
coat + clothing worn outside over your normal clothes
general + Widespread, normal or usual
south + direction that is the opposite of north
special + Different from what is usual; better or greater than normal
usually + Normally; regularly
west + direction that the sun sets from north, 90 degrees to the left
average + typical or normal; usual; ordinary
common + typical, normal; not unusual
depression + medical condition in which a person's sadness stops him/her from living his/her life normally
direction + Describes the way you are going, e.g. North
northern + in or toward the north
ordinary + Normal or usual
typical + normal; usual; expected
typically + in a normal or usual way
cancer + Any growth caused by abnormal cell division
custom + What is usual or normal
modify + To make minor change to something

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
