
onto + Movement towards a certain direction, or into a certain area

3 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + shang4 on top; upon; above; upper; previous; first (of multiple parts); to climb; to get onto; to go up; to attend (class or university) HSK5 + fu2 to support with the hand; to help sb up; to support oneself by holding onto something; to help HSK6 开朗 + kai1lang3 spacious and well-lit; open and clear; to open out (onto a wider vista); optimistic; cheerful; carefree; easy-going; open-minded
3 Old HSK word(s): B vi, vt * luo4 1. fall, drop 2. go down, set 3. fall onto, rest with 4. lay behind, fall behind 5. lower 6.leave behind, stay behind 7. get, have, receive C VA * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort C N * lun2kuo4 outline/ contour/ profile/ silhouette/ general situation



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Grade E word(s):

他跳上了桌子。 He jumped onto the table.
我走到临湖而开的那扇门前。 I reached the gate that opened onto the lake.
他跳上马, 朝寺庙方向飞奔而去。 He jumped onto the horse and galloped in the direction of the temple.
先把系帐篷的桩子打进地里,再把绳子系在桩子上。 First hammer the tent pegs into the ground, then tie the ropes onto them.
她把海报贴在墙上了. She pasted posters onto the wall.
他们把饼干倒在盘子里。 They emptied the biscuits onto the plate.
婴儿把吃进去的东西吐在桌子上了. The baby spat its food (out) onto the table.
那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。 The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.
球迷群情激昂, 一窝蜂涌进球场. The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob.
那个粗心的侍者把盘子摔到了地上。 The careless waiter dropped the dish onto the ground.
请你把这颗纽扣缝到我的衬衫上好吗? Would you sew this button onto my shirt?
那个东西掉在潮湿的沙子上, 然後沉了下去. It fell onto the wet sand, then sank (in).
埃阿斯加拿大安大略省东南部的一城镇,位于多伦多东北部伊利湖上。是制造业中心。人口25,475 A town of southeast Ontario, Canada, on Lake Erie northeast of Toronto. It is a manufacturing center. Population, 25,475.
有人把来客订旅馆房间的麻烦事交给我干。 Someone has landed onto me the job of fixing hotel rooms for the visitors.
她把葡萄放到一个大盘子上。 She put the grapes onto the platter.
列车在约克又挂上了两节车厢. Two extra carriages were joined onto the train/joined on at York.
她把帆布背包转到身後. She swung the rucksack (up) onto her back.
那攀登者不得不紧扒着悬崖峭壁。 The climber had to cling onto the cliff.
往炖煮的食物上加一匙麦麸,以增加其纤维含量。 Sprinkle a spoonful of bran onto the stew to increase the fibre content.
玩具火车的客车车厢用专门的挂钩挂上了机车。 The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook.
她用锤子猛击箱子. She smashed the hammer down onto the box.
乐队奏乐欢迎演员登台. The band played the performers onto the stage.
那孩子跑到汽车前面的路上, 司机猛踩刹车. The driver braked hard as the child ran onto the road in front of him.
轮廓线,外廓线用于定义一形状或描绘一轮廓的线 A mark used to define a shape or represent a contour.
莱思角加拿大纽芬兰省东南部一海角,位于亚法隆半岛沿岸 A promontory of southeast Newfoundland, Canada, on the coast of the Avalon Peninsula.