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他一想到自己对她的死负有责任就感到心如刀割。 The thought that he was responsible for her death preyed on his mind.
忧虑损害了她的健康。 Cares preyed upon her health.
他像老虎一样悄悄潜近他的猎物。 He moved like a tiger stalking its prey.
弱肉强食。 Strong animals prey upon weaker ones.
狮子抓住猎物,把它吃了。 The lion seized its prey and ate it.
鹰捕食小鸟。 Hawks prey on small birds.
那只鹰向那小动物猛扑过去把它叼走了. The hawk pounced on its prey and carried it off.
迪克因野心勃勃而自食其果。 Dick fell a prey to his ambition.