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水正从管子里喷出来。 Water is spouting out of the pipe.
大声叫嚷的孩子听不到妈妈的叫唤。 The shouting boy did not hear his mother call him.
我极力控制住自己没对他喊叫起来。 I only just managed to stop myself from shouting at him.
因为选举结果多已公布, 可谓大局已定. Now that most of the election results have been declared, it's all over bar the shouting.
整个城市到处都在兴建新楼房。 New buildings are sprouting up all over the city.
很多人,盛怒之下又退回到孩提时代,边大喊大叫边跺脚地发脾气。 Many men, when very angry, regress to their childhood and show their bad temper by shouting and stamping their feet.