
personal + done by or to a particular person; individual
personally + by a specific person, and not by anyone else
personality + person_s unique character; the way that a person usually acts

11 New HSK word(s): HSK5 私人 + si1ren2 private; personal; interpersonal; sb with whom one has a close personal relationship; a member of one's clique HSK5 个人 + ge4ren2 individual; personal; oneself HSK5 个性 + ge4xing4 individuality; personality HSK5 交往 + jiao1wang3 to associate (with); to have contact (with); to hang out (with); to date; (interpersonal) relationship; association; contact HSK5 亲自 + qin1zi4 personally HSK6 本人 + ben3ren2 the person himself; I (humble form used in speeches); oneself; myself; in person; personal HSK6 气质 + qi4zhi4 temperament; personality traits; manners HSK6 特长 + te4chang2 personal strength; one's special ability or strong points HSK6 私自 + si1zi4 private; personal; secretly; without explicit approval HSK6 外向 + wai4xiang4 outward-looking; extrovert; extroverted (personality); export-oriented (economy) HSK6 人格 + ren2ge2 personality; integrity; dignity
10 Old HSK word(s): B Adv * qin1zi4 personally B VS;n * si1ren2 private/ personal/ one's own man/ B N * xin1de2 something personal acquired from study C Adv * qin1yan3 (see) with one's own eyes/ (witness) personally C N * ge4xing4 personality/ individuality/ character D VS * qin1shen1 personal/ firsthand D Adv * qin1shou3 personally D N * xin1ren2 new personality D N * ren2ge2 personality D VS * ren2jun1 personal average


Riêng tư +

Cá nhân +

Cá tính +

Tương tác +

Cá nhân +

Tôi +

Tính khí +

Đặc sản +

Tư nhân +

Ra nước ngoài +

Cá tính +
Grade E word(s):

人们应经常洗澡以保证个人卫生。 People should wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.
日记簿用来保存个人经历记载的本子 A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
我将亲自过问此事. I shall give the matter my personal attention.
我有点私事和你商量。 I have something personal to discuss with you.
一个人的衣著可反映出其个性. Your clothes are a reflection of your personality.
他选择了德国,而我个人倒更喜欢西班牙。 He chose Germany, but personally I'd prefer to go to Spain.
李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。 Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.
皇室的领地并非属于国王私人所有,而是属于国家的。 Land belonging to the crown does not belong to the king personally but to the state.
我个人还是赞成炸香肠。 I personally vote for fried sausage.
个人清洁对于健康和仪表同样重要。 Personal cleanliness is important to health as well as to appearance.
出于个人利益考虑, 男子开始介入女子的工作领域。 Men begin to enter female jobs out of consideration for personal interest.
我没料到他会堕落到对我进行人身攻击的地步。 I didn't expect him to descend to personal abuse.
他死後, 他妹妹整理了他的(私人)财物. After his death his sister sorted through his (personal) belongings.
他完全是靠个人的魅力,说服他们和他在一起干。 He persuaded them to join him by the sheer magnetism of his personality.
日志,日记对于事件、经历及感想的有规律进行的私人记录;日志 A personal record of occurrences, experiences, and reflections kept on a regular basis; a diary.
我亲眼看见他拿了钱。 I personally see him taking money.
他的个性体现在他的文章中。 His personality comes through in his writing.
她有典型的金牛座性格. She is a typical Taurus/Taurean/has a typical Taurean personality.
我讨厌与那些没有人情味的大公司打交道。 I hate dealing with large impersonal companies.
一位体育界的著名人士被邀请为决赛开球。 A sports personality was invited to kick off at die final.
1986年布什所预料到的尴尬情形果然发生了。他的政治生涯的确受到威胁。他[对里根]的效忠到了瘫痪自己的程度。这固然是个人美德,但在政治上却是障碍。 The dilemma that Bush foresaw in1986 has come to pass. His political career is indeed at stake, and his paralyzing loyalty is becoming a political handicap as well as a personal virtue.
他先给我们讲了一个亲身经历的故事,这样大家就谈了起来。 He led off the conversation by telling us a story of his personal experience.
尽量避免人身攻击. Try to avoid making personal comments.
那场争论已演变成过分的人身攻击了. The argument was becoming too personal.
心理记录表一种个人或群体的性格特征的图示或图表 A graphic representation or chart of the personality traits of an individual or a group.
习惯性行为一种固定的行动模式,能引起神经失常或造成人格 A pattern of behavior constituting a mental disorder or personality type.
他与顾客的关系是事务性的,理所当然不可能跟他们之间有多少个人感情。 His relations with his clients were also cut and dried, very little personal feeling could in the nature of things come into them.
傲慢是他品格上的最大缺陷. Pride was the greatest flaw in his personality.
发表这个声明只是为了提高他个人的威信。 The statement was aimed at raising his personal prestige.
那套有你亲手绣着我们名字的浴巾美极了。 The set of bath towels you personally monogrammed for us is beautiful.
我不管你个人是怎么想的,但与公司顾客谈生意时,你必须遵循我们的既定方针。 I don't care what your personal views are; when talking to this company's clients you must follow the party line.
永恒不变的个人恒心和经常顺从的挂念 Constant personal attention and often obsequious solicitude.
她雇佣我为她的私人助理,但我似乎要做的一切是替她打杂。 She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.
他给一些为报纸专栏`写'文章的体育界名人做捉刀人. He ghosts for a number of sports personalities who `write' newspaper columns.
精神变态者一个有反社会人格病症的人尤指有侵犯性、变态、犯罪或不道德行为的人 A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in aggressive, perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.