
4 New HSK word(s): HSK6 埋没 + mai2mo4 to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion HSK6 疏忽 + shu1hu5 to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness HSK6 忽略 + hu1lu:e4 to neglect; to overlook; to ignore HSK6 俯视 + fu3shi4 to overlook; to look down at
3 Old HSK word(s): B VA * lin2 face/ overlook C VA * hu1shi4 ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard D VA * hu1lve4 ignore/ overlook


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Grade E word(s):

我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.