
book + Thing made of pages with writing on that you read
cook + To heat food until it is ready to eat
joke + To say or do things that are meant to be funny
look at + to use your eyes to focus on something
okay + Yes; alright
smoke + To breathe in through a cigarette and then blow it out
hook + curved or bent tool
stroke + To touch someone or something repeatedly in a caring way

129 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + ben3 roots or stems of plants; origin; source; this; the current; root; foundation; basis; classifier for books, periodicals, files etc; originally HSK1 + shu1 book; letter; document; CL:本ben3,册/册ce4,部bu4; to write HSK1 + dian3 point; dot; drop; speck; o'clock; point (in space or time); to draw a dot; to check on a list; to choose; to order (food in a restaurant); to touch briefly; to hint; to light; to ignite; to pour a liquid drop by drop; (old) one fifth of a two-hour watch 更geng1; dot stroke in Chinese characters; classifier for items HSK1 + ne5 particle indicating that a previously asked question is to be applied to the preceding word ("What about ...?", "And ...?"); particle for inquiring about location ("Where is ...?"); particle signaling a pause, to emphasize the preceding words and allow the listener time to take them on board ("ok?", "are you with me?"); (at the end of a declarative sentence) particle indicating continuation of a state or action; particle indicating strong affirmation HSK1 + hui2 to circle; to go back; to turn around; to answer; to return; to revolve; Hui ethnic group (Chinese Muslims); time; classifier for acts of a play; section or chapter (of a classic book) HSK1 + kan1 to look after; to take care of; to watch; to guard HSK1 + kan4 to see; to look at; to read; to watch; to visit; to call on; to consider; to regard as; to look after; to treat (an illness); to depend on; to feel (that); (after verb) to give it a try; Watch out! (for a danger) HSK1 米饭 + mi3fan4 (cooked) rice HSK2 + zhao3 to try to find; to look for; to call on sb; to find; to seek; to return; to give change HSK2 + ba5 (modal particle indicating suggestion or surmise); ...right?; ...OK?; ...I presume. HSK2 + bai2 white; snowy; pure; bright; empty; blank; plain; clear; to make clear; in vain; gratuitous; free of charge; reactionary; anti-communist; funeral; to stare coldly; to write wrong character; to state; to explain; vernacular; spoken lines in opera HSK2 意思 + yi4si5 idea; opinion; meaning; wish; desire; interest; fun; token of appreciation, affection etc; CL:个/个ge4; to give as a small token; to do sth as a gesture of goodwill etc HSK2 + kuai4 rapid; quick; speed; rate; soon; almost; to make haste; clever; sharp (of knives or wits); forthright; plain-spoken; gratified; pleased; pleasant HSK3 + huai4 bad; spoiled; broken; to break down HSK3 + dai4 band; belt; girdle; ribbon; tire; area; zone; region; CL:条/条tiao2; to wear; to carry; to take along; to bear (i.e. to have); to lead; to bring; to look after; to raise HSK3 照顾 + zhao4gu5 to take care of; to show consideration; to attend to; to look after HSK3 笔记本 + bi3ji4ben3 notebook (stationery); CL:本ben3; notebook (computing) HSK3 + xiang4 to resemble; to be like; to look as if; such as; appearance; image; portrait; image under a mapping (math.) HSK4 开玩笑 + kai1wan2xiao4 to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke HSK4 堵车 + du3che1 traffic jam; choking HSK4 + gua4 to hang or suspend (from a hook etc); to hang up (the phone); to be worried or concerned; to make a phone call (dialect); to register or record; to hitch; classifier for sets or clusters of objects HSK4 + ti2 to carry (hanging down from the hand); to lift; to put forward; to mention; to raise (an issue); upwards character stroke; lifting brush stroke (in painting); scoop for measuring liquid HSK4 抽烟 + chou1yan1 to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco) HSK4 + ca1 to wipe; to erase; rubbing (brush stroke in painting); to clean; to polish HSK4 + po4 broken; damaged; worn out; to break, split or cleave; to get rid of; to destroy; to break with; to defeat; to capture (a city etc); to expose the truth of HSK4 导游 + dao3you2 tour guide; guidebook; to conduct a tour HSK4 + zhao4 according to; in accordance with; to shine; to illuminate; to reflect; to look at (one's reflection); to take (a photo); photo; as requested; as before HSK4 咱们 + zan2men5 we or us (including both the speaker and the person(s) spoken to); I or me; you HSK4 看法 + kan4fa3 way of looking at a thing; view; opinion; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 积极 + ji1ji2 active; energetic; vigorous; positive (outlook); proactive HSK4 笑话 + xiao4hua4 joke; jest; CL:个/个ge4; to laugh at; to mock HSK4 饼干 + bing3gan1 biscuit; cracker; cookie; CL:片pian4,块/块kuai4 HSK4 伤心 + shang1xin1 to grieve; to be broken-hearted; to feel deeply hurt HSK4 + xing2 to walk; to go; to travel; a visit; temporary; makeshift; current; in circulation; to do; to perform; capable; competent; effective; all right; OK!; will do; behavior; conduct; Taiwan pr.xing4for the behavior-conduct sense HSK4 参观 + can1guan1 to look around; to tour; to visit HSK5 形容 + xing2rong2 to describe; description; appearance; look HSK5 + zhu3 to cook; to boil HSK5 刺激 + ci4ji1 to provoke; to irritate; to upset; to stimulate; to excite; irritant HSK5 期待 + qi1dai4 to look forward to; to await; expectation HSK5 + zhi2 straight; to straighten; fair and reasonable; frank; straightforward; (indicates continuing motion or action); vertical; vertical downward stroke in Chinese characters HSK5 + bo2 meager; slight; weak; ungenerous or unkind; frivolous; to despise; to belittle; to look down on; to approach or near HSK5 + mo1 to feel with the hand; to touch; to stroke; to grope; to feel (one's pulse) HSK5 搜索 + sou1suo3 to search; to look for sth; to scour (search meticulously); to look sth up; Internet search; database search HSK5 确定 + que4ding4 definite; certain; fixed; to fix (on sth); to determine; to be sure; to ensure; to make certain; to ascertain; to clinch; to recognize; to confirm; OK (on computer dialog box) HSK5 不要紧 + bu4yao4jin3 unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but HSK5 + wai1 askew; at a crooked angle; devious; noxious HSK5 + hua4 to delimit; to transfer; to assign; to plan; to draw (a line); stroke of a Chinese character HSK5 寻找 + xun2zhao3 to seek; to look for HSK5 书架 + shu1jia4 bookshelf; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + zhe2 turning stroke (in Chinese characters); see also 折zhe2 HSK5 召开 + zhao4kai1 to convene (a conference or meeting); to convoke; to call together HSK5 预订 + yu4ding4 to place an order; to book ahead HSK5 点心 + dian3xin5 light refreshments; pastry; dimsum (in Cantonese cooking); dessert HSK5 + qiao2 to look at; to see; to see (a doctor); to visit HSK5 盼望 + pan4wang4 to hope for; to look forward to HSK5 显得 + xian3de5 to seem; to look; to appear HSK5 + en4 (nonverbal grunt as interjection); OK, yeah; what? HSK5 当心 + dang1xin1 to take care; to look out HSK5 + diao4 to fish with a hook and bait HSK5 看不起 + kan4bu5qi3 to look down upon; to despise HSK5 管子 + Guan3zi3 Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齐国/齐国 of Spring and Autumn period; Guanzi, classical book containing writings of Guan Zhong and his school HSK5 + ce4 book; booklet; classifier for books HSK5 象征 + xiang4zheng1 emblem; symbol; token; badge; to symbolize; to signify; to stand for HSK5 促使 + cu4shi3 to induce; to promote; to urge; to impel; to bring about; to provoke; to drive (sb to do sth); to catalyze; to actuate; to contribute to (some development) HSK5 作为 + zuo4wei2 one's conduct; deed; activity; accomplishment; achievement; to act as; as (in the capacity of); qua; to view as; to look upon (sth as); to take sth to be HSK5 人才 + ren2cai2 talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks HSK5 前途 + qian2tu2 prospects; future outlook; journey HSK5 + lan4 soft; mushy; well-cooked and soft; to rot; to decompose; rotten; worn out; chaotic; messy; utterly; thoroughly HSK5 + tang4 to scald; to burn (by scalding); to blanch (cooking); to heat (sth) up in hot water; to perm; to iron; scalding hot HSK5 + dong4 cave; hole; zero (unambiguous spoken form when spelling out numbers); CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 + ao2 to cook on a slow fire; to extract by heating; to decoct; to endure HSK6 城堡 + cheng2bao3 castle; rook (chess piece) HSK6 埋没 + mai2mo4 to engulf; to bury; to overlook; to stifle; to neglect; to fall into oblivion HSK6 著作 + zhu4zuo4 to write; literary work; book; article; writings; CL:部bu4 HSK6 藐视 + miao3shi4 to despise; to look down on HSK6 + heng2 horizontal; across; (horizontal character stroke) HSK6 模样 + mu2yang4 look; style; appearance; approximation; about; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 机遇 + ji1yu4 opportunity; favorable circumstance; stroke of luck HSK6 转折 + zhuan3zhe2 shift in the trend of events; plot shift in a book; twists and turns HSK6 东张西望 + dong1zhang1xi1wang4 to look in all directions (idiom); to glance around HSK6 抚摸 + fu3mo1 to gently caress and stroke; to pet; to fondle HSK6 操劳 + cao1lao2 to work hard; to look after HSK6 + bo1 to push aside with the hand, foot, a stick etc; to dial; to allocate; to set aside (money); to poke (the fire); to pluck (a string instrument); to turn round; classifier: group, batch HSK6 捣乱 + dao3luan4 to disturb; to look for trouble; to stir up a row; to bother sb intentionally HSK6 + zhe2 to break; to fracture; to snap; to suffer loss; to bend; to twist; to turn; to change direction; convinced; to convert into (currency); discount; rebate; tenth (in price); classifier for theatrical scenes; to fold; accounts book HSK6 挑衅 + tiao3xin4 to provoke; provocation HSK6 撤销 + che4xiao1 to repeal; to revoke; to undo (computing) HSK6 探望 + tan4wang4 to visit; to call on sb; to look around HSK6 + pie3 to throw; to cast; left-slanting downward brush stroke (calligraphy) HSK6 不择手段 + bu4ze2shou3duan4 by fair means or foul; by hook or by crook; unscrupulously HSK6 寻觅 + xun2mi4 to look for HSK6 弥漫 + mi2man4 to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present; about to inundate (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc) HSK6 展望 + zhan3wang4 outlook; prospect; to look ahead; to look forward to HSK6 书籍 + shu1ji2 books; works HSK6 巴不得 + ba1bu5de5 (coll.) to be eager for; to long for; to look forward to HSK6 疏忽 + shu1hu5 to neglect; to overlook; negligence; carelessness HSK6 目光 + mu4guang1 sight; vision; view; gaze; look HSK6 眼光 + yan3guang1 gaze; insight; foresight; vision; way of looking at things HSK6 鄙视 + bi3shi4 to despise; to disdain; to look down upon HSK6 回顾 + hui2gu4 to look back; to review HSK6 + shu4 to erect; vertical; vertical stroke (in Chinese characters) HSK6 收藏 + shou1cang2 to hoard; to collect; collection; to bookmark (Internet) HSK6 钩子 + gou1zi5 hook HSK6 钦佩 + qin1pei4 to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly HSK6 气势 + qi4shi4 imposing manner; loftiness; grandeur; energetic looks; vigor HSK6 气魄 + qi4po4 spirit; boldness; positive outlook; imposing attitude HSK6 看待 + kan4dai4 to look upon; to regard HSK6 + sheng4 four horse military chariot (archaic); four (archaic); generic term for history books HSK6 忽略 + hu1lu:e4 to neglect; to overlook; to ignore HSK6 急功近利 + ji2gong1jin4li4 seeking instant benefit (idiom); shortsighted vision, looking only for fast return HSK6 角落 + jiao3luo4 nook; corner HSK6 外向 + wai4xiang4 outward-looking; extrovert; extroverted (personality); export-oriented (economy) HSK6 备忘录 + bei4wang4lu4 memorandum; aide-memoire; memorandum book HSK6 追究 + zhui1jiu1 to investigate; to look into HSK6 向往 + xiang4wang3 to yearn for; to look forward to HSK6 俯视 + fu3shi4 to overlook; to look down at HSK6 + cong2 cluster; collection; collection of books; thicket HSK6 烹饪 + peng1ren4 cooking; culinary arts HSK6 就业 + jiu4ye4 looking for employment; getting a job; to start a career HSK6 刻不容缓 + ke4bu4rong2huan3 to brook no delay; to demand immediate action HSK6 认可 + ren4ke3 to approve; approval; acknowledgment; OK HSK6 神态 + shen2tai4 appearance; manner; bearing; deportment; look; expression; mien HSK6 关照 + guan1zhao4 to take care; to keep an eye on; to look after; to tell; to remind HSK6 + juan4 scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll HSK6 + bie1 to choke; to stifle; to restrain; to hold back; to hold in (urine); to hold (one's breath) HSK6 炊烟 + chui1yan1 smoke from kitchen chimneys HSK6 寄托 + ji4tuo1 to have sb look after sb; to entrust the care of sb; to place (hope etc) on HSK6 容貌 + rong2mao4 one's appearance; one's aspect; looks; features HSK6 + leng4 to look distracted; to stare blankly; distracted; blank; (coll.) unexpectedly; rash; rashly
118 Old HSK word(s): A n;m * ben3 book/ root/ capital A N * fan4 meal/ cooked rice or other cereals A N * ben3zi book/ notebook A VS * po4 broken/ damaged/ break/ destroy A N * shu1 book A VS * hao3kan4 good-looking/ nice/ pretty A VA * hao3xiang4 seem/ look like/ be like/ as if A VS * shu2 ripe/ cooked/ done/ soft-boiled / familiar A N * mi3fan4 (cooked) rice A VA * can1guan1 visit/ look around A VA * zuo4 make/ do/ cook/ be/ be used as A * kai1 wan2xiao4 joke/ crack a joke/ make fun of A VA * kan4 see/ look at/ watch/ read/ think A N * dian3 1. dot stroke (in Chinese characters) 2. point A VA * cha2 examine/ investigate/ look up A N * ke4ben3 textbook A VA * zhao3 look for/ return the balance of money A VA * zhao4gu4 look after/ give consideration to A N * kou3yu3 spoken language B VA * xian3de look/ seem/ appear B VA * dang4zuo4 treat as/ regard as/ look upon as B VA * qiao2 look/ see B VA * dou4 tease/ provoke B VA * lin2 face/ overlook B N * shu1dian4 bookshop/ bookstore B VA * zhu3 cook/ boil B N * shu1jia4 bookshelf B VA * gu4 attend to/ look at B N * zhu4zuo3 work/ book/ writing B * kan4 bu qi3 look down upon B VA * guan1zhao4 look after/ keep an eye on B * kan4 yang4zi look like/ seem like B VS * wai1 askewed/ crooked/ awry B M * ce4 tome/ book B n;v * xiao4hua joke/ jest/ laugh at/ mock B * shang1 xin1 sad/ grievous/ brokenhearted B VA * xun2zhao3 look for/ seek B VA * pan4wang4 hope for/ look forward to B * xi1 yan1 smoke B N * mu2yang4 appearance/ look B VA * re3 cause/ provoke B VA * wang4 watch/ look B VS * sui4 broken B VA * zhao4kai1 convene/ convoke C N * shen2qing2 expression/ look/ air/ mien C v;n * ci4ji1 stimulate/ irritate/ provoke/ stimulus/ provocation C VA * gou1 hook/ crochet C N * gou1zi hook/ hook-like object/ tick/ check mark C N * du2wu4 reading material/ books; magazines; etc. C VA * jian1shi4 keep watch on/ keep a lookout over/ oversee C VA * qing1shi4 look down upon/ despise/ belittle/ underestimate C * po4 chan3 go bankrupt/ go broke/ come to nothing/ fall through C N * shu1ben3 (general term for) book C N * shu1ji2 (collective term for) books/ works/ literature C VS * po4lan4 broken and rotten/ ragged/ worn-out/ tattered C N * xiang1yan1 fragrant-smoke/ cigarette/ incense smoke C N * mian4kong3 face/ look/ facial expression C v;n * xiang4zheng1 symbol-sign/ symbolize/ signify/ symbol/ token C VA * da3liang4 look up and down/ check out/ examine with the eye C VA * zhu4shi4 attentively-watch/ look attentively at/ gaze at/ stare at C VA * kan1 guard/ keep under surveillance/ look after/ tend C v;n * zhu4yuan4 wish-desire/ call upon/ invoke upon/ wish/ desire C VA * wai1qu1 slant-crook/ distort/ misrepresent/ twist/ contort C N * zha1 residue/ dregs/ sediment/ broken bits/ crumb/ dross C VS * chou3 ugly/ unsightly/ bad-looking/ detestable/ shameful C N * xiao4rong2 smiling-look/ smiling expression/ smile C VA * xun2 look for/ search/ seek C VA * pan2 coil/ twist/ wind/ examine/ look into/ move/ transfer C VA * pan4 yearn for/ hope for/ expect/ look C N * wan2gu4 play-laugh/ joke/ jest/ prank C N * yan1 smoke/ tobacco/ cigarette/ opium C N * yan1cong1 smoke-hole/ chimney/ funnel/ stovepipe C VA * zhang1 open/ spread/ stretch/ lay out/ display/ show/ look C VA * zhang1wang4 peep-look/ peep (through a crack; etc.)/ look around/ C VA * hu1shi4 ignore/ overlook/ neglect/ disregard C * qian1 fang1 bai3 ji4 by every possible means/ by hook or crook C N * zhang4 account/ account book/ debt/ credit C VA * zhao1 confess/ beckon/ recruit/ provoke/ attract (sth. bad) C N * mu4guang1 sight/ view/ vision/ gaze/ look C N * jiao3luo4 corner/ nook/ remote place C v;Adv * yan3kan2 eye-see/ look on helplessly/ in a moment/ very soon C VA * zhao4ji2 summon-gather/ call together/ convoke/ convene C VS * kou3tou2 oral/ spoken/ verbal C N * lian3se4 complexion/ look/ facial expression D VA * tong3 poke/ stab D N * ju4ben3 play book D N * shen2se4 expression/ look D N * wen2ren2 literati/ bookman D * tan4 tou2 tan4 nao3 pop one's head in and look about D VA * hui2gu4 review/ look back D N * shu1kan1 books and periodicals D N * pu1ke4 poker/ playing card D n;v * zhu4 write/ book D VA * qi1dai4 expect/ look forward to D * gua4 gou1 hook up D N * mian4rong2 look/ face D VA * kan4dai4 look on D * kan4 qi3lai2 look like D VA * kan4zuo4 regard as/ look upon as D VA * guan1 look at/ watch/ see D VA * xun1 fume/ smoke D VA * zhan1yang3 look at with reverence D N * xi1 brook D N * jiao1tan4 coke D N * yan1wu4 smoke D VA * hu1lve4 ignore/ overlook D VA * tiao3bo1 provoke D VA * yu4ding4 book/ engage D VA * yu4ding4 book/ subscribe for D N * gong1ju4shu1 reference book D VA * peng1ren4 cooking D VS * ken3qie4 fair-spoken D VA * peng1tiao2 cook D VA * zhao4ying look to D VA * shi4 look at/ watch D VS * bei1shang1 heartbroken/ sorrowful D N * lian2dao1 reaphook D VA * pie1 glance at/ dart a look at


Hiện tại +


Cuốn sách +

现在是下午 3~20。

Điểm +


? +


Trở lại +


Xem +


Xem +


Gạo +


Tìm kiếm +


Nó +


Trắng +


Ý nghĩa +


Nhanh +


Xấu +


Với +


Hãy chăm sóc +


Máy tính xách tay +


Như thế +


Đùa thôi +


Giao thông mứt +


Treo +


Đề cập đến +


Khói +




Broken +


Hướng dẫn +


Ảnh +


Chúng tôi +


Xem +


Tích cực +


Cười +


Cookie +


Buồn +


Dòng +


Truy cập +

Mô tả +

Nấu +

Sự kích thích +

Mong muốn +

Thẳng +

Mỏng +

Touch +

Tìm kiếm +

OK +

Nó không quan trọng +

Crooked +

Kế hoạch +

Tìm kiếm +

Kệ sách +

Phân +

Tổ chức +

Đặt +

Khát +

Trông +

Hy vọng +

Trông +

Tốt +

Hãy cẩn thận +

Câu cá +

Nhìn xuống +

Ống +

Cuốn sách +

Biểu tượng +

Đẩy mạnh +

Như +

Tài năng +

Trong tương lai +

Thối +

Nóng +

Lỗ +

Sôi +

Lâu đài +

Chôn +

Tác phẩm +

Sự khinh thường +

Cross +

Trông giống như +

Cơ hội +

Twist +

Tin sốt dẻo +

Vuốt ve +

. +

Quay +

Đá thuyền +

Tắt +

Hành động khiêu khích +

Thu hồi +

Truy cập +

Lướt +

Vô đạo đức +

Tìm kiếm +

Khuếch tán +

Vọng +

Sách +

Muốn +

Sơ suất +

Mắt +

Tầm nhìn +

Coi thường +

Xét +

Dọc +

Bộ sưu tập +

Móc +

Sự ngưỡng mộ +

Đà +

Sự táo bạo +

Nhìn xuống +

Bởi +

Bỏ qua +

Một nhanh buck +

Góc +

Ra nước ngoài +

Bản ghi nhớ +

Giữ +

Khao khát +

Đầu +

Rối +

Nấu ăn +

Việc làm +

Khẩn cấp +

Công nhận +

Thái độ +

Chăm sóc +

Khối lượng +

Giữ +

Khói +

Ghim +

Trông +

Bị đóng băng +
Grade E word(s):

把这本书给她。 Give her the book.
一切都会好的。 Everything will be OK.
我正要找你。 Just the man I was looking for.
好像要下雨了。 It looks as if it is going to rain.
我认为我考得不错. I think I did OK in the exam.
我的爱人很会做饭。 My wife is very useful at cooking.
我昨天买了好几本书。 I bought several books yesterday.
今天看上去是个晴天。 Looks like a fine day today.
这是本有教育意义的书。 This is an instructive book.
你完全误解了我的意思。 You mistook my meaning entirely.
那个学生昨天丢了书。 That student lost his book yesterday.
书页因年久而变黄。 The leaves of the book had yellowed with age.
你的雨衣系上带子更好看. Your mackintosh looks better belted.
她一点儿也不像那么大年纪. She doesn't look her age at all.
每个学生发了一本课本。 Each student was issued with a textbook.
好像她已出去好几天了。 It looks as if she's gone away for a few days.
他喜欢拿他的同学开玩笑。 He likes playing jokes on his classmates.
我要去图书馆还这些书。 I'm just going to check in these books at the library.
我正在做晚饭时停电了。 While I was cooking supper the electricity went off.
没有这么大的地方来放这些书。 There is not so much room for these books.
游船上的人们看上去很高兴。 People on the barge looked rather happy.
我希望这本书的字再大一点儿。 I wish this book was written in bigger character.
这本书从前很出名, 现在没人看了. This book was once famous, but nobody reads it today.
班个子太矮了, 拿不到桌子上的书。 Ben is so short that he can not get at that book on the table.
我们的海关检查只花了几分钟时间。 It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.
讲一口流利的英语需要多年的刻苦操练。 It took years of hard work to speak good English.
也许这本书会对你的研究有用处。 Perhaps this book will prove to be of some use to you in your studies.
那把椅子原本是为你准备的,但是被她拿走了。 The chair was intended for you, but she took it away.
你看上去心虚。 You look guilty.
窗户碎成碎片。 The window broke into pieces.
吸烟有害健康。 Smoking is bad for the health.
我的鞋底都断了。 The soles of my shoes are broken.
吸烟对健康有害。 Smoking is injurious to health.
他的书上个月出版了。 His book came out last month.
他从箱子里拿出一本书。 He took out a book from the case.
我讨厌他在教室抽烟。 I got sick of his smoking in the classroom.
他们拿起武器保卫祖国。 They took up arms in defence of their country.
吸烟对你的健康没有好处。 Smoking is not good for your health.
我坐电梯上了第十八层。 I took the elevator to the eighteenth floor.
并不是每个人都喜欢这本书。 Not everyone likes this book.
英语现在通用于全世界。 English is spoken all over the world today.
我们及早订票以确保有座。 We book early to assure ourselves of seats.
警方查获了各种书和磁带. The police seized various books and tapes.
他用一张小的王牌吃了我的A牌。 He took my ace with a low trump.
他用一则有趣的笑话结束了演讲。 He closed his speech with a funny joke.
他花了半个小时做完这项工作。 It took him half an hour to finish the work.
他对著镜子看领带是否系正. He looked in the glass to check that his tie was straight.
我在人群中寻找她,但看不到。 I looked for her in the crowd but couldn't see her.
在你读到的地方夹上张纸条. Put a piece of paper in (ie in your book) to mark your place.
我们不敢看她那双充满渴望的眼睛。 We dare not look at her wistful eyes.
那位夫人带着满意的微笑看着我。 The lady looked at me with a contented smile.
他答应星期五之前完成这项工作。 He undertook to finish the job by Friday.
他摇摇头,因为他的想法与此不同。 He shook his head, for he thought differently.
学习英语口语不只是玩游戏而已。 Spoken English learning is not all beer and skittle.
对不起,对方的电话好象坏了。 I'm sorry, caller, their telephone seems to be broken.
这本书是他以前写的剧本的扩充。 This book is an expansion of the play he wrote before.
尽管我俩相貌不同,但都讨人喜欢。 Although our looks differ, we are both attractive.
他的脚在一块碎玻璃上划了一个大口子。 He gashed his foot on a piece of broken glass.
下课后,班长把练习册收了起来。 The monitor collected the exercise books after the class was over.
管理部门采取了一切合理的安全措施。 The management took all reasonable safety precautions.
她总胡乱摆弄手表,结果把它弄坏了。 She fiddled with her watch so much that it broke.
我还不会游泳,但我用胳膊划了几下。 I can't swim yet, but I've made a few strokes with my arms.
乘客只可以在公共汽车的上层吸烟。 Passengers may smoke only on the upper deck of the bus.
这幅画被他看中了,所以他就把他买了下来。 The painting took his fancy, so he bought it.
好的。请您告诉我贵姓及大名的头一个字母。 Ok may I have your last name and first initial, please?
无论在哪一方面他都不能被看作是个好丈夫。 In no respect can he be looked upon as a good husband.
那些难看的家具使得他的家看上去一团糟糕。 His house looks terrible with those pieces of ugly furniture.
这间屋子里放了一堆奇形怪状的破烂家具。 There is an odd assemblage of broken bits of furniture in this room.
你可以在这本书的第一部分找到你要的资料。 You may find the information you need in the first portion of the book.
我总是分不出这对姐妹, 她们看上去简直一模一样. I always confuse the sisters: they look so alike.
这本书形象地描写了一百年前的中国生活。 This book gives a good picture of life in China 100 hundred years ago.
这一千本书将构成学校新图书馆藏书的基础。 These 1000 books will form the nucleus of the new school library.
几个星期来她一直呆在家中照顾有病的父亲。 She has been tied to the house for weeks looking after her invalid father.
等所有的植物都开花时,花园会显得非常漂亮。 The garden will look very beautiful when all the plants are in flower.
别穿这些衣服去工作,要穿得象个专业人员的样子。 Don't wear those clothes to work; try to look more professional!
就翻译训练而言我认为这是一本无出其右的好书。 This is a book, which I dare say, is unequaled as far as translation practice is concerned.
我们送给那个可怜的小女孩一份生日礼物作为友谊的表示。 We sent the poor girl a birthday present in token of friendship.
她讲了一辈子中文。 She has spoken Chinese all her life.
这是这一科的权威性课本. This is the standard textbook on the subject.
那本旧书是我最珍贵的财产。 That old book is my most precious possession.
暴风雨时,我正在树下躲避。 In the storm I took shelter under the tree.
那家商场的西洋梳镜柜看上去很特别。 The chiffonier in that shop looks special.
他们跟她开玩笑, 把她往游泳池里浸了一下. They dunked her in the swimming-pool as a joke.
殖民地的人们拿起武器反抗英国统治者。 The colonists took up weapons to rebel against the British ruler.
她抬起头来,凝望着十二月份阴沉沉的天空。 She looked up staring at the sombre December sky.
我父母发现窗子被打破后,一定会有一番斥责。 There is sure to be a fuss when my parents find the window is broken.
当他穿着全套大礼服露面的时候,显得和整个场合很不协调。 He looked rather out of place when he turned up in full ceremonial rig.
第一只小鸟醒来了,男孩还能听见珍珠鸡在他的前边叫着。 The first bird woke and the boy could hear the guinea-fowl calling ahead of him.
空气中烟雾弥漫。 The air was thick with smoke.
他的眼睛被烟熏痛了。 His eyes smart at the smoke.
我有五倍于汤姆的书。 I have five times the number of Tom's books.
我的同事已经戒掉了吸烟的习惯。 My colleague has broken off the habit of smoking.
他把花茎折断,汁液就流了出来。 The sap flowed out when he broke the stem of the flower.
他们低声说话,唯恐被别人听见。 They spoke in whispers lest they should be heard.
我正在用我新买的煎锅做苹果馅饼。 I am cooking apple pies with my newly bought frying pan.
我正在看一本关于罗马帝国兴衰的书。 I am reading a book about the rise and fall of the Roman Empire.
那人太阳穴上贴了一块膏药,看上去像个卡通人物。 The man looks like a cartoon character with a plaster on his temple.
那是我以前最喜欢的饭馆,但近来烹饪水平已大不如前了。 It used to be my favourite restaurant but the standard of cooking has fallen off recently.
规范语法阐述的是该派语法学家认为的某语言的口语或书面语的标准形式. A normative grammar of a language describes how its authors think the language should be spoken or written.
我看上去怎么样? How do I look?
你选哪本书? Which one of the books is your pick?
来杯可口可乐,怎么样? How about a coke?
你喜欢我的家常菜吗? Did you enjoy my home cooking?
看看你都做了些什么! Just look at what you've done!
你知道谁打破了窗户? Do you know who broke the window?
你要把蔬菜煮熟还是生吃? Do you want your vegetables cooked or raw?
这本新书名叫《爱情故事》。 The new book is entitled Love Story.
她看上去像一个矜持的少女。 She looks like a very demure young lady.
画中的苹果显得多逼真啊! What a realistic looking apple in the picture!
他翻阅地址簿,寻找号码。 He thumbed through the address book looking for the number.
他在40 个人的班级里排第九名。 He took the ninth position in his class of forty.
车朝我开过来时约翰叫道:"小心!" "Look out!" Jone called as the car came towards me.
这本书名为《美国文学指南》。 This book is titled An Introduction to American Literature.
她提 一个棕色的纸包,里面是书。 She was carrying a parcel of books done up in brown paper.
日记簿用来保存个人经历记载的本子 A book for use in keeping a personal record, as of experiences.
作者从每本卖出的书中可得10%的版税。 The writer gets a 10% royalty on each copy sold of his book.
我们真的处于困境——没人照顾婴儿。 We are in a real fix - there is nobody to look after the baby.
我们(各处)找了半天, 却找不到那本书. We searched (around) for hours, but couldn't find the book.
顾客赊帐簿商人登记顾客购买的商品的本子 A book in which a merchant records credit sales.
你们参加高级程度英语考试要读哪些必修课本? What are your set books for English A Level?
这一段里面有很多名词,例如男孩、女孩和书本。 In this paragraph there are many nouns, such as boy, girl, and book.
你的书好像比我的有意思, 你愿意(和我)交换吗? Your book looks more interesting than mine: do you want to swap (with me)?
瞧,我这是怎么搞的!它本是辆新车。我怎么办好呢? Just look what I have done! It was a new car. Whatever am I going to do?
我那趟班机误点了, 我只好看书消磨时间[打发了两小时]. My flight was delayed, so I killed time/killed two hours reading a book.
你从图书馆借的书上的戳记表明,这本书必须明天归还。 The stamp in your library book shows it must be returned tomorrow.
你看见语法书在哪儿呢吗? 词典都在正对著的书架上. Can you see where the grammar books are? The dictionaries are on the shelf directly opposite.
把你们的学习室收拾一下,孩子们,"妈妈说,"你们把所有的书都弄得乱七八糟的了。" "Tidy up your study, kids, "Mother said, "all your books are in a muddle."
剪贴簿,影集,签名薄有空白页以便插入或存放收集品,如邮票、照片或签名的本子 A book with blank pages for the insertion and preservation of collections, as of stamps, photographs, or autographs.
请往这边看. Look this way, please.
她把书包了起来. She parcelled up the books.
没人照顾这个病人。 Nobody looks after the invalid.
这不过是个笑话而已。 It is nothing but a joke.
她看起来像运动员。 She looks like an athlete.
他带着姐姐一同去。 He took his sister along with him.
这本书有红色的包装。 The book has a red wrapper.
她是活的医学教科书. She's a walking textbook of medicine.
她在大街开了一家书店. She set up shop as a bookseller in the High Street.
天气很暖和,我就把大衣脱了。 I took off my overcoat since it was warm.
已成立工作组调查该问题. A working party has been set up to look into the problem.
他在几年前脱离了那个非法团体。 He broke away from that lawless group years ago.
我希望你不要看不起这种工作。 I wish you wouldn't look down on this kind of work.
你这本词典看来有点儿太旧了. Your copy of the dictionary is looking a bit the worse for wear.
他没有一次到书店而不买一些书。 He never went to the bookstore without buying some books.
这本书可能有用,只是相当贵。 The book is likely to be useful, only it's rather expensive.
我已经好久没有读到过这样好的书了。 I've not read such a good book for many a long day.
小男孩喜欢在书页空白边上做笔记。 The little boy likes to make notes in the margin of books.
我经常收到读过我的书的读者的来信。 I regularly get letters from people who have read my books.
正因为他操一口流利的英语,她更爱他。 She likes him all the better for his fluent spoken English.
你应该查字典找出这个单词的正确读音。 You should look up the right pronunciation of this word in the dictionary.
这本书很有趣。 This book is interesting.
吸烟对身体有害。 Smoking is bad for health.
医生检查我的耳朵. The doctor looked into my ears.
请看这里的这个盒子。 Please look at this box here.
这匹马的后腿断了。 The hind leg of this horse was broken.
这个男孩埋头读书。 The boy buried himself in his books.
我醒来时已是白天. When I woke up, it was already day.
今天早晨我醒得很迟。 I awoke late this morning.
他摇了摇头表示反对。 He shook his head in disapproval.
他用低沉的语调说话。 He spoke in sepulchral tones.
他把书放回到书架上。 He replaced the book in the shelf.
他把手表拆开来修理。 He took the watch apart to repair it.
部队已准备发起攻击。 The troops took up offensive positions.
她显得很不好意思的样子。 She looked very embarrassed.
他表情严肃地望着她。 He looked at her with a solemn expression.
瞧我们的庄稼长得多快。 Look how our plants have shot up.
每天晚上他都埋头读书. In the evenings he buries himself in his books.
那辆汽车一加速就超越了我. The car accelerated as it overtook me.
凡有文化的人都该一读此书. Every literate person should read this book.
护士抽了我的血样去化验。 The nurse took a sample of my blood for tests.
这本书出版社已印了10000册. The publisher has printed10000 copies of the book.
太阳把这本书的书皮晒弯了. The hot sun had warped the cover of the book.
他们充分利用旅馆的设备. They took full advantage of the hotel's facilities.
要乘飞机必须提前定位子。 To ride in an aeroplane you have to book in advance.
她的秘书处理她的一切约会。 Her secretary took care of all her appointments.
图书馆的书是按科目分类的。 The books in the library are classified by subject.
我一看见冒烟,就发出了警报。 I gave the alarm as soon as I saw the smoke.
这本书描述了一个演员的一生。 The book portrays the life of an actor.
这位教授目前正在写一本书。 The professor is presently writing a book.
我把打碎的盘子藏在餐桌后面了。 I hid the broken plate behind the table.
学生依次朗读他们各自的作业。 The pupils took turns in reading out their work.
她把自己的第一本书献给了丈夫。 She dedicated her first book to her husband.
他几乎连一个英文单词都不会说。 He spoke scarcely a word of English.
这些印度客人对这本书很熟悉。 These Indian guest are familiar with this book.
这本书包含你所需的一切资料。 This book contains all the information you need.
我喜欢读一些关于电子音乐的书。 I like to read books on electronic music.
我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子 . I look forward to being alone in the house.
这本书简单易懂,适合儿童。 The simplicity of the book makes it suitable for children.
凡是漂亮的男子, 她见一个追一个. She runs after every good-looking man she meets.
这件事完全超出了他的生活范围了. It took him completely out of his sphere.
那件大衣看来是绝对旧得穿不出去了. That overcoat is looking decidedly past it.
他们扬言要一下子取消整个项目. They threatened to cancel the whole project at a stroke.
这本书未经作者许可就给翻译了。 The book was translated without the sanction of the author.
吸烟有害健康,这是大家公认的。 It is generally accepted that smoking is harmful to our health.
有一个省脱离了旧政府而另组新政府。 A province has broken away to form a new state.
这本书表明他是一个有创造力的作家。 This book shows that he is an ingenious author.
查一下火车时刻表中下一趟车的时间. Look up the time of the next train in the timetable.
她的美貌使她与其他女孩相比占了优势。 Her good look gave her a pull over other girls.
图书管理员从书架上随便拿了一本书。 The librarian took a book at random from the shelf.
那问题他再一考虑, 答案就在眼前. The answer presented itself to him when he looked at the problem again.
那个喜剧演员讲的笑话把人们都逗笑了。 The comedian tickled the crowd with his jokes.
我插进了几则笑话,把我的讲话拉长了。 I made my speech longer by padding it with a few jokes.
许多危害健康的情况都与吸烟有关。 There are many serious health hazards associated with smoking.
开始做饭前,我还得去买些厨房用具。 I have to buy some kitchen utensils before starting cooking.
本阅览室的参考书不得私自带出。 No reference books are to be taken out of the reading room without permission.
他每次外出都会顺道去那家书店待一会儿。 He never goes out but he drops in at that bookstore.
亲爱的,把脸转过去,这场面不适合你看。 Look away dear, the sight is not fit for your eyes.
敌人的防线很坚强, 但仍为我军突破。 The enemy's defenses were strong but our soldiers broke through.
你当众纠正我的错误, 弄得我很难为情. You made me look so small, correcting me in front of everybody.
在编写这本书的过程中,她起了显著的作用。 She play a notable role in compile the book.
局长坐在桌子一端她惯常坐的位置上。 The director took her accustomed place at the end of the table.
简伸长脖子张望,在人群中找她的母亲。 Jane craned her neck to look for her mother in the crowd.
完成这个工程花费了他们十亿多美元。 It took them more than one billion dollars to complete the project.
这些蔬菜煮的时间太长了,都煮成糊了。 These vegetables have been boiling too long; they're cooked to a pulp.
这个模型是由球和杆组成的结构, 样子很奇特. The model is an odd-looking structure of balls and rods.
经过多月的努力, 这本新书渐渐像个样子了. After months of work, the new book is gradually taking shape.
那位老师看着他所有的学生走进阅览室。 That teacher is looking his all students walk into the reading room.
我们根据恐龙的一些骨头重组恐龙的原貌. We reconstructed what the dinosaur looked like from a few of its bones.
着火的房子的冒出的烟在几个街区外都能看到。 The smoke of the burning house could be seen many blocks away.
我喜欢书架上所有的书,但这本是我最喜欢的。 I like all the books on the shelf but this one is my favorite.
为了消磨时间等待展览开始, 我们逛了逛商场。 To kill time until the exhibition opened, we looked round the shops.
他正在寻找未来的妻子,但还没有找到理想人选。 He is looking for a wife but he hasn't found his ideal mate.
其实用不着在清晨3点钟就把我叫醒吧. I could have done without being (ie I wish I hadn't been) woken up at 3 o'clock in the morning.
只因为我的新书包和他的一模一样,他就说我学他的样。 He called me a copycat just because my schoolbag looks like his.
我瞧不起那些工作不顺心就拿家里人出气 的男人。 I look down on man who vents his anger on his family after having a bad day at work.
回程用的时间比平时长, 因为飞机不能飞越战区. The journey back took longer than normal, because the plane could not overfly the war zone.
根据我们的记录,你借的书现在应该还给图书馆了。 According to our records, the books you have borrowed should now be returned to the library.
他正跑开时,我在背后叫他,他连忙转过身来看看我。 I called him as he was running away and he wheeled round and looked at me.
如果你往树后更远处看,就正好可以看见远处的村庄。 If you look beyond the tress, you can just see the village in the distance.
我不住地看手表,他却一个劲儿地讲个没完,他不能领会暗示。 I kept looking at my watch, but he just continued talking: he can't take a hint.
虽然她彻底地用力擦洗那只旧壶,但她无法把它完全洗干净。 Although she scrubbed the old pot thoroughly, she could not make it look completely clean.
我丈夫想买一条小狗,但我得照料它,因此我坚持不同意。 My husband wanted to buy a puppy, but I would have to look after it so I put my foot down and said No.
这套书出版以来,在市场上反应良好,我们决定推广这种学习方法。 The series of books gained applause. We decided to popularize the method.
在看过建筑师的设计图后。他很容易想像出房子完工时的模样。 After looking at the architect's plans, it was easy for him to see the completed house in his mind's eye.
他奔向书架。 He ran to the bookshelf.
吸烟可致肺癌. Smoking can cause lung cancer.
他用煤气炉做饭。 He cooks his meal with a gas stove.
轮到我照顾婴儿了。 I took my turn to look after the baby.
该书的结尾寓意乐观. The book ended on an optimistic note.
医生诊看了她的舌头。 The doctor looked at her tongue.
绳索在张力之下断了。 The rope broke under the strain.
当时没有印刷的书籍。 There were no printed books in those days.
公司把汽车当做抵押品。 The company took the cars as hostage.
我们趁便参观了皇宫. We took the opportunity of visiting the palace.
看日程表就使我头昏脑胀。 Look at my schedule make my head spin.
气候潮湿,把书都霉坏了。 The dampness of the climate decayed the books.
看样子要过一段寒潮天气。 It looks as if we were in for a cold spell.
他一觉醒来, 边打呵欠边伸懒腰. He woke up, yawned and stretched.
她写了一本关于巴黎公社的书。 She wrote a book on the Paris Commune.
这个炉具有几个温度定位挡。 The cooker has several temperature settings.
他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。 He turned on the torch to look for his keys.
这堆书晃了几下,然后就倒了。 The piles of books tottered and then fell.
她自豪地看著自己的工作成果. She looked with pride at the result of her work.
带动转盘旋转的机械装置坏了. The mechanism that revolves the turntable is broken.
图上交错的树枝看起来很有诗意。 The interlacing branches on the picture look poetic.
那座大山的轮廓看上去像一条龙。 The contour of that mountain looks like a dragon.
寒冷的天气终于在三月末结束了。 The cold weather at last broke at the end of March.
这位摄影师拍了一张象群的照片。 The photographer took a photo of a herd of elephants.
你拿可怜的迈克尔打趣可要出圈儿了. All your teasing of poor Michael is getting beyond a joke.
我使尽了浑身解数也劝不动他们. I tried every trick in the book but I still couldn't persuade them.
我们的狗别看样子凶,其实很温顺。 Our dog may look fierce but he wouldn't hurt a fly.
观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。 Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.
这件事唤起了他对过去苦难经历的回忆。 The incident woke memories of his past sufferings.
我可以很清楚地看到灯泡里的细丝断了。 I can see clearly that the filament in the bulb is broken.
我是为那个老人女儿的缘故才照顾他的。 I went to look after the old man on the score of his daughter.
警方搜遍这个地区寻找这个走失的孩子。 The police scoured the area looking for the lost child.
我打开了邮件,惊讶地发现了一个打碎的花瓶。 I opened my mail and was surprised to see a broken vase.
这本书被翻译成多种译文并行销全球。 The book was translated into many versions and sold all over the world.
他要求他们把他著作的销售情况随时告诉他。 He ask them to keep him posted about the sale of his book.
政府已成立工作组调查滥用毒品问题. The government has set up a working party to look into the problem of drug abuse.
那艘损坏的船只在海岛沿岸航行以寻找港口。 The disabled ship coasted the island, looking for a harbor.
虽然他竭力阻止这桩婚姻,但还是成了事实。 He tried to prevent the marriage but it still took place notwithstanding.
把全部家具都塞进那个小房间是很费了一番心思的。 It took some ingenuity to squeeze all the furniture into the little room.
摩飞回顾他早年的奋斗,使他觉得生命特别充满生气。 Murphy looked back on his early struggles as having made him feel especially alive.
他对自己那本书的手稿先进行校订,然后才把它交给出版社。 He revised the manuscript of his book before sending it to the publisher.
这家商店起初只出售报纸和杂志,后来又增售青少年读物。 At first this shop sold newspapers and magazines only, but it has since put in juvenile books.
我买了一本关于神权自使徒传至教皇及其他主教的一脉相承的书。 I bought a book on the passing of spiritual authority from the apostles through successive popes and other bishops.
其中之一就是允许地方教委在国家教学大纲的指导下选择合适自身的教材。 One of the reforms allows the local education department to choose their own textbooks based upon the national teaching guideline.
首先,我站在一个热闹的角落,仅仅是看着人们,试图以审视他们来理解他们生活的某些东西。 First, I stand at a busy corner, merely looking at people, trying by sight of them to understand something of their live.
印象主义一种文学风格,其特征是利用对细节和感情的描述而不是通过对客观的现实的再创造,来唤起主观的或感觉的印象 A literary style characterized by the use of details and mental associations to evoke subjective and sensory impressions rather than the re-creation of objective reality.
这本书有庸俗的味道。 This book has plebeian tastes.
他的粗鲁惹得我揍了他。 His rudeness provoked me to strike him.
他宣誓对国王效忠。 He took an oath of fealty to the king.
她烹饪时用盐很少。 She is economical in her use of salt when cooking.
他从玫瑰树上剪下一枝插条。 He took a cutting from a rose.
他的黑色皮沙发看上去很昂贵。 His black leather couch looks expensive.
大厦上有个被风折断的旗杆。 There is a flagpole broken by wind on the building.
他总是小心翼翼地按规章办事。 He's always careful to do things by the book.
他的样子在凹镜里显得非常可笑。 His figure looks very funny in the concave mirror.
他送给妻子一枚戒指,作为爱情的信物。 He gave his wife a ring as a token of his love.
那女孩玫瑰色的脸颊使她显得非常可爱。 The girl's rosy cheeks made her look very lovely.
医生不得不用石膏绷带来固定他断了的胳膊。 The doctor had to hold his broken arm with a plaster cast.
男主人拿出了一瓶12年的优质麦芽威士忌。 The host took out a bottle of 12-year-old malt whisky to entertain us.
他用树枝在泥里探寻,想找回丢失的戒指。 He probed the mud with a stick, looking for the ring he had dropped.
他一走了之,而让他的母亲为他的赌债发愁。 He took a powder and left his mother to worry about his gambling debts.
反对吸烟的宣传很多, 许多人因而戒了烟. There has been so much propaganda against smoking that many people have given it up.
反动派越是横行霸道,就越发激起更强烈的反抗。 The more the reactionaries lash out, the more resistance they provoke.
一般认为像木工和烹饪之类的实用课程不如数学重要. Practical lessons, like woodwork and cookery, are not considered as important as maths.
3个月前,汽车出事故以后,这个姑娘就昏迷过去了,至今还没有苏醒过来。 The girl went into a coma after the car accident three months ago, and has not woken up yet.
他显得很憔悴。 He looks haggard.
我的眼镜框断了! My eyeglass frame is broken!
没有关系,你欠我了! That's OK, you owe me one!
後来我们游览了东京. Next we visited Tokyo.
船的木头舵坏了。 The wood rudder of the ship was broken.
吸烟会导致肺癌吗? Does smoking contribute to lung cancer?
我4点钟左右找你。 I'll look out for you at about four.
烧鱼之前先去掉鱼鳞。 Scale the fish before cooking them.
你能区别好书与坏书吗? Can you discriminate good books from bad?
这本参考书对我有用处吗? Is this reference book of any use to me?
别向后看,不然你会摔跤的。 Don't look behind or you may fall.
我浏览了一遍书架上的书。 I had a browse through the books on the shelf.
她对自己的恐惧直言不讳。 She spoke about her fears with complete frankness.
我(的现金和支票簿)被抢了. I was robbed (of my cash and cheque-book).
你能为我觅到那本罕见的古书吗? Can you procure the rare old book for me?
吸烟与肺部疾病之间有关系吗? Is there a link between smoking and lung disease?
我们从山上俯瞰下面的山谷。 We looked down from the mountain to the valley below.
我们开出约五十英里汽车就抛锚了. We had gone about fifty miles when the car broke down.
报纸在印刷机上印出来後他拿了一份。 He took a copy of the newspaper as it come off the press.
图书馆的书是按照[根据]科目分类的. The books in the library are classified by/according to subject.
男孩子们突然迸发出刺耳的兴奋的欢呼声。 The boys broke into shrill, excited cheering.
看,你这是往哪里走?差点儿把我撞倒了 Can't you look where you're going? You nearly knocked me over!
请把那本地图册从书架上取下来(递给我). Please reach (me) the atlas down from the bookshelf.
你想瞧瞧这画吗?--是的!很想! Would you like to have a look at the picture? --- Yes, I should very much like to.
那辆卡车超越我的车後, 突然插入我前方的位置. The lorry overtook me and then cut in (on me).
他与一名英国女子结婚并且定居在伦敦。 He married an English woman and took up his residence in London.
他逃之夭夭,留下他妻子为他的赌债发愁。 He took a powder and left his wife to worry about his gambling debts.
我看你的新助手不错--她看样子很能干。 I like the look of your new assistant she should do very well.
她生在伦敦, 但现在把巴黎看成是她的家乡. She was born in London, but she now looks on Paris as her home.
你这个笨家伙!这是你今天打坏的第二个玻璃杯。 You clumsy oaf ---that's the second glass you've broken today.
谈话交流思想、观点或感情的会话;一次交谈 A spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; a talk.
瞧都什麽时候了! 十分钟前我们就该到戏院了. Look at the time! We should have been at the theatre ten minutes ago.
那位胖妇人穿着金色的紧身礼服,显得滑稽可笑。 That fat woman looked ridiculous in her tight golden dress.
要想了解某词的用法, 查《进修词典》. If you want to know how a word is used, look the word up in the Advanced Learner's Dictionary.
他穿了一身讲究的新衣服逛来逛去, 显得颇为惬意. He strolled about, looking very debonair in his elegant new suit.
他毫无保留地(直言不讳地)述说了他在监狱中的事. He spoke without reserve (ie freely) of his time in prison.
结婚,是一本第一章以式写成、其余各章则以散文写就的书。 Marriage is a book of witch the first chapter being written in poetry and remained chapter in prose.
我没有真正地看过这本书,只是浏览了一下看是关于什么的罢了。 I haven't read the book properly, I just flipped through it to see what it was like.
曼谷为一个广阔潮湿的冲积平原所环绕,有纵横交错的运河网。 Bangkok is surrounded by a vast, damp, alluvial plain, crisscrossed by a network of klong.
我们把旅客登记簿翻了一下,发现我们的采购员三天前就已登记了。 Looking through the reception book of the hotel we found our purchasing agent had booked in three days before.
同函奉上55美元书款支票一张,外加每册14分邮费在内。请查收。 I am enclosing a cheque for$55.00 which covers the cost of the book plus the postage charge of14 cents a volume.
派来调查的警察说,我家的大门是根据极其合乎科学的原理给撬开来的。 The policeman who is sent down to examine, says my house has been broken open on the most scientific principle.
前年夏天它就坏了。虽然我早就许诺过我自己修,但是我从未腾出空来。 It had broken down the previous summer, and though I promised to repair it, I had never got round to it.
格雷厄姆,肯尼思1859-1932英国作家,以其散文和儿童文学著名,著名的有杨柳风(1908年) British writer known for his essays and children's books, notably The Wind in the Willows(1908).
他们开我的玩笑。 They played a joke on me.
这可不是开玩笑的事。 It is no joke.
你一定是在开玩笑吧。 You must be joking.
窗口摆了一些书。 There was an arrangement of books in the window.
他是国务院的发言人。 He is the spokesman of the council.
这一观念一向不太得人心。 The idea never really took on.
这本书教我们如何写作。 The book is used to teach us how to write.
你看来累了. 你需要好好休息一下. You look tired. You need a good rest.
这本书是原始民族神话集。 The book is about the mythologies of primitive races.
他四处张望,要确定周围没人。 He looked around to confirm that he was alone.
他又年轻又漂亮, 而且还很富有. He is young and good-looking, and also very rich.
从那个观点看,这工作就容易了。 Look at from that point of view, the job become easy.
这本书太难而不适合大多数的高中生。 The book is too difficult for most senior high school students.
他很关心别人, 因而大家都把他当作亲人. He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.
他上下打量我。 He looked me up and down.
他害怕得声音发抖。 His voice shook with fear.
护士量了我的体温。 The nurse took my temperature.
她依旧是那个老样。 She still looks her old self.
他一脸吃惊的神情. He had a startled look on his face.
我的手提包的扣坏了. The catch on my handbag is broken.
一本新书即将出版。 A new book is about to be brought out.
在我们家 不容许吸烟. We don't allow smoking in our house.
他穿着制服十分精神。 He looks very manly in his uniform.
这本小册子做得很精致。 This booklet is delicately made.
那只猫拖著断腿吃力地走. The cat was dragging its broken leg.
她喝茶时弯起小指头。 She crooked her little finger as she drank her tea.
你招惹那条狗, 它会咬你的. If you provoke the dog, it will bite you.
我们把书在地板上堆起来。 We put the books in piles on the floor.
他把一些书放在窗台上。 He keeps some books on the window ledge.
他照大小顺序排列这些书。 He ranged the books according to size.
我预定了到北京的直达车票。 I booked a ticket through to Peking.
校园内严禁吸烟。 The prohibition against smoking on school grounds is strictly enforced.
我们总是不断寻找新的天才. We're always looking for new/fresh talent.
他们非常盼望再次见到他。 They looked forward very much to seeing him again.
他那副样子可谓是苦难的典型。 He looked the personification of misery.
她丈夫一死她受到沉重的打击. She took a bad knock when her husband died.
你要把这些书按字母顺序排好. You must arrange these books in alphabetical order.
她把书放在一旁, 点了一支香烟. She set aside her book and lit a cigarette.
这只猫毛很光滑,看来喂得很好。 The cat looked very sleek and well fed.
他细看天水相连的地方, 寻找陆地. He scanned the horizon, looking for land.
她承担了做部长的所有责任. She undertook to discharge all the responsibilities of a Minister.
他怕在所有朋友面前出洋相. He's afraid of looking foolish in front of all his friends.
他们在走投无路的情况下恳求援助。 They invoked help in the desperate situation.
在我看来, 凡是留须的人模样都很像. Men with moustaches all look the same to me.
他把一捆就杂志卖给了旧书店。 He sold a bundle of old magazines to the second hand bookstore.
她一直在照管日常的行政工作. She has been looking after the ,day-to-day administration.
她得到提升,担负了更大的责任。 She took on greater responsibilities when she was promoted.
我痛苦地看着这个破得粉碎的花瓶。 I looked painfully at the vase broken into pieces.
喜讯传来,人们顿时欢呼起来。 People broke into cheers at once when they heard the good news.
贵宾们在大餐厅参加一个宴会。 The guests partook of a luxurious repast in the banqueting hall.
这孩子看上去脸色不好,一副有病的样子。 The child looked pale and wan.
建造这座建筑物花了好几个月时间。 The erection of the building took several months.
书和我的关系正如同水和植物的关系。 As water is to the plant, so are books to me.
厨师们在大队人马之前到了野地营地。 The cooks arrive on camp in advance of the main party.
这条大船的马达坏了,无法再航行了。 With its engine broken, this great ship was not navigable.
他对那把墨水倒翻在书上的孩子臭骂了一顿。 He swore at the boy who dropped ink on the book.
他们闻到做菜的味儿, 知道眼看要吃饭了. The smell of cooking told them there was a meal in the offing.
注重尊严的人都会轻视那种行为。 All people with a sense of decency will look down upon such conduct as that.
从高处往下看, 那些农田像是几何图案. Seen from above, the fields looked like a geometrical pattern.
因为尺子被书盖住了,所以我没找到它。 I could not find my ruler because it was covered up by the books.
休息了一会儿之后,他们又背起背包上路了。 After a short rest, they took up their knapsacks and went on.
我是由本地的旅游代理人预先安排的度假事宜。 I booked my holiday through my local travel agent.
我认为他侵占我的停车位肯定是有意和我作对。 I'm sure he took my parking space just to spite me.
他快步跑回家,看上去好像有什么事不对劲。 He quickly ran home, looking as if there was something wrong with him.
她给你这份精美礼物足以表示出她对你的思念。 The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you.
我们的厨师突然说要离去, 这使我们非常惊奇。 Our cook's sudden announcement that she was leaving took us quite by surprise.
他的样子和他在电话中说话的声音反映的病情是一样的。 He looks as ill as he sounded on the phone.
开汽车的人让两个小学生上车,把他们一直带到了县城。 The motorist picked up a couple of pupils and took them as far as the county town.
我和他激烈地争斗了几分钟,终于从他手中夺走了那本书。 I tussled with him for a few minutes and managed to wrench the book from his grasp.
虽说委员会中的多数赞成这项议案,但还有一些人持不同看法。 Although most of members of the committee spoke for the bill, a few still held different views.
一种处理过程,其间由控制器将一条指令分解成为它的执行所必须的微码操作。 A procedure in which an instruction is broken down into the microcode operations necessary for its execution by a control unit.
地质学书籍或论著 A book on geology.
他狂热地爱好书籍。 He is mad about books.
他的压抑终于爆发了。 His repression broke out.
我胸针的钩子断了。 The clasp of my brooch is broken.
好书未必畅销。 A good book does not necessarily sell well.
他脸上一副凶相。 He has a very fierce look on his face.
我正在找兼职工作。 I'm looking for a part-time job.
他笑着看着这个婴儿。 He looked at the baby with a smile.
不合理的规则被废除了。 The unreasonable rules were revoked.
他的书在柜子里找到了。 His book turned up in the cupboard.
整个地形十分平坦. The whole landscape looked as flat as a pancake.
这艘船拆毁了当废铁用. The ship was broken up for scrap metal.
他们在墓旁脱帽默哀. They took off their hats by the grave in silent salute.
把你的外衣挂在那个挂钩上. Hang your coat (up) on that hook.
你可以把外套挂在钩子上。 You may hang your coat on the hook.
烟囱里冒出来团团黑烟. Volumes of black smoke poured fromthe chimney.
请把绳子挂在那根钉子上。 Please hook the rope over the nail.
他一定千方百计阻止你. He'll use any trick in the book to stop you.
烟从烟囱里一股一股地喷出来. Smoke puffed from the chimney.
她看样子随时都可能垮下来. She looked ready to collapse at any minute.
马听到爆炸声受了惊。 The horse took a fright at the sound of the explosion.
她的眼里流露出受委屈的神情. Her eyes took on a hurt expression.
六十岁时, 他开始学俄语。 At the age of sixty he took up the study of Russian.
他看著自己的孩子, 充满自豪. He looked at his children with evident pride.
做饭的味道顺着走廊飘过来。 Cooking smells wafted along the hall.
再向前展望到本世纪末.... Looking farther forward to the end of the century...
裁缝给我量做新西装的尺寸。 The tailor took my measurements for a new suit.
这孩子害怕那条外表凶恶的狗。 The child was scared of the fierce looking dog.
小偷乘没人注意时溜了出去. The thief slid out (of the door) while no one was looking.
他撞车后驾驶执照被吊销了。 His driving licence was revoked after the crash.
我们的部队仅受到表面上的抵抗. Our troops encountered only token resistance.
公司冒险将产品削价出售。 The company took a gamble by cutting the price of their products.
讲演的人俯视著下面无数的面孔. The lecturer looked down at the sea of faces beneath him.
把嘴张大,让我看一下你的喉咙。 Open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat.
小舱室,厨房船上的小舱室或厨房 A small cabin or the cook's galley on a ship.
他因为动作犯规而被裁判记下姓名。 He was booked by the referee for foul play.
他写了一本描写边疆各省的专著。 He wrote a book descriptive of the frontier provinces.
总的说来, 这本书是讽刺性的. Overall, the tone of the book is satirical/the book is satirical in tone.
有一男子遭人毒打, 路人只在一旁观看. Passers-by just looked on as a man was viciously attacked.
王宫发言人刚宣布了一项声明. The palace (ie A spokesman for the king, queen, etc) has just issued a statement.
我把一切东西都锁在保险箱里以防万一。 I took the precaution of locking everything in the safe.
在柜台可以买到供自动售烟机使用的代币. Tokens for the cigarette machine are available at the bar.
我部队在临河高地上占据了防御阵地. Our troops took up defensive positions on high ground overlooking the river.
这棵树看起来又高又壮,实际上树干是空的。 This tree looks high and strong but actually its trunk is hollow.
这种有倾向性 的说法可能招致强烈的反对. Such tendentious statements are likely to provoke strong opposition.
这张图显示这幢房子建成后正面的外观。 This drawing shows what the front elevation of the house will look like when it is built.
其中一个男人侮辱了另一个男人,于是他们就打了起来。 One of the man insulted another, whereupon a fight broke out.
政府力求今年把通货膨胀率再减低百分之二. The government will be looking to reduce inflation by a further two per cent this year.
把孩子的头发用梳子梳梳,他可不能这样参加聚会。 Run a comb through the childs hair he can't go to a party looking like that.
老师狠狠地瞪了我一眼,所以我怀疑我做错了什么事。 The teacher threw a fierce look at me, so I wondered what I had done wrong.
打破办公室内寂静的,只有空气调节机呼呼的转动声。 Only the whir of the air conditioner broke the silence in the office.
他抬头一看,见是一个铁钩子正在他脑袋上方晃来晃去。 He looked up and found an iron hook dangling about his head.
紧固件能使一件东西牢牢固定在另一件东西的物件,如钩子 Something, such as a hook, used to attach one thing to another firmly.
很快,飞船离开了地球,大家俯视着下面这颗燃烧着的星球。 Soon, the spaceship left Earth, and everyone looked down at the burning planet.
假使亚当重返人间,他会懂得的恐怕只有那些老掉牙的笑话了。 If Adam came on earth again the only thing he will recognize will be the old joke.
事实一再证明他错了,他最后改变看法,认识了他爱人的高尚品质。 Repeatedly proven wrong, he finally changed his outlook and recognized the noble qualities of his wife.
最后公民们奋起反抗残忍的统治者们,将他们逐出国,并夺取了政权。 The citizens at last rebelled against their cruel rulers, drove them from the country and took power themselves.
一天黄昏时,他走到野外去舒散身心,抬头看见有一个骆驼队向他走来。 One evening when he had gone out into the open country to relieve himself, he looked up and saw camels approaching.
假使上天认为财富是有价值的东西的话,它就不会将之给予这样的一个恶棍的吧。 If heaven had looked upon riches to be a valuable thing, it will not have given them to such a scoundrel.
一位美国大学校长曾经评论说爱因斯坦创立了一种新的观点,即一种新的宇宙观。 An American university president once commented that Einstein has created a new outlook, a new view of the universe.
新陈代谢维持生命所必需的,发生于存活细胞中或生物体中的物理和化学过程的总和。在此过程中,一些物质被分解从而为生命过程提供能量,而另一些维持生命所必需的物质则被合成 The complex of physical and chemical processes occurring within a living cell or organism that are necessary for the maintenance of life. In metabolism some substances are broken down to yield energy for vital processes while other substances, necessary for life, are synthesized.
你愈早戒烟愈好。 You cannot quit smoking too soon.
杏色衣服很好看。 The apricot coloured clothes look beautiful.
我喜欢用马铃薯炒菜。 I like to cook dishes with potatoes.
狐狸挣脱了束缚跑掉了。 The fox broke loose and ran away.
那只孤狸逃进了灌木丛。 The fox betook herself to the thicket.
该书含有诽谤性的内容。 The book contains scandalous text.
示威群众突破了警戒线. Demonstrators broke through the police cordon.
书本凌乱地散置在地上. The books were scattered pell-mell over the floor.
那个狡猾的人纯粹是个骗子。 This crafty man is nothing but a crook.
炊烟暴露了敌人的存在。 The smoke from cooking betrayed the presence of the enemy.
炊事员去照看炉子里的蛋糕了。 The cook went to see after the cake left in the oven.
奖学金包括八十美元的书籍费津贴。 The scholarship includes an allowance of 80 dollars for books.
您近日询问的书暂时无货, 谨此奉覆. In answer to your recent inquiry, the book you mention is not in stock.
我带上一些轻松的读物乘火车时消遣. I took some light reading (eg a thriller) for the train journey.
老虎逃出了动物园, 张牙舞爪乱窜了几小时. The tiger escaped from the zoo and ran amok for hours.
你继续这样大量吸烟,就是在自掘坟墓。 You are just digging your own grave if you go on smoking so heavily.
在葬礼上发笑或开玩笑是失礼的行为。 Laughing and joking are considered improper behaviors at a funeral.
虽然绵羊看起来很相像,但那位老人仍能一一区别。 Much as the sheep look alike, the old man can tell one from another.
我展望前头,纽约的高楼大厦在我前面升起,似乎是从童话故事的篇章中出现的一座城市。 I look ahead, and before me rise the fantastic towers of New York, a city that seems to have stepped from the pages of a fairy story.
怎麽了? 你脸色不好. Is anything wrong? You look ill.
你简直动人极了, 亲爱的! You look simply divine, darling!
她写了一本关於舞蹈的书. She has written a book on (the) dance.
他的新著将於春季问世. His new book will be appearing in the spring.
你瞧那戴怪帽子的家伙! Get a load of that old bloke with the funny hat!
今天下午你读的什么书? What is the book you are poring over this afternoon?
她病後显得苍白、 清瘦. Her illness had left her looking pale and thin.
你脸色很难看, 是不舒服了吗? You look ghastly; are you all right?
我们买了一些书籍、衣服等等。 We bought some books, clothes, etc.
她脸上显出严厉、 木然的神情. Her face wore a grim, set look.
噍,那亭子高高地立在空中呢。 Look, the pavilion is high in the sky.
他从利兹远道而来寻找工作. He has come all the way from Leeds to look for a job.
人们齐声欢呼: `国王万岁!' The whole crowd took up the cry: `Long live the King!'
玛丽和我热切盼望晚会的举行。 Mary and I are looking forward very much to the party.
桥牌、 扑克和惠斯特都是纸牌游戏. Bridge, poker and whist are card-games.
飞机起飞推迟了(两个小时). There was a delay (of two hours) before the plane took off.
那鱼轻咬[浮向/咬著了/吞下了]鱼饵. The fish nibbled at/rose to/took/swallowed the bait.
良好的书藉是使人生变得充实之物。 Good books are an enrichment of life.
这个婴儿打开书本彷佛他会念书。 The baby opened the book as if he were able to read.
旭日从这个角度看起来特别美。 The rising sun is especially beautiful to look at from this angle.
别看种菜没啥,其实大有学问。 Growing vegetables looks easy, but actually it takes a lot of learning.
这使我想起那句俗话,“三思而后行”。 Remind me of the old saying,"look before you leap".
装订术,业装订书本的技艺、行业或职业 The art, trade, or profession of binding books.
`啊!'、 `小心!'、 `哎哟!'都是感叹词语. `Oh!', `Look out!' and `Ow!' are exclamations.
角落里有一堆报纸--那底下你找过了吗? There's a pile of newspapers in the corner have you looked underneath?
我利用在伯明翰的机会探望了我的姨母。 I took the opportunity of visiting my aunt while I was in Birmingham.
瞧霜大哥在窗户上绘制了多麽美丽的图案. Look what pretty patterns Jack Frost has painted on the windows.
詹姆斯头上裹着穆斯林的头巾,看上去很陌生。 James looks strange with a turban around his head.
我们爬上小丘的顶端,由此可以俯瞰城市。 We climbed to the top of the small elevation, from which we could look at the town.
约翰逊上上下下打量了她一番,决定邀请她出去。 Johnson looked her up and down and decided to ask her out.
她彷佛茫然不知身在何处,犹犹豫豫向四周打量。 As if unsure of where she was, she hesitated and looked round.
她从容地掏出钱夹付了一千镑现金, 多麽豪爽! She just took out her purse and paid a thousand in cash: what a cool customer!
他好像起了疑心--你觉得他看穿我们[我们要干的事]了吗? He looks suspicious do you think he's rumbled us/what we're up to?
她从球穴区的边缘轻击三次(以图将球打入穴中). She took three putts (ie to get the ball into the hole) from the edge of the green.
他不安的神色引发了谣传说他与警方发生了某些纠葛。 His upset looking gave rise to rumors that he had got in trouble with police.
甜椒的果实其果,用来烧菜,做色拉或绿橄榄的佐料 The fruit of this plant, used in cookery, salad, and as stuffing for green olives.
没有(别的)一本文法书比这一本更受高中生的欢迎。 No grammar book is more popular than this one with senior high school students.
他囗头遗言上遗留给我一点小小遗产作为他对我关爱的表徵。 He left me a small legacy in a nuncupative will, as a token of his kindness to me.
差劲……我刚刚开始认为他有潜力,他却丢下一切转到别处工作了。 Darn...just when I start think he have potential, he just drop everything and took another job elsewhere.
烟斗,烟筒抽烟用具,由木头、粘土或其他物质组成的管子,一头带有小吹嘴 A device for smoking, consisting of a tube of wood, clay, or other material with a small bowl at one end.
昨天一位男子在火车上胡作非为—他打伤了两名铁路员工,砸碎了几扇车厢窗户。 A man ran amok in the train yesterday—he struck two railway staff and smashed several carriage windows.
爱国主义在美国很容易了解;它意味着通过为国家提高警惕的方式来为自己提高警惕。 Patriotism is easy to understand in America; it means looking out for yourself by look out for your country.
经过五年的艰苦工作,他们完成了一套高质量的教材。该书分为六级,从小学4年级到初中3年级。 After five years of hard work they presented a high quality textbook, which consisted of six levels from grade4 to grade9.
我所问的那个家伙起先一声也不响,上下打量我,注意到我衣衫褴褛,然后他说:“稍等一会儿。” The fellow I spoke to made no answer at first, looked me up and down, noticed that I was almost in rags, then said," Just a minute."
蒙塔古,阿什利生于1905英裔美国人类学家,其著作如女性的自然优越性(1953年),促进了人类学的普及 British-born American anthropologist whose books, such as The Natural Superiority of Women(1953), helped popularize anthropology.
纽卡斯尔英格兰中西部的一个市级自治区,位于斯图克西南偏南。拥有制砖业、制瓦业和纺织服装工业。人口74,200 A municipal borough of west-central England south-southwest of Stoke. It has brick, tile, and clothing industries. Population, 74,200.
在足球锦标赛的最后3分钟时,两队还是不分胜负,突然切尔斯队的中锋非常出色地在罚球区之外将功赎罪球顶入了网内。 The two teams were drawing with only three minutes of play left in the Cup Final when Chelsea's centre forward pulled a master stroke and headed the ball into the net from outside the penalty area.
氢化裂解将石油的含氢分子分裂成更简单的分子(象汽油和煤油的分子)的过程,此分裂过程是在加催化剂及高压氢气的条件上进行的 A process by which the hydrocarbon molecules of petroleum are broken into simpler molecules, as of gasoline or kerosene, by the addition of hydrogen under high pressure and in the presence of a catalyst.
在大多数的主要交叉路口,都有一幅街道(朗巴德街、俄亥俄街、市场街等等)的详图刻在人行道的石头上。只要你低头看一下,就知道自己所在的位置了。 At most of the important crossings there is a plan of the streets(Lombard Street; Ohio Street; Market Street; and so on)cut into the stone of the sidewalk so that you can look down and see where you are.
我站着展望湖面。 I stand looking over the lake.
书是通向知识的道路。 Books are avenues to knowledge.
这些书是指定给他的。 These books are destined for him.
这本课本有二十单元。 This textbook has twenty units.
这本书是我特意为你买的。 I bought the book especially for you.
他对新老板一见就反感. He took an immediate aversion to his new boss.
总的来说,我很喜欢这本书。 On the whole, I like the book very much.
他现已从中风病完全康复了。 He's now fully recovered from his stroke.
像片上新娘照得很好. The bride comes out well (ie looks attractive) in the photographs.
他对女儿的新男友极为反感。 He took a scunner at his daughter's new boyfriend.
试从不同的角度来看这件事。 Try looking at the affair from a different angle.
机器出了毛病, 工作便停顿下来. Work was brought/came to a halt when the machine broke down.
他动不动就发火,可是过后又把它当笑话说。 He often carries the short fuse in his pocket and joke about it afterwards.
他将钟表里的发条取了出来,可现在装上不了。 He took the spring out of the clock but now he can't get it back.
你要想看那场时装表演的话,就得早点儿定座位。 You'll have to book early if you want to see that fashion show.
附言,续篇如一本书或一篇文章正文后的附加信息 Additional information appended to the manuscript, as of a book or an article.
他埋头读书. His head was bent over a book.
人民起来造反了. The people broke out/rose in revolt.
我原谅了他的过失。 I looked over his faults.
我飞往东京出差。 I flew to Tokyo on business.
她觉察到她的机会。 She awoke to her opportunity.
她在埋头读书. Her head was buried in the book she was reading.
她从容不迫地讲话. She spoke with unruffled calm.
他随意打开了这本书。 He opens the book at random.
火山散发着烟和灰。 A volcano emits smoke and ashes.
我是个手艺平平的厨师。 I'm an indifferent cook.
他坐着埋头看书。 He was sitting with his head buried in a book.
悲伤的往事令人断肠。 The sad past is heartbroken.
这间办公室禁止吸烟。 Smoking is forbidden in this office.
他从头至尾读了那书。 He read the book from beginning to end.
她已创业成为书商. She has set up in business as a bookseller.
我们预订了下一班的机票. We're booked on the next flight.
轮到皇后时,她脸红了。 The Queen looked blushed in her turn.
学生们排队取新书。 The students all stand in line to get their new books.
她以崇拜的眼神看着他。 She looked at him in an adoring manner.
这个瓶上的密封纸破开了。 The seal on this bottle is broken.
她觉得自己的工作毫无乐趣。 She took no pleasure in her work.
我一直期待着和您见面。 I have been looking forward to seeing you.
他说话带着美国英语口音。 He spoke with an American accent.
我挤过了堆满货物的集市。 I poked though a bazaar crammed with good.
出版商们总吹捧他们的新书 Publishers who puff their new books.
近年来她写的书质量下降了. Her books have gone off in recent years.
我把这本书从头到尾看完了。 I've read the book from beginning to end.
这律师免费承办那个案件。 The lawyer undertook the case without a fee.
服下的阿司匹林药片很快见效了。 The aspirins soon took effect.
他因在上课时吸烟而被开除了。 He was expelled for smoking in class.
在日光下看, 颜色显得不同. The colours look different when viewed in daylight.
孩子们热情地期待着晚会。 The children were eagerly looking forward to the party.
他在繁重工作的压力之下累坏了。 He broke under the strain of heavy work.
已经决定这本书要重新修订。 It has been decided that the book shall be revised.
这懒小子一整天一点事都没干。 The lazy boy has not done a stroke of work all day.
他们穿著那种制服看起来怪模怪样的. That uniform makes them look absurd.
和我妹妹不同,我是一个糟糕的厨师。 Unlike my sister, I am a terrible cook.
失败的消息夺走了我们所有的斗志。 The news of defeat took all the fight out of us.
那两个国家再次终止了交往。 Those two countries have broken off diplomatic relations again.
读一本好书可以带来心灵的净化。 Reading a good book may bring purification to souls.
在演讲开头主席开了一个玩笑。 At the beginning of the speech the chairman cracked a joke.
他把公报送来,我仔细看了一遍。 He sent me the communique.I looked it through thoroughly.
管理部门正在设法提高生产率. The management are looking for ways of improving productivity.
他面带恳求的神态跪在皇帝面前。 He knelt in front of the emperor with a look of entreaty.
粉刷天花板用了将近一整天的时间。 It took more or less a whole day to paint the ceiling.
她当时看起来好像什么事都没发生似的。 She looks as if nothing had happened to her.
他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了. He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house.
警方用了几天时间追查到案中目标。 It took the police several days to track down their quarry.
我们为你在普拉扎旅馆预订了两夜的房间. We've booked you in at the Plaza for two nights.
一只生日蛋糕将被厨师放到桌子上。 A birthday cake is going to be brought to the table by the cook.
政府援引国家机密保密法以禁该书. The government has invoked the Official Secrets Act in having the book banned.
谈判双方正寻求和平解决争端的办法. Negotiators are looking for a peaceful settlement to the dispute.
你应该会发现这本书的结尾比开头好。 You may well find that the end of the book is better than the beginning.
这本书将为读者展现经济思想的新远景。 The book will open up to readers new vistas on economic thinking.
他的书对这一问题的论述是最好的,仅次于我的书。 His book is the best on the subject after mine.
他的著作描述了一个原始社会的开化过程。 His book describe the march of the civilization of a primitive society.
只要你得到我们主管的好感,她就一切好说。 Our supervisor is all right as long as you keep in her good books.
向导要我们特别留神,因为附近有响尾蛇。 The guide told us to look sharp because there are rattlesnakes around.
你最好把我的书给我,否则我的测验将要不及格了。 You'd better give me my book, otherwise I'll fail my test.
他向宽广的大海望去,一种神秘感油然而生。 A sense of mystery stole over him as he looked out on the wide sea.
那小说作者在书的结尾让他的女主人公自杀了. The novelist makes his heroine commit suicide at the end of the book.
他人极聪明,毫无诚意的花言巧语骗不了他。 He was too wise to be imposed upon by fair words spoken without sincerity.
这封信是一种试探,看看他如何看待这种运动。 The letter was a feeler to see how he would look upon such a movement.
你可以以这种眼光看待事物, 但是社会可不会跟你一样。 You may look at things that way, but society won't.
构思这本书只用了五分钟,但写这本书却花了一年。 The conception of the book took five minutes, but writing it took a year.
我累得做不了饭了--咱们从中国外卖餐馆买些东西来吃吧. I'm too tired to cook let's get something from the Chinese take-away.
在我完全不了解的情况下, 她已先行办好了度假的预订手续. Quite unknown to me, she'd gone ahead and booked the holiday.
由于这位母亲为儿子照顾得无微不至,把他弄得没什么出息了。 The mother took so much care of her son, that she has make him be good for nothing.
他带我到他的藏书室,里面的藏书虽然杂乱无章,数量却相当可观。 He took me into his library, a littery but considerable collection.
敌人冲破了前线,但被我们的骑兵部队毫不留情地从高地击退。 The enemy broke through the front line, but were firmly repulsed from the higher ground by cavalry.
在写这本书时,作者查阅了许多与此同类题材的著作,从中得益非浅。 In writing this book, the author has greatly profited from consulting many works on the same subjects.
彩色插图书的整页图解,经常为彩色,印刷在与印刷正文页材料不同的纸张上 A full-page book illustration, often in color and printed on paper different from that used on the text pages.
河水冲破了堤岸。 The river broke its banks.
那个孩子放了个屁。 That child has broken wind.
他向内勾起手指。 He crooked his finger to himself.
与你的财力相称的价格 Prices to fit your pocketbook.
我们不经销那一类书。 We don't handle that sort of book.
他企图挑拨他们打架。 He tried to provoke them into fighting.
她是一个破裂家庭的产儿. She is the product of a broken home.
我为索取债务而起诉她. I took her to court for repayment of the debt.
评定一本书,不能凭封面。 Judge not a book by its cover.
他神色紧张, 显出有罪的样子. His nervous looks condemned him.
我们应该密切注意财务问题. We must take a hard look at our finances.
警方到处搜查逃犯。 The police searched every nook and corner for the escaped criminal.
双方球迷之间发生了骚乱. Rioting broke out between rival groups of fans.
故事发生在一个宁静的夏夜。 The story took place in a serene summer night.
她 的新书论述残疾人的问题. Her latest book discusses the problems of the disabled.
要买瓷砖的订货已登记下来了。 The order for ceramic tiles has been booked in.
他的军队从来不向侵略者屈服。 His army never came under the yoke of invaders.
他恶毒的表情吓坏了这个小女孩。 His venomous look terrified the little girl.
当局已采取措施防止偷税漏税。 The authorities took measures to prevent tax fraud.
我负责偿还他们为我而用的全部花费. I undertook to indemnify them for expenses incurred on my behalf.
她对他脸上露出的责备的神色感到惊讶。 She is astonished at the look of reproach on his face.
在林肯就职其间,美国爆发了内战。 The America Civil War was broken out during the presidency of Lincoln.
我们轻声谈话, 以免吵醒婴儿. We spoke in whispers for fear of waking the baby/for fear (that) we might wake the baby.
用这个专门的挂钩把客车车厢挂上机车。 Lock the carriages on the engine with this special hook.
这件要事不容耽搁,我们必须现在谈谈。 This important matter brooks no delay. We must talk about it now.
尽管他已经八十多岁了,看上去还很健壮。 Although he is over eighty, he looks hale and healthy.
警方为搜索毒品把那个俱乐部彻底搜查了一遍. Police shook the club down, looking for narcotics.
他们预见到天快黑了, 就都带上了手电筒. Anticipating that it would soon be dark, they all took torches.
星期五之前我必须把这两本书归还图书馆。 I must give back the two books to the library before Friday.
我的叔叔虽然老了,但他看上去还是很健壮。 Although my uncle is old, he looks very strong and healthy.
她有个新生婴儿要照看, 活动难免受些限制. Having a new baby to look after has clipped her wings a bit.
在这座大城市里寻找一个人犹如大海捞针. Searching for one man in this big city is like looking for a needle in a haystack.
她在乡村图书展销会上买到一本珍贵的首版书。 She picked up a valuable first edition at a village book sale.
为了预防回来以前天就黑了,所以他带着手电筒。 He took a flashlight lest it should get dark before he returned.
他急切地取食物,因为从黎明开始,他一直没吃东西。 He took the food eagerly, for he had eaten nothing since dawn.
玩具火车的客车车厢用专门的挂钩挂上了机车。 The carriages of the toy train lock onto the toy train with a special hook.
你心地真好,在我出差期间照顾我年迈的外婆。 It's very noble of you to look after my old grandmother when I was out for business.
我要是找到了那小子,我饶不了他,你看他做的这事。 I'll take that boy apart when I find him: look what he's done now.
为了使它更实用,这本书在下一版本中将编有索引。 The book will be indexed in the next edition so as to make it more useful.
他在明知他的性命有可能受到威胁的情况下接任了那职位。 He took over the post in the knowledge that it might endanger his life.
法国队开始时领先, 但中场休息前威尔士队已与之拉平. France took an early lead but Wales drew level (ie equalized the score) before half-time.
一些独居的男人宁肯靠罐头食品过日子,也不愿自己烧饭吃。 Some men on their own will live out of tins rather than cook meals for themselves.
她看上去又可怜又孤独,对于答应来看她的朋友的到来已不抱希望。 She looked wretched and forlorn, despairing of the arrival of a friend who had promised to meet her.
脚注放在书或手稿的页底的注释,对文中的标明的一部分加以评论或引出参考书目 A note placed at the bottom of a page of a book or manuscript that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
这位女秘书一心忙于勾引新来的经理,简直未觉察到办公室里人人都在暗中笑她。 The secretary was so busy getting her hooks into the new manager, that she hardly noticed that everyone in the office was laughing at her.
曾有两位年轻人非法侵入了大学网络,创建了一个公告牌,并在上面装入了流行的商业软件,还邀请因特网上的用户下载这些软件包。 Once two lads broke into the university network, created a bulletin board, loaded popular commercial software on it and invited users across Internet to download the packages.
烟熏得我眼睛发痛. The smoke irritates my eyes.
那把刀刃仅仅刺破皮肤 The blade barely broke the skin.
我受过些烹饪训练。 I've had some training in cooking.
这地看来适合长蘑菇. This looks a likely field for mushrooms.
焦炭的主要成分是碳。 Coke consists mainly of carbon.
他们聘请他照料婴儿. They employed him to look after the baby.
他看上去完全是正人君子. He looked every inch a gentleman.
发现一个老妇人被掐死了。 An old woman was found choked to death.
她掰下一块巧克力给我. She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me.
他倒了些汁液以防烤干。 He bastes juices to keep it moist during cooking.
糖和淀粉在胃里被分解. Sugar and starch are broken down in the stomach.
他宣誓要为他的国家而战。 He took the oath to fight for his country.
这是一本关于古罗马历史的书。 Here is a book about Roman history.
他穿着新西装,看上去很帅。 He looks very spruce in his new suit.
他总是贬低妻子的烹饪技术。 He's always running down his wife's cooking.
我时而喜欢抽一支大雪茄烟。 I like to smoke a big cigar every now and then.
提到烹饪,就超过我的所能了 I am out of my depth when it comes to cooking.
那部耸人听闻的书曾轰动一时. The outrageous book created a sensation.
他失踪一事警方正在调查. His disappearance is being looked into by the police.
这本书中有很多淫秽的语言。 There are much obscene languages in this book.
我洗过淋浴后觉得爽快了一些。 I took a shower and it braced me up a bit.
请勿在本店吸烟以利健康. In the interests of hygiene, please do not smoke in this shop.
整套房间都弥漫著做菜的气味. The smell of cooking permeates (through) the flat.
他在舞池里跺著舞步, 样子很可笑. He looked funny stomping round the dance floor.
汹涌而来的示威者冲破了围栏。 A surge of demonstrators broke through the fence.
我们都称赞了她烹饪技术的高超。 We all praised the excellence of her cooking.
他透过一片熏黑的玻璃观看太阳. He looked at the sun through a sheet of smoked glass.
他的大钥匙把他的口袋捅破了一个洞。 His large key had poked a hole in his pocket.
我把巧克力掰成两半--这一半给你. I broke the chocolate into halves here's your half.
吉姆把他的一切支出都记在笔记本里。 Jim entered all his expenses in a notebook.
潮水退去,我们就能寻找贝壳了。 As the tide receded we were able to look for shells.
瞧那对时髦夫妇,打扮多么入时。 Look at that trendy couple- kitted up all the latest gear!
医生给他打开胸膛并取出肿瘤。 The surgeon cut his chest open and took out the tumour.
我津津有味地品尝了我妈妈做的鱼。 I tasted the fish my mother cooked with relish.
这个淘气的孩子把书藏在了灌木丛里。 The naughty boy hid the books in the shrub.
前景似颇暗淡,但我们仍满怀希望。 The future looks rather gloomy, but we live in hope.
她的第一本书在文学界大为轰动. She has made quite a splash in literary circles with her first book.
我们为圣诞节的聚会预约了一位魔术师. We've booked a conjuror for our Christmas party.
她用一双水汪汪的眼睛深情地看着他。 She looked at him all dewy-eyed with love.
她说话滔滔不绝, 我们都插不上嘴. She talks so much that the rest of us never get a look-in.
要是过去没有书,我们就会愚昧无知。 If there had been no book, we will have been ignorant.
她忧戚的面容反映出她内心的思想。 Her sad looks reflected the thought passing through her mind.
她看着窗外,为她失去的青春而惋惜。 She looked out of the window, sighing for her lost youth.
我得找些零碎东西捐给教堂作义卖. I must look out some bits and pieces for the church jumble sale.
我遥望天空,只见风筝越来越小。 I looked up into the sky and saw the kite become smaller and smaller.
他从衣兜里拿出一些钱递给出租车司机。 He took some money from his pocket and gave it to the taxi driver.
炊事员把罐头食品分给所有登山队员。 The cook served out tins of food to all the mountaineers.
我一觉醒来,发现我所有的衣服不翼而飞。 I awoke from sleep to find that all my clothes had disappeared.
事实上,最引不起我兴趣的莫过于烹调了。 Nothing interests me less than cooking, as a matter of fact.
有些猎获的飞禽一直保存到开始变质才烹制. Some game-birds are kept until they are high before cooking.
作者在前言中阐明了他写这本书的原因。 In his preface the author set forth his reasons for writing the book.
她把棍子朝里面捅了好深,可是没有动物出来。 She poked the stick in a long way, but no animal came out.
抽头扑克牌戏中每一次赌注的一部分凑集成的钱 A fund made up of a portion of each pot in a poker game.
那小孩假装会看书,但他把书都拿颠倒了。 The boy pretended he could read, but he was holding the book upside down.
几个南美洲国家和纳粹德国断绝了外交关系。 Several South American states broke off diplomatic relations with Nazi Germany.
读了这本书,我们会对主人翁的斗争寄予同情。 Reading this book, we can identify with the main character's struggle.
那个卑鄙小人在玩扑克牌时作弊,因此引起一场打斗。 A fight break out because that scumbag cheat at poker.
他向我眨了眨一只眼,意思是他正在开别人的玩笑。 He winked at me to show that he was playing a joke on the others.
昨夜有人看见两个形迹可疑的人在校园里徘徊。 Two suspicious-looking fellows were seen hanging around the campus last night.
在各种医药研究中, 应首先解决寻找新疫苗的问题. The search for a new vaccine took priority over all other medical research.
他很快就领悟到了其中的幽默,于是和大家一起欢笑起来。 He saw the joke quickly and joined in the general merriment.
她雇佣我为她的私人助理,但我似乎要做的一切是替她打杂。 She took me on as her personal assistant but all I seem to do is fetch and carry for her.
新演员们受到评论界热烈的赞扬,迫使老演员们虚心谨慎,力保桂冠。 Enthusiastic critical acclaim for the newcomers is forcing older actors to look to their laurels.
他们花了几年的时间,精打细算,省吃俭用,终于使航海度假成为现实。 It took years of planning and saving, but their sea-going vacation came true at last.
巴鲁克先生讲述了他所认为的禁止抽鸦片烟的最好方法,大家都热烈赞同。 Mr Baruch stated what he thought the best method of suppressing opium smoking and the people heartily entered into his views.
因此,看起来政治家们取得了胜利。我惟一的想法是,他们为此付出了惨重的代价,未免得不偿失。世界上其他任何一个国家的政治家之间的分歧都没有这里的政治家之间的分歧那么大,那么公开。 So it looks as it the politicians have won. My only point is that it has been a Pyrrhic victory. In no country in the world are politicians held in greater or more open division than they are here.
桨喀吧一声断了. The oar broke with a snap.
吸烟有害於健康. Smoking damages your health.
你喜欢不喜欢烹调? Do you go for cooking?
她露出贪婪的表情。 She shows a covetous look.
你看起来多么健康啊! How well you look!
该书有库存[已脱销]. The book is in/out of stock.
内幕消息;内部笑话 Inside information; an inside joke.
激怒挑衅或煽动的行动 The act of provoking or inciting.
我的乔装确实蒙骗了他! My disguise really took him in!
摄影机准备好了吗? 好, 开拍! Cameras ready? OK, shoot!
吃熏大马哈鱼--那可太棒了! Smoked salmon what a treat!
她把图片贴在剪贴簿上。 She pasted the pictures into a scrapbook.
她最近出版的书论述14行诗。 Her latest book discourses upon sonnets.
你读过那本书的全文版本吗? Have you read the unabridged edition of that book?
农夫正在用轭把牛套到犁上。 The farmer was yoking his oxen to a plough.
他忙於照料三个小孩儿. He's fully occupied in looking after/with three small children.
迪纳摩队的防守看起来已瓦解了。 Dynamo's defence looks disorganize.
别拖延! 今天就定下你休假的日子! Don't delay! Book your holiday today!
我将为你预订直飞伦敦的航班。 I'll book you on a direct flight to London.
当 外面悬挂著三个球的标记. Signs with three balls hang outside pawnbrokers' shops.
一瞥;一眼很快的一看或一瞥;粗略看 A quick look or glimpse; a glance.
这本书破旧了,封面上有墨渍。 The book is worn out and has ink stain on its cover.
好。是要豪华型、中型还是小型车? Ok. Luxury, mid-size or compact?
冻鸡应彻底解冻後再烹调. A frozen chicken should be allowed to defrost completely before cooking.
他那彬彬有礼的举止显出他是个绅士. His polite manners bespoke the gentleman.
他们失去了首领以後便丧失了斗志. Losing their leader took all the fight out of them.
这个书架承受得住这些书的重量吗? Will this shelf sustain the weight of all these books?
她看起来彷佛刚从外太空回来似的。 It looks as if she had just come back from outer space.
她写了一本书抨击我们这腐败的社会. She wrote a book declaiming against our corrupt society.
眼界视野,理能能力或经历的范围;眼界 Range of vision, comprehension, or experience; outlook.
一阵烟空气、蒸汽或烟雾短促而突然的散发 A brief, sudden emission of air, vapor, or smoke.
焦炭渣,煤屑焦炭或木炭做成后剩下的渣滓 The refuse left when coke or charcoal is made.
该书的缺点在於作者未能把论证展开. The book's weakness is the author's inability to sustain an argument.
把文章写在练习簿里, 不要写在草稿纸上. Write the essay in your (exercise-)books, not on rough paper.
她的书抓住了文艺复兴时期人文主义的精髓. Her book captures the quintessence of Renaissance humanism.
餐厅里吸烟的烟雾就没有地方躲得过去吗? Is there no escape from the ubiquitous cigarette smoke in restaurants?
整本书的内容只用一片硅芯片就可以装下。 The entire content of a book will be located on a single silicon chip.
她把活计带到了园子里(如图纸或缝纫材料). She took her work (eg papers or sewing materials) with her into the garden.
这个老战犯终于被人从他在国外的藏匿处查获。 The old war criminal is at last smoked out from his hiding place abroad.
那椅子太破旧了,无法修理:架子好几个地方坏了。 That chair is too far gone to repair: the frame is broken in several places.
我不打算放弃我的假日来迁就你, 你不听也得听! I'm not giving up my holiday to suit you, so you can put that in your pipe and smoke it!
想起自己坎坷的一生,他不由仰天长叹。 He could not but look up to the sky and sigh deeply when his lifetime of frustrations passed through his mind.
我整天都在照料四个小孩, 确实已筋疲力尽了! I've been looking after four young children all day and I really am at the end of my tether!
一位老式汽车收藏家要弗兰克留神1906年产的煤气前灯。 A collector of antique cars asked Frank to look out for a1906 gas head lamp.
那位生物学家先把标本染色, 然後再通过显微镜进行观察. The biologist stained the specimen before looking at it through the microscope.
他由於仪表堂堂而当选,但他尚须证明决非徒有其表。 His good looks won him the election but he has still to prove that he's not just a pretty face.
马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一条链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。 From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.
我们用了两个小时才计算完毕,因此我们在4点钟结束了工作。 It took two hours to complete the calculation, so we logged off at4 o'clock.
这本书的作者是一个退休上校,他过去常参与策划间谍活动。 The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
通货膨胀正在缓解,失业情形正在改善,形势确实已好转! Inflation is coming down; unemployment is coming down; things are definitely looking up!
英国广播公司在播放那部电视连续剧以後,即将出版一部有关的书。 As a follow-up to the television series the BBC is publishing a book.
豚脊丘,陡峻的山脊由于对高斜层破碎山背的侵蚀而形成的陡峭的山背 A sharp ridge with steeply sloping sides, produced by erosion of the broken edges of highly tilted strata.
科学研究表明90%的肺癌是由抽烟引起。肺癌患者死亡率估计占85%。 A scientific research shows that90% of lung cancer is caused by smoking and85% of lung cancer patients are expected to die.
互见参照从书、索引、目录或文件的一部分到另一含有相关资料部分的参照 A reference from one part of a book, index, catalogue, or file to another part containing related information.
玛丽错把老师的书拿回了家,第2天一早她便在无人知晓的情况下将它归还了。 Mary took the teacher's book home by mistake, but early the morning she returned it with nobody the wiser.
希伯莱圣经;托位包括伯莱经典的一大部书籍,用于宗教仪式时向人们布道 A scroll of parchment containing the first five books of the Hebrew Scriptures, used in a synagogue during services.
你们在外面享福,我却一直在这里辛辛苦苦守着火热的炉灶。可我又得到了什么报答呢? Here I've been slaving over a hot cooker while you have been out enjoying yourselves, and what rewards do I get?
附注列在一篇文章、一个章节或一本书尾的注解,对文中指定部分做评论或引述参考书 A note placed at the end of an article, a chapter, or a book that comments on or cites a reference for a designated part of the text.
汽车修理厂给我5英镑折价换取我的汽车旧电池,这使我比较容易接受得买一个新电池的事实。 The garage gave me five pounds for trading in my old car battery, which took the sting of having to buy a new one.
早晨我妈妈总是慌慌张张:做饭,收拾房间,送我最小的弟弟上幼儿园,然后去上班。 In the morning, my mother is always in a rush: she cooks, makes the room tidy, takes my younger brother to the nursery, and then goes to work.
少女大约到18岁时开始社交,通常要为她们举办盛大聚会,从此以后她们就被看做是成人了。 In society, girls come out when they reach the age of about eighteen, and usually it is at a big party in their honor; after that they are looked on as adults.
英国习语,英国特有用词,英国式的语言现象英语,尤其是在英语口语中所特有的单词、短语或习惯用语;英国式语言现象 A word, a phrase, or an idiom peculiar to the English language, especially as spoken in England; a Briticism.
科技英语的一个重要的,也许是令人惊奇的特点是:无论是书面的传达,还是口头的交流,二者都是可以作为正式文体而通用的。 An important and perhaps surprising feature of technical English is that its normal style is common to both written and spoken communication.
猜测萨达姆心里如何想法是毫无意义的。不论他是做给伊斯兰激进分子看,还是趁最后一个机会找布什麻烦,他与美国和全世界对抗,不久就成为克林顿先生的问题。 It's pointless to try to read Saddam Hussein's mind. Whether he is playing to Islamic radicals or simply taking a final poke at George Bush, his confrontation with America and the world will soon be one more problem for Mr.Clinton.
在计算机安全学中,一种计算机程序,表面上或实际上有某种有用的功能,而含有附加的(隐藏的)可能利用了调用进程的合法特许来危害系统安全的功能。 In computer security, a computer program with an apparently or actually useful function that contains additional(hidden) functions that surreptitiously exploit the legitimate authorizations of the invoking process to the detriment of security.