
27 New HSK word(s): HSK3 太阳 + tai4yang5 sun; CL:个/个ge4; abbr. for 太阳穴/太阳穴tai4 yang2 xue2 HSK4 + tai2 to lift; to raise; (of two or more persons) to carry HSK4 阳光 + yang2guang1 sunshine; CL:线/线xian4; transparent (open to public scrutiny) HSK4 特点 + te4dian3 characteristic (feature); trait; feature; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 能力 + neng2li4 capability; capable; able; ability; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 功能 + gong1neng2 function; capability HSK5 + shai4 (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to HSK5 特色 + te4se4 characteristic; distinguishing feature or quality HSK5 特征 + te4zheng1 characteristic; diagnostic property; distinctive feature; trait HSK5 人才 + ren2cai2 talent; talented person; looks; attractive looks HSK5 能源 + neng2yuan2 energy; power source; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 精力 + jing1li4 energy HSK6 天赋 + tian1fu4 gift; innate skill HSK6 要素 + yao4su4 essential factor; key constituent HSK6 职能 + zhi2neng2 function; role HSK6 本能 + ben3neng2 instinct HSK6 抚养 + fu3yang3 to foster; to bring up; to raise HSK6 振奋 + zhen4fen4 to stir oneself up; to raise one's spirits; to inspire HSK6 拐杖 + guai3zhang4 crutches; crutch; walking stick HSK6 才干 + cai2gan4 ability; competence HSK6 屈服 + qu1fu2 to surrender; to yield HSK6 生育 + sheng1yu4 to bear; to give birth; to grow; to rear; to bring up (children) HSK6 负担 + fu4dan1 burden; to bear a burden HSK6 解除 + jie3chu2 to remove; to sack; to get rid of; to relieve (sb of their duties); to free; to lift (an embargo); to rescind (an agreement) HSK6 能量 + neng2liang4 energy; capabilities HSK6 潜力 + qian2li4 potential; capacity HSK6 沉重 + chen2zhong4 heavy; hard; serious; critical
Old HSK word(s):



Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Nâng +


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Tính năng +


Khả năng +

Chức năng +

Ánh nắng mặt trời +

Tính năng +

Tính năng +

Tài năng +

Năng lượng +

Năng lượng +

Tài năng +

Năng +

Chức năng +

Bản năng +

Nâng +

Nâng cao tinh thần +

Nạng +

Tài năng +

Năng suất +

Khả năng sinh sản +

Gánh nặng +

Nâng +

Năng lượng +

Tiềm năng +

Nặng +
Grade E word(s):
