
personnel + group of people who work for a company

6 New HSK word(s): HSK2 服务员 + fu2wu4yuan2 waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK5 员工 + yuan2gong1 staff; personnel; employee HSK5 人事 + ren2shi4 personnel; human resources; human affairs; ways of the world; (euphemism) sexuality; the facts of life HSK5 人员 + ren2yuan2 staff; crew; personnel; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 周转 + zhou1zhuan3 turnover (in cash or personnel); to have enough resources to cover a need HSK6 周转 + zhou1zhuan3 turnover (in cash or personnel); to have enough resources to cover a need; also written 周转/周转
2 Old HSK word(s): B N * ren2yuan2 personnel/ staff D N * ren2shi4 personnel



Người phục vụ +

Nhân viên +

Nhân viên +

Nhân viên +

Làm việc vốn +

Làm việc vốn +
Grade E word(s):

这家公司的主要问题是缺少有技术的人员。 The company's main problem is the shortage of skilled personnel.
必须把滥竽充数的科研人员调到其他工作岗位上去。 The scientific research personnel who held the post without qualification must be transferred to another post.
军职人员常被禁止与平民百姓友好往来. Army personnel are often forbidden to fraternize with the civilian population.
我正攻读人事学。 I am studying personnel management.
人事经理发起了一个全面性的运动,使工作人员星期五下午都上班。 The personnel manager have launch an all-out campaign to get the staff to work on Friday afternoon.
人事部门正在组织新雇员的培训. Personnel is/are organizing the training of the new members of staff.
船上定员行驶船舶所要求配备的全体官员和在编士兵 The full crew of officers and enlisted personnel required to run a ship.
地雷,水雷一种用来摧毁敌军部队、船舰、碉堡或装备的爆破装置,通常安放在隐蔽处,由于接触、靠近或定时而引爆 An explosive device used to destroy enemy personnel, shipping, fortifications, or equipment, often placed in a concealed position and designed to be detonated by contact, proximity, or a time fuse.