
property + Things, building or piece of land owned by someone

6 New HSK word(s): HSK5 财产 + cai2chan3 property; assets; estate; CL:笔/笔bi3 HSK5 特征 + te4zheng1 characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait HSK6 转让 + zhuan3rang4 transfer (technology, goods etc); conveyancing (property) HSK6 物业 + wu4ye4 property; real estate; abbr. for 物业管理/物业管理wu4 ye4 guan3 li3, property management HSK6 产业 + chan3ye4 industry; estate; property; industrial HSK6 资产 + zi1chan3 property; assets
4 Old HSK word(s): C N * xing4neng2 property-capability/ performance/ capability/ property C N * cai2chan3 property/ possessions C * wu2chan3 jie1ji2 no-property-rank-level/ proletariat/ working class C N * yi2chan3 left-property/ heritage/ legacy/ inheritance


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Grade E word(s):

他打算把财产转让给儿子。 He intends to transfer the property to his son.
警察在小偷的家里发现了一些被盗的财物。 The police found some stolen property in the thief's house.
一只碗,一双筷子就是他的全部家产。 A bowl and a pair of chopsticks are all the property he has.
这个城市在飞速发展,市中心的房地产价格越来越贵。 The city is developing rapidly and property in the center is becoming more expensive.
他详细列出全部被盗的财物。 He gave full particulars of the stolen property.
他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. He has a property in the West Country.
所有权构成控制或处置财产或所有权的合法权力的所有要素同时符合的条件 The coincidence of all the elements that constitute the fullest legal right to control and dispose of property or a claim.
光度计用来测量光的性质、尤其是光的强度和通量的仪器 An instrument for measuring a property of light, especially luminous intensity or flux.
地产的发展逐渐占据了农田. Increasingly, farm land is yielding to property development.
市政会向房主施加了压力, 促使其改善房子的居住条件. The council brought pressure to bear on the landlord to improve his property.
他就财产与他们进行商议。 He bargained with them for the property.
一种诉讼案。在此案中一方当事人要求获得被另一当事人所占有的财产或货物。 Court case in which one party claim property or goods in the possession of the other.
生命活的有机物区别于死的有机物和无机物的特性和性质,主要表现在新陈代谢、生长发育、生殖、对刺激的反应、对环境的适应等有机体本身所固有的机能中 The property or quality that distinguishes living organisms from dead organisms and inanimate matter, manifested in functions such as metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism.
这个公司出租房地产。 This company leases out property.
他拥有许多不动产。 He possesses a lot of immovable real property.
效能有功效的特征或性质 The quality or property of being efficient.
拥有房地产要有很大的开销。 Ownership of property involves great expense.
该财产处理掉能获相当的金额。 The property can be disposed of for a good sum.
我得到法庭认可重新拥有这笔财产。 I've been authorised by the court to repossess this property.
将财产转让他人,通常指土地的转让。 The transfer of property usually land to someone else.
英国的政治以往是有产阶级的特权. Politics in Britain used to be the perquisite of the property-owning classes.
负债资产某人尤指破产者所拥有的可以用来抵债的全部财产 The entire property owned by a person, especially a bankrupt, that can be used to settle debts.
他的财产被他叔叔霸占了。 His property was seized on by his uncle.
公社主义公社所有权的信仰或实践,如对商品和财产 Belief in or practice of communal ownership, as of goods and property.
燃放鞭炮不仅仅被看作讨厌的事,而且还被认为是对人的生命财产的严重威胁。 Setting off firecrackers is seen not merely as a nuisance, but also as a big threat to man's life and property.
三色性某些矿物质所具有的特性,当放在白光下从三个不同的方向观察,会呈现出三种不同的颜色 The property possessed by certain minerals of exhibiting three different colors when viewed from three different directions under white lights.
鉴别器,鉴频器一种将输入信号的某一特征,如频率或相位转变为幅度变化装置,其变化大小因信号与标准或参考信号的不同程度而异 A device that converts a property of an input signal, such as frequency or phase, into an amplitude variation, depending on how the signal differs from a standard or reference signal.
财产于1998年将归还原所有人。 The property revert to its original owner in1998.
针对人或财产的民事不规行为称之为“侵权”。 Civil wrong against persons or property is called"torts".
资产阶级在马克思的理论中,所有者阶层的一员;资本家 In Marxist theory, a member of the property-owning class; a capitalist.
公社一个比较小、常在乡村的公社,它的成员分享公共财产、工作和收入,并常集中自己的财产 A relatively small, often rural community whose members share common interests, work, and income and often own property collectively.