
obligation + duty that must be performed because of a law, rule, agreement, or promise

2 New HSK word(s): HSK5 义务 + yi4wu4 duty; obligation; commitment; volunteer duty; CL:项/项xiang4; mandatory; voluntary HSK6 履行 + lu:3xing2 to fulfill (one's obligations); to carry out (a task); to implement (an agreement); to perform
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * yi4wu4 righteous-affair/ duty/ obligation/ moral responsibility


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Grade E word(s):

破坏,违犯,不履行破坏或违反一法规、法律责任或一誓言 A violation or infraction, as of a law, a legal obligation, or a promise.
进贡的义务支付贡金或缴纳贡税的义务 The obligation to make such a payment.
人道主义,博爱主义认为人类唯一的道义责任是提高人类福利的信仰 The belief that the sole moral obligation of humankind is the improvement of human welfare.