
potential + capable of happening or becoming reality
potentially + that could happen or become reality

3 New HSK word(s): HSK6 无能为力 + wu2neng2wei2li4 impotent (idiom); powerless; helpless HSK6 霸道 + ba4dao4 the Way of the Hegemon, abbr. of 霸王之道; despotic rule; rule by might; evil as opposed to the Way of the King 王道; overbearing; tyranny; (of liquor, medicine etc) strong; potent HSK6 潜力 + qian2li4 potential; capacity
2 Old HSK word(s): C N * dian4ya1 voltage/ electric potential difference D N * qian2li4 potential


Bất lực +

Hách +

Tiềm năng +
Grade E word(s):

她意识到在所采用的方法中可能出错. She recognized the potential for error in the method being used.
如果贵公司愿意,我们将乐于提供样品,便于您向有购买潜力的顾客展示。 If you agree we shall be glad to supply you with our samples for you to show to the potential customers.
差劲……我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了。 Darn...just when I start think he have potential, he just drop everything and took another job elsewhere.
特命全权公使派驻国外使馆的特命全权使节,仅低于大使 A minister plenipotentiary assigned to a foreign embassy, ranking next below the ambassador.
那个国家的潜力很大,但文明程度还不够发达。 The country has a big potential but civilization there is still in the rough.
她在他们三人中最敏感, 首先意识到他们处境的潜在危险. The most perceptive of the three, she was the first to realize the potential danger of their situation.
路易斯制造的局面使得该政府首脑不仅能够在竞选中弄虚作假,而且还可以肆意侵吞联邦公款,除掉可能的竞争对手。 Lewis had created a situation whereby it was possible for the man at the top to fiddle elections, embezzle union funds and do away with potential rivals.
未来学一门以当前状况和趋势为出发点,对如科学、技术和社会潜在的发展作出预测或研究的学科 The study or forecasting of potential developments, as in science, technology, and society, using current conditions and trends as a point of departure.