
13 New HSK word(s): HSK3 太阳 + tai4yang5 sun; CL:个/个ge4; abbr. for 太阳穴/太阳穴tai4 yang2 xue2 HSK4 阳光 + yang2guang1 sunshine; CL:线/线xian4; transparent (open to public scrutiny) HSK4 麻烦 + ma2fan5 inconvenient; troublesome; annoying; to trouble or bother sb; to put sb to trouble HSK4 烦恼 + fan2nao3 to be worried; to be distressed; worries HSK5 天空 + tian1kong1 sky HSK5 + shai4 (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to HSK5 果然 + guo3ran2 really; sure enough; as expected; if indeed HSK6 惹祸 + re3huo4 to stir up trouble; to invite disaster HSK6 抛弃 + pao1qi4 to abandon; to discard; to renounce; to dump (sb) HSK6 骚扰 + sao1rao3 to disturb; to cause a commotion; to harass HSK6 日新月异 + ri4xin1yue4yi4 daily renewal, monthly change (idiom); every day sees new developments; rapid progress HSK6 传单 + chuan2dan1 leaflet; flier; pamphlet HSK6 + cong2 cluster; collection; collection of books; thicket
Old HSK word(s):


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Rắc rối +


Rắc rối +

Bầu trời +

Ánh nắng mặt trời +

Chắc chắn rồi +

Rắc rối +

Bị bỏ rơi +

Quấy rối +

Với mỗi ngày trôi qua +

Tờ rơi +

Rối +
Grade E word(s):
