
ability + The power, money, or skill to do something
account + arrangement with a bank to keep your money for you
afford + to have enough money to pay for something
bank + A financial institution that keeps or lends money
bet + To gamble money to win more money, e.g. on horses
buy + To get something by paying money for it
charge + To ask for money as a price for a service or goods
cheap + Not costing a lot of money
expensive + Costing a lot of money
free + Costing no money
job + regular work of earning money
pay + To give money for goods or work done
payment + amount of money that is paid for something
poor + Without money; not rich
rent + To pay money for the use of something
rich + Having a lot of money, possessions, or resources
sell + To exchange something for money
spend + To use money to pay for something
tax + Money taken by a government from its people
work + activity you do in order to make money
cash + physical money (not credit card or digital)
cent + 100th of the basic unit of money e.g. there are 100 of these in a dollar
contract + legal agreement, e.g. for doing work for money
contribute + To donate, give (money) or help to something
contribution + Helping a cause by giving money, things, services
debt + Sum of money owed to somebody that is not yet paid
dollar + A basic unit of money equal to 100 cent
earn + to get money for work
economic + Having to do with trade, industry, and money
expense + paying money for something (big)
finance + control of money a person/business has access to
financial + Involving money
fund + To supply money for something
income + Earned money from work, investments or business
loan + To borrow money that must be paid back
owe + To need to pay or repay money
purchase + To buy something; to get by paying money for it
salary + money an employee is paid each year
sale + Giving something for money; the amount sold
taxi + car that transports people for money
valuable + Being worth a lot of money
value + To say how much money something is worth
wage + money paid to a worker for the hours they worked
budget + the amount of money planned to be spent on something
coin + A small, flat piece of metal used as money
compensation + (money) given or received as payment for loss
currency + money system that a country uses
expenditure + amount of money used during a certain time
fee + amount of money paid for a particular service
investor + person who spends money to help business grow
profit + To earn money from something
revenue + Money that is made by or paid to a business
sponsor + To help someone or something succeed by giving them money
wealth + large amount of money and possessions
wealthy + Having a great quantity of money or property

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