
80 New HSK word(s): HSK1 睡觉 + shui4jiao4 to go to bed; to sleep HSK1 + ren2 man; person; people; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK1 + shei2 who; also pr.shui2 HSK2 大家 + da4jia1 everyone; influential family; great expert HSK2 服务员 + fu2wu4yuan2 waiter; waitress; attendant; customer service personnel; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK3 + ma3 horse; CL:匹pi3; horse or cavalry piece in Chinese chess; knight in Western chess HSK3 别人 + bie2ren5 other people; others; other person HSK4 相反 + xiang1fan3 opposite; contrary HSK4 引起 + yin3qi3 to give rise to; to lead to; to cause; to arouse HSK4 对面 + dui4mian4 (sitting) opposite; across (the street); directly in front; to be face to face HSK4 + ben4 stupid; foolish; silly; slow-witted; clumsy HSK4 危险 + wei1xian3 danger; dangerous HSK4 亲戚 + qin1qi5 a relative (i.e. family relation); CL:门/门men2,个/个ge4,位wei4 HSK4 语言 + yu3yan2 language; CL:门/门men2,种/种zhong3 HSK5 球迷 + qiu2mi2 fan (ball sports); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 士兵 + shi4bing1 soldier; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 老百姓 + lao3bai3xing4 ordinary people; the "person in the street"; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 志愿者 + zhi4yuan4zhe3 volunteer HSK5 卧室 + wo4shi4 bedroom; CL:间/间jian1 HSK5 模特 + mo2te4 (fashion) model (loanword) HSK5 提倡 + ti2chang4 to promote; to advocate HSK5 成人 + cheng2ren2 adult HSK5 成语 + cheng2yu3 Chinese set expression, often made up of 4 characters or two couplets of 4 characters each, often alluding to a story or historical quotation; idiom; proverb; saying; adage; set expression; CL:条/条tiao2,本ben3,句ju4 HSK5 + pi1 mate; one of a pair HSK5 + pi3 classifier for horses, mules etc; Taiwan pr.pi1; ordinary person; classifier for cloth: bolt; horsepower HSK5 原则 + yuan2ze2 principle; doctrine; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 原料 + yuan2liao4 raw material; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + ma4 to scold; to abuse; to curse; CL:通tong4,顿/顿dun4 HSK5 失眠 + shi1mian2 to suffer from insomnia HSK5 造成 + zao4cheng2 to bring about; to create; to cause HSK5 长辈 + zhang3bei4 one's elders; older generation HSK5 + xiong1 chest; bosom; heart; mind; thorax HSK5 危害 + wei1hai4 to jeopardize; to harm; to endanger; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 风险 + feng1xian3 risk; hazard HSK5 自愿 + zi4yuan4 voluntary HSK5 佩服 + pei4fu2 to admire HSK5 行人 + xing2ren2 pedestrian; traveler on foot; passer-by; official responsible for arranging audiences with the emperor HSK5 人类 + ren2lei4 humanity; human race; mankind HSK5 + yang3 to itch; to tickle HSK5 资源 + Zi1yuan2 Ziyuan county in Guilin 桂林Gui4 lin2, Guangxi HSK5 资源 + zi1yuan2 natural resource (such as water or minerals); resource (such as manpower or tourism) HSK6 示范 + shi4fan4 to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example HSK6 吞吞吐吐 + tun1tun1tu3tu3 to hum and haw (idiom); to mumble as if hiding sth; to speak and break off, then start again; to hold sth back HSK6 起源 + qi3yuan2 origin; to originate; to come from HSK6 颠倒 + dian1dao3 to turn upside-down; to reverse; back-to-front; confused; deranged; crazy HSK6 模型 + mo2xing2 model; mould; matrix; pattern HSK6 模范 + mo2fan4 model; fine example HSK6 鸦雀无声 + ya1que4wu2sheng1 lit. crow and peacock make no sound; absolute silence (idiom); not a single voice can be heard; absolute silence HSK6 扭转 + niu3zhuan3 to reverse; to turn around (an undesirable situation) HSK6 原理 + yuan2li3 principle; theory HSK6 原告 + yuan2gao4 complainant; plaintiff HSK6 大伙 + da4huo3 everybody; everyone; we all HSK6 致使 + zhi4shi3 to cause; to result in HSK6 来历 + lai2li4 history; antecedents; origin HSK6 来源 + lai2yuan2 source (of information etc); origin HSK6 承办 + cheng2ban4 to undertake; to accept a contract HSK6 愚蠢 + yu2chun3 silly; stupid HSK6 电源 + dian4yuan2 electric power source HSK6 出身 + chu1shen1 to be born of; to come from; family background; class origin HSK6 钦佩 + qin1pei4 to admire; to look up to; to respect sb greatly HSK6 知足常乐 + zhi1zu2chang2le4 satisfied with what one has (idiom) HSK6 选手 + xuan3shou3 athlete; contestant HSK6 物资 + wu4zi1 goods; supplies HSK6 胸膛 + xiong1tang2 chest HSK6 反面 + fan3mian4 reverse side; backside; the other side (of a problem etc); negative; bad HSK6 反之 + fan3zhi1 on the other hand...; conversely... HSK6 凶手 + xiong1shou3 murderer; assassin HSK6 人士 + ren2shi4 person; figure; public figure HSK6 人为 + ren2wei2 artificial; man-made; having human cause or origin; human attempt or effort HSK6 人家 + ren2jia1 household; dwelling; family; sb else's house; household business; house of woman's husband-to-be; CL:户/户hu4,家jia1 HSK6 人家 + ren2jia5 other people; sb else; he, she or they; I, me (referring to oneself as "one" or "people") HSK6 方言 + Fang1yan2 the first Chinese dialect dictionary, edited by Yang Xiong 扬雄/扬雄Yang2 Xiong2in 1st century, containing over 9000 characters HSK6 方言 + fang1yan2 dialect HSK6 废寝忘食 + fei4qin3wang4shi2 to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work HSK6 半途而废 + ban4tu2er2fei4 to give up halfway (idiom); leave sth unfinished HSK6 逆行 + ni4xing2 to go the wrong way; to go against one-way traffic regulation HSK6 为难 + wei2nan2 to feel embarrassed or awkward; to make things difficult (for someone); to find things difficult (to do or manage) HSK6 源泉 + yuan2quan2 fountainhead; well-spring; water source; fig. origin HSK6 渔民 + yu2min2 fisherman; fisher folk HSK6 沉闷 + chen2men4 oppressive (of weather); heavy; depressed; not happy; (of sound) dull; muffled
Old HSK word(s):



Ngủ +


Người +


Người +


Tất cả mọi người +


Người phục vụ +


Con ngựa +


Những người khác +


Ngược lại +


Nguyên nhân gây ra +


Ngược lại +


Ngu ngốc +


Nguy hiểm +


Người thân +


Ngôn ngữ +

Những người hâm mộ +

Những người lính +

Người +

Tình nguyện viên +

Phòng ngủ +

Người mẫu +

Người ủng hộ +

Người lớn +

Thành ngữ +

Con ngựa +

Con ngựa +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên liệu +

Nguyền rủa +

Mất ngủ +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Những người lớn tuổi +

Ngực +

Mối nguy hiểm +

Nguy cơ +

Tự nguyện +

Chiêm ngưỡng +

Người đi bộ +

Con người +

Ngứa +

Nguồn lực +

Nguồn lực +

Người mẫu +

Ngập ngừng +

Nguồn gốc +

Lộn ngược +

Người mẫu +

Người mẫu +

Im lặng ngự trị +

Ngược lại +

Nguyên tắc +

Nguyên đơn +

Tất cả mọi người +

Nguyên nhân gây ra +

Nguồn gốc +

Nguồn +

Người nhận +

Ngu ngốc +

Nguồn cung cấp +

Nguồn gốc +

Sự ngưỡng mộ +

Mãn nguyện +

Người chơi +

Nguồn cung cấp +

Ngực +

Phía ngược lại +

Ngược lại +

Những kẻ giết người +

Người +

Con người +

Người +

Người +

Phương ngữ +

Phương ngữ +

Đêm không ngủ +

Người hèn nhát +

Ngược dòng +

Người tị nạn +

Nguồn +

Ngư dân +

Ngu si đần độn +
Grade E word(s):
