
maker + person, company, or object that creates things

2 New HSK word(s): HSK6 裁缝 + cai2feng2 tailor; dressmaker HSK6 奔驰 + Ben1chi2 Benz (name); Mercedes-Benz, German car maker
1 Old HSK word(s): C N * cai2feng dressmaker/ tailor


Thợ may +

Mercedes-Benz +
Grade E word(s):

这家公司里谁是决策者? Who is the policy maker in this company?
渡假者租了一艘船去钓鱼。 The holiday-makers chartered a boat to go fishing.
人民是历史的创造者。 The people are the makers of history.
厂家已在试验制造,完全符合所要求的规格,可望在两周内完成。 Maker make trial product exactly conform specification expect completion within fortnight.
把这些捣乱分子赶出去。 Let's pitch out the troublemakers.
我们的全部电机都包换1年;如出现机械故障,任何有故障的零部件均由制造厂无偿更换。 All our electric motors are guaranteed for one year; in the event of mechanical failure, the makers will replace any faulty part free.