
apart + Separated by an amount of time or space
double + Two times the amount or degree; twice
hill + High land not as high as a mountain
less + smaller in amount or degree
little + not great in size, amount, or degree; small
load + large, often heavy, amount of something to be moved
more + Greater in amount, number, or size
much + a lot; large amount; a high degree of
only + just one; just that amount or thing; not more than
payment + amount of money that is paid for something
river + flowing water that runs from mountains to the sea
rock + big stone; hard, solid substance forming mountains
sea + place with a large amount of salt water
some + Used to refer to an unspecified amount or number
total + whole number or amount of something
brilliant + Having a great amount of intelligence or talent
distance + amount of space between two places or things
effort + amount of work used trying to do something
flood + large amount of water covering land that is usually dry
increase + to make or become something larger in size or amount
increasingly + more and more; in greater degree or amount
mass + Having to do with a large amount of people
measurement + size or amount of something or someone
period + set amount of time during which events take place
sale + Giving something for money; the amount sold
traffic + amount of activity over a communication system
valley + long, low area between hills or mountains, often with a river running through it
bid + To propose an amount you want to pay for something
budget + the amount of money planned to be spent on something
considerable + large in size, amount, or effect
decrease + To reduce the size, amount or number of something
deficit + property of being an amount by which something is less than expected or required
excess + amount that is more than necessary
expand + To become bigger or larger in size and amount
expenditure + amount of money used during a certain time
fee + amount of money paid for a particular service
majority + amount that is more than half of a group
minimum + lowest number or amount that is possible
moderate + Average in size or amount
output + amount of something that is produced
proportion + amount that is a part of a whole thing
quantity + amount or number of something
regulate + To set or adjust the amount, restrict something
restriction + law or rule that controls or limits the speed, size, amount, or number of something
sum + amount when all is added together; total
target + a goal or amount you are trying to achieve
vast + Being very large in size or amount
wealth + large amount of money and possessions

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
