
0 New HSK word(s):
1 Old HSK word(s): D VA * gu3chui1 advocate/ preach up


Grade E word(s):

她大力鼓吹节约是解决危机的关键。 She preached economy as the best means of solving the crisis.
常去教堂的英国人更喜欢严格的布教者,因为他认为一些深刻的真理不至于伤害他的邻居。 The british churchgoer prefer a severe preacher because he think a few home truth with do his neighbour no harm.
他每逢圣诞节都宣讲同一教旨. He preaches the same sermon every Christmas.
牧师在布道会上宣讲慈爱的必要。 The priest preached a sermon on the need of charity.
一大群人聚集起来听他布道. A large multitude had assembled to hear him preach.
她一直在鼓吹新鲜空气的好处。 She's always preaching the value of fresh air.