
80 New HSK word(s): HSK3 数学 + shu4xue2 mathematics; mathematical HSK3 完成 + wan2cheng2 to complete; to accomplish HSK4 推迟 + tui1chi2 to postpone; to put off; to defer HSK4 矿泉水 + kuang4quan2shui3 mineral spring water; CL:瓶ping2,杯bei1 HSK4 距离 + ju4li2 distance; CL:个/个ge4; to be apart from HSK4 生意 + sheng1yi4 life force; vitality HSK4 生意 + sheng1yi5 business; CL:笔/笔bi3 HSK4 付款 + fu4kuan3 to pay a sum of money; payment HSK4 偶尔 + ou3er3 occasionally; once in a while; sometimes HSK4 + cai1 to guess HSK4 完全 + wan2quan2 complete; whole; totally; entirely HSK5 整个 + zheng3ge4 whole; entire; total HSK5 营业 + ying2ye4 to do business; to trade HSK5 范围 + fan4wei2 range; scope; limit; extent; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 阶段 + jie1duan4 stage; section; phase; period; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + zhan1 to observe; to divine HSK5 + zhan4 to take possession of; to occupy; to take up HSK5 时期 + shi2qi1 period; phase; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 账户 + zhang4hu4 bank account; online account HSK5 业务 + ye4wu4 business; professional work; service; CL:项/项xiang4 HSK5 智慧 + zhi4hui4 wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence HSK5 全面 + quan2mian4 all-around; comprehensive; total; overall HSK5 会计 + kuai4ji4 accountant; accountancy; accounting HSK5 结账 + jie2zhang4 to pay the bill; to settle accounts; also written 结账/结账 HSK5 经营 + jing1ying2 to engage in (business etc); to run; to operate HSK5 经商 + jing1shang1 to trade; to carry out commercial activities; in business HSK5 绝对 + jue2dui4 absolute; unconditional HSK5 商务 + shang1wu4 commercial affairs; commercial; commerce; business HSK5 诊断 + zhen3duan4 diagnosis; to diagnose HSK5 差距 + cha1ju4 disparity; gap HSK5 完整 + wan2zheng3 complete; intact HSK5 完善 + wan2shan4 perfect; to make perfect; to improve HSK5 完美 + wan2mei3 perfect; perfection; perfectly HSK5 慌张 + huang1zhang1 confused; flustered HSK6 丰盛 + feng1sheng4 rich; sumptuous HSK6 顽强 + wan2qiang2 tenacious; hard to defeat HSK6 无偿 + wu2chang2 free; no charge; at no cost HSK6 动荡 + dong4dang4 unrest (social or political); turmoil; upheaval; commotion HSK6 起草 + qi3cao3 draft (a bill); draw up (plans) HSK6 期限 + qi1xian4 time limit; deadline; allotted time HSK6 黄昏 + huang2hun1 dusk; evening; nightfall HSK6 英明 + ying1ming2 wise; brilliant HSK6 荒凉 + huang1liang2 desolate HSK6 落成 + luo4cheng2 to complete a construction project HSK6 茫然 + mang2ran2 blankly; vacantly; at a loss HSK6 扰乱 + rao3luan4 to disturb; to perturb; to harass HSK6 报销 + bao4xiao1 to submit an expense account; to apply for reimbursement; to write off; to wipe out HSK6 投机 + tou2ji1 to speculate (on financial markets); opportunistic; congenial; agreeable HSK6 推测 + tui1ce4 speculation; to conjecture; to surmise; to speculate HSK6 矿产 + kuang4chan3 minerals HSK6 布告 + bu4gao4 posting on a bulletin board; notice; bulletin; to announce HSK6 隔阂 + ge2he2 estrangement HSK6 明智 + ming2zhi4 sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious HSK6 中断 + zhong1duan4 to cut short; to break off; to discontinue; to interrupt HSK6 曲折 + qu1zhe2 winding; (fig.) complicated HSK6 团圆 + tuan2yuan2 to have a reunion HSK6 吹牛 + chui1niu2 to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect) HSK6 生肖 + sheng1xiao4 one of the twelve animals symbolic of the earthly branches 地支di4 zhi1; animal from the Chinese zodiac HSK6 算数 + suan4shu4 to count numbers; to keep to one's word; to hold (i.e. to remain valid); to count (i.e. to be important) HSK6 危机 + wei1ji1 crisis; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 夕阳 + xi1yang2 sunset; the setting sun HSK6 条款 + tiao2kuan3 clause (of contract or law); CL:项/项xiang4 HSK6 皇后 + huang2hou4 empress; imperial consort HSK6 皇帝 + huang2di4 emperor; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 作废 + zuo4fei4 to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify HSK6 狼狈 + lang2bei4 in a difficult situation; to cut a sorry figure; scoundrel! (derog.) HSK6 创业 + chuang4ye4 to begin an undertaking; to start a major task; to initiate; to venture; venture; entrepreneurship HSK6 全局 + quan2ju2 overall situation HSK6 交易 + jiao1yi4 (business) transaction; business deal; CL:笔/笔bi3 HSK6 交代 + jiao1dai4 to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to brief (sb); to account for; to justify oneself; to confess; to finish (colloquial) HSK6 充实 + chong1shi2 rich; full; substantial; to enrich; to augment; to substantiate (an argument) HSK6 壮观 + zhuang4guan1 spectacular; magnificent sight HSK6 间隔 + jian4ge2 compartment; gap; interval; to divide HSK6 迷信 + mi2xin4 superstition; to have a superstitious belief (in sth) HSK6 完毕 + wan2bi4 to finish; to end; to complete HSK6 完备 + wan2bei4 faultless; complete; perfect; to leave nothing to be desired HSK6 宽容 + kuan1rong2 lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive HSK6 空隙 + kong4xi4 crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events HSK6 容忍 + rong2ren3 to put up with; to tolerate HSK6 汹涌 + xiong1yong3 to surge up violently (of ocean, river, lake etc); turbulent
Old HSK word(s):



Toán học +


Hoàn thành +

飞机起飞的时间,~了 20 分钟。

Hoãn lại +


Nước khoáng +


Khoảng cách +

Kinh doanh +


Kinh doanh +


Thanh toán +


Thỉnh thoảng +


Đoán +


Hoàn toàn +

Toàn bộ +

Kinh doanh +

Khoảng +

Giai đoạn +

Kế toán cho +

Kế toán cho +

Khoảng thời gian +

Tài khoản +

Kinh doanh +

Khôn ngoan +

Toàn diện +

Kế toán +

Thanh toán +

Kinh doanh +

Kinh doanh +

Hoàn toàn +

Kinh doanh +

Chẩn đoán +

Khoảng cách +

Hoàn thành +

Hoàn hảo +

Hoàn hảo +

Hoảng loạn +

Thịnh soạn +

Ngoan cường +

Chưa thanh toán +

Tình trạng hỗn loạn +

Soạn thảo +

Khoảng thời gian +

Hoàng hôn +

Khôn ngoan +

Hoang vắng +

Hoàn thành +

Choáng váng +

Làm gián đoạn +

Hoàn +

Suy đoán +

Suy đoán +

Khoáng +

Thanh toán +

Khoảng cách +

Khôn ngoan +

Làm gián đoạn +

Xoắn +

Đoàn tụ +

Khoe khoang +

Hoàng đạo +

Toán học +

Khủng hoảng +

Hoàng hôn +

Điều khoản +

Nữ hoàng +

Các Hoàng Đế +

Khoảng trống +

Hỗn loạn +

Tinh thần kinh doanh +

Toàn cầu +

Kinh doanh +

Tài khoản +

Hoàn thành +

Ngoạn mục +

Khoảng thời gian +

Mê tín dị đoan +

Hoàn thành +

Hoàn thành +

Khoan dung +

Khoảng trống +

Khoan dung +

Hoành hành +
Grade E word(s):
