching an appropriate age, children are encouraged, but not forced, to "leave the nest".
你可真有胆量. You must have a lot of courage.
这位老人气得发抖。 The old man quivered with rage.
他勇敢地面对困难。 He faced the difficulty with courage.
老师赞扬了她的勇气。 The teacher praised her for her courage.
那只猫拖著断腿吃力地走. The cat was dragging its broken leg.
他的评论把她气得火冒三丈。 She was seething with rage at his remarks.
这一小群人发出了刺耳的喊叫。 A ragged shout went up from the small crowd.
士兵的勇气在战斗中得到考验。 A soldier's courage is put to the proof in battle.
预测电子工业的前途一片大好. The prognosis for the future of the electronics industry is encouraging.
这次危难是对他的勇气和技能的考验。 The crisis put his courage and skill to the test.
编辑把整段全删掉了. The editor struck out the whole paragraph.
我删除了这篇文章的一个段落。 I cut out the paragraph in this article.
她听到这一悲惨消息, 脸都白了. She listened to the tragic news ashen-faced.
我用沾满油污的碎布擦我的自行车. I use an oily rag to clean my bike with.
他的辩论因被打断而显得不完整。 The interruption fragmented his argument.
甚至他最知己的朋友也劝阻他去寻求更高的职位。 Even his closest friends discouraged him from seeking higher office.
凡是有正义感的人都一定会对这种暴行感到震惊. All ,right-minded people will be surely shocked by this outrage.
新近发生的这一悲惨事件使药品厂商受到指控. This recent tragedy has put the manufacturersof the drug squarely in the dock.
极度的狂怒使妻子不但在家里,而且还在外头破口大骂。 It was more than blind rage which led the wife to swear outside as well as in.
不停的动乱和日常生活的平凡活动看来会阻碍或者至少会使人不能安静地集中思考。 The incessant hurry and trivial activity of daily life seem to prevent, or at least, discourage quiet and intensive thinking.
他的衣服破烂不堪了。 His clothes were torn to rags.
他的勇气在艰难困苦中经受了严峻的考验。 His courage was severely tried by his ordeal.
仓库中的失窃使利润损失了百分之二. Pilferage in the warehouse reduces profitability by about two per cent.
在计算机图形学中,提供显示空间均匀覆盖面的预定扫描线图案。 In computer graphics, a predetermined pattern of lines, that provides uniform coverage of a display space.
总而言之,这是一个妙极了的激动人心的凯尔特故事,中间穿插着一些闪烁着智慧与机智的片断。 All in all then, it is a rattling good Celtic yearn with a few fragments of wit-and-wisdom thrown in.
这些分数远在一般水平以上[以下]. These marks are well above/below average.
编辑删除了(文章的)最後一段. The editor deleted the last paragraph (from the article).
她尽管遇到许多挫折,却仍然不气馁。 Despite all these discouragements, she refused to give up.
哈里以辉煌的110击球率给本赛季划上了句号。 Harry ended this season with a splendid batting average of110.
她的经历很悲惨, 我们都深受感动[我们都很伤心]. Her tragic story touched us all deeply/touched our hearts with sorrow.
殊品,完人,绝代佳人卓越无比的完美事物或美人;完人 A person or thing of unsurpassed excellence or beauty; a paragon.
破烂,垃圾丢弃的东西,如玻璃、碎布、纸片或金属等可以用某种方式重复使用的东西 Discarded material, such as glass, rags, paper, or metal, that may be reused in some form.
水晶石石英断片,直径4到64毫米(0。16到2。51英寸),尤指天然圆形的石英颗粒 A rock fragment between4 and64 millimeters(0.16 and2.51 inches) in diameter, especially one that has been naturally rounded.
我所问的那个家伙起先一声也不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后他说:“稍等一会儿。” The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said," Just a minute."
不要助长孩子的坏习惯. Don't encourage bad habits in a child.
他怒火中烧. He was boiling (over) with rage.
我喜欢笑剧而不喜欢悲剧. I prefer farce to tragedy.
我喜欢喜剧而不喜欢悲剧。 I prefer comedy to tragedy.
人们叫喊著为选手打气. The crowd yelled (out) encouragement at the players.
我们迫不得已去看了那场歌剧. We were dragooned into going to the opera.
她真有胆量, 竟敢对抗上司. It was courageous of her to opposeher boss.
破碎打碎成碎片的动作或过程 The act or process of breaking into fragments.
中等的中等的或一般的数量或范围的 Of medium or average quantity or extent.
古人认为勇敢是美德的主要成分。 The ancients counted courage as the main part of virtue.
今年的稻米产量高于往年平均产量的百分之十五。 The rice crop this year is15 percent above the average.
她的行为残暴到了极点。 Her behaviour was a positive outrage.
我正想洗出一两块抹布。 I just want to wash out one or two rags.
他受劝阻去做另一次的尝试。 He was discouraged from making another attempt.
他用一块沾油的抹布擦干净汽车。 He cleaned the car with an oily rag.
他在找新房子时把家具存放在仓库里。 His furniture is in storage while he finds a new house.
指挥官朝气蓬勃和欢欣愉悦的神态使士兵们勇气倍增。 The leader's vital and cheerful manner filled his men with courage.
作者似乎拿不定主意是写喜剧还是写悲剧, 致使这个剧非驴非马. The author seems uncertain whether he is writing a comedy or a tragedy, so the play falls between two stools.
花园里的空气又温暖又芬芳。 The air in the garden was warm and fragrant.
那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时. The outrageous book created a sensation.
这些灌木的蔓生枝条该剪了. These straggly stems should be pruned off the bush.
他们投产的新轿车广获传媒报道. The launch of their new saloon received much media coverage.
平均每天被窃取的货物价值为15英镑。 On average, 15 worth of goods is stole every day.
我膀子上挎着两件衣服,活像一个卖旧货的。 I held two coats over my arm like a rag-and-bone merchant.
这个普普通通的指挥见到这样的乐谱便认输了。 The average conductor, faced with such a score, throws up his cards.
杰克太爱吹牛了,当教练说他并不是他所想像的那么好时,他感到很惊讶。 Jack brags too much and it set him back on his heels when the coach told him he wasn't as good a player as he thought he was.
它的用处是备份大量的数据或增加存储容量。硬盘的存储容量从几百兆字节不等。 Hard disks provide tremendous storage capacities ranging from hundreds of megabytes to several gigabytes.
莫斯科电视为撤军做了广泛的报导,一则苏联电视报导说车队曾受攻击,但是并未提供细节。  Moscow television carried extensive coverage of the pullout. A Soviet television correspondence said the convoy had come under fire but did not provide details.
当数据从一个设备传送到另一个设备时,用于补偿数据流速率差或事件发生时间差的一种例行程序或存储器。 A routine or storage used to compensate for a difference in rate of flow of data, or time of occurrence of events, when transferring data from one device to another.
一种能动态重新安排存储器的处理技术,即把各连续已用的存储段移到存储器的一端,把未使用的存储空间集中到存储器的另一端。 A process of dynamic relocation in which contiguous segments are moved to one end of the memory to combine all unused storage at the other end.
他把一小块乾净的布缠住脚腕. He wrapped a clean rag around his ankle.
总是受到讥笑使人非常气馁。 It's very discouraging to be sneered at all time.
那时一场大瘟疫正在该城肆虐。 A great plague was then raging in the city.
热气经白色的沙面反射形成了蜃景. The heat reflected from the white sand formed a mirage.
人们告诉他那悲惨的消息後,他已六神无主了。 He went to pieces when they told him the tragic news.
她有财富便於她在社会各界造成巨大影响。 Her wealth gives her enormous leverage in social circles.
肆意地作出粗暴的行为;纵情享受最新时尚 Indulged in outrageous behavior; indulged in all the latest fads.
`他肺都气炸了,'一句中的`炸'字是比喻用法. `He exploded with rage' shows a figurative use of the verb `to explode'.
较大的,全面的比平均范围、宽度或容量大的;广泛的 Of greater than average scope, breadth, or capacity; comprehensive.
调查人员在飞机残骸中搜索, 希望找出造成这一悲惨事件的原因. Investigators are searching the wreckage of the plane to try and find the cause of the tragedy.
修车厂雇用琼斯做修理工,但发现他是冒牌货后,就把他解雇了。 The garage hired Jones as a mechanic, but fired him when they found he was sailing under false colours.
如果你想象我一样做一个新闻工作者,那我决不会劝阻你。来吧,快来吧! If you're thinking of becoming a journalist like me, I'd be the last to discourage you. Come on in, the water's fine!
在计算机程序设计中,将主存某些单元的内容复制到同一主存中的其它单元中去。同transfer。 In computer programming, to copy from locations in main storage into locations in the same main storage.
汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。 The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.
经过特别警告巴格达不得在伊拉克任何地方使用毒气和作战飞机(这些警告鼓励了少数民族叛变)以后,当伊拉克继续用作战直升机对付叛军时,布什却半途而废未加制止。 After having pointedly warned Baghdad not to use poison gas or combat aircraft anywhere in Iraq, warnings that had encouraged the rebellion, Mr.Bush pulled up short when Iraq continued to fly combat helicopters against the insurgents.