
nice + Good or enjoyable

5 New HSK word(s): HSK4 暖和 + nuan3huo5 warm; nice and warm HSK4 凉快 + liang2kuai5 nice and cold; pleasantly cool HSK6 一帆风顺 + yi1fan1feng1shun4 propitious wind throughout the journey (idiom); plain sailing; to go smoothly; have a nice trip! HSK6 和蔼 + he2ai3 kindly; nice; amiable HSK6 应酬 + ying4chou5 social niceties; social interaction; a dinner party
4 Old HSK word(s): A VS * liang2kuai nice and cool/ pleasantly cool A VS * hao3 good/ nice/ be in good health A VS * hao3kan4 good-looking/ nice/ pretty B VS * nuan3 warm/ nice and warm/ warm up


Ấm +


Mát mẻ +

Thuận buồm xuôi gió +

Tốt đẹp +

Xã hội +
Grade E word(s):

很高兴认识你。 It's nice meeting you.
再见了,很高兴见到你。 Good-bye. Nice seeing you.
他为我切了几块很好的鸡肉。 He carved me some very nice pieces of chicken.
你讲到一半就停下来不讲,太没意思了。 It's not nice of you to stop in the middle of what you are saying.
再见,旅途愉快。 Good-bye, and have a nice journey.
她并不聪明,但在其他方面,她倒是个好姑娘。 She is not very clever, but otherwise she's a nice girl.
边上打了一个漂亮的红勾。 There was a nice red tick in the margin.
你对那段距离的判断十分精确. You judged the distance to a nicety.
我们沏了一壶好茶. We brewed (up) a nice pot of tea.
今天阳光明媚,天气宜人,是吗? Nice and bright today, is not it?
他是个不错的小伙子, 但好像没有什麽进取心. He's a nice enough lad, but he doesn't seem to have much gumption.
你难道不能想出一个比`好'更恰当的字眼来形容你的假日吗? Can't you think of a better word than `nice' to describe your holiday?
好天气使农作物长得很好。 The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely.
就我而论,注重仪表使我自信。 For my own part, being nice about appearance keeps me confident.
她给你这份精美礼物足以表示出她对你的思念。 The nice present she gave you spoke volumes for what she thinks of you.
祝福夫君生日快乐,你给流逝的岁月增添了醉人的情意,你让平凡的事情发出耀眼的光芒,感谢你已成为我生命中特别重要的一部分。 Happy birthday to my dear husband. You add a special happiness to days that come and go. You give an extra sparkle to the ordinary things. It's so nice to have you being a special part of my life.
要不是因为下雨, 我们的假日一定过得很惬意. But for the rain we would have had a nice holiday.
这张卡片正好能装进那个信封里. This card just fits nicely into that envelope.
这房间给人非常温暖舒适的感觉。 The room has a nice cosy feel.
她接待他时始终准确地把握好分寸,看似冷淡,却不失礼。 The manner in which she received him was calculated to a nicety to seem cool without being uncivil.
我们在威尼斯度假时曾到附近的几个地方观光过. During our holiday in Venice we went on a few trips/excursions to places near by.
"亲爱的,我今晚会早早回家的。""那好极了,"她机械地应了一声,就在门关上时又补了一句,"我就算你会早回好了!" "I'll be home early tonight, darling." "That'll be nice, " she answered mechanically, and, as the door closed, added, "I'll bet! "