
preparation + act of making ready for a purpose or activity
reality + What is true, as opposed to what is imagined
suggest + to mention something that could be done; propose
suitable + right for a particular purpose or occasion
use + to do something with, for a task or purpose
write + To compose letters and words on paper or a screen
adapt + To change something to fit or suit a new purpose
assume + to believe, based on the evidence; suppose
commitment + promise or decision to do something for a purpose
design + to plan in a particular way to fulfill a purpose
intention + aim or purpose
organization + formal group of people with a particular purpose
partnership + working with others for some purpose
policy + course of action proposed by an organization, etc
project + a planned piece of work for specific purpose
success + achievement of a desired purpose or goal
wander + To move around without purpose
appropriate + Right or suitable for some situation or purpose
bid + To propose an amount you want to pay for something
burden + To weigh down with a load, impose a task upon
focus + main purpose or center of interest or activity
function + what something is intended to be used for; purpose
institution + organization created for a particular cause or purpose
rural + Concerning the country as opposed to the city
for + Used to show the purpose, or need of something

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
