
159 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + na4 that; those; then (in that case); commonly pr.nei4before a classifier, esp. in Beijing HSK1 飞机 + fei1ji1 airplane; CL:架jia4 HSK1 计算机 + dian4nao3 computer; CL:台/台tai2 HSK1 明天 + ming2tian1 tomorrow HSK1 + na3 how; which HSK1 + na5 (particle equivalent to 啊 after noun ending in -n) HSK1 + nei3 which? (interrogative, followed by classifier or numeral-classifier) HSK2 眼睛 + yan3jing5 eye; CL:只/只zhi1,双/双shuang1 HSK2 虽然 + sui1ran2 although; even though; even if HSK2 颜色 + yan2se4 color; CL:个/个ge4 HSK2 穿 + chuan1 to bore through; to pierce; to perforate; to penetrate; to pass through; to dress; to wear; to put on; to thread HSK3 + Lan2 /surname Lan/ HSK3 + lan2 blue; indigo plant HSK3 太阳 + tai4yang5 sun; CL:个/个ge4; abbr. for 太阳穴/太阳穴tai4 yang2 xue2 HSK3 电梯 + dian4ti1 elevator; escalator; CL:台/台tai2,部bu4 HSK3 电子邮件 + dian4zi3you2jian4 email; CL:封feng1,份fen4 HSK3 笔记本 + bi3ji4ben3 notebook (stationery); CL:本ben3; notebook (computing) HSK3 月亮 + yue4liang5 the moon HSK3 舒服 + shu1fu5 comfortable; feeling well HSK4 现金 + xian4jin1 cash HSK4 植物 + zhi2wu4 botanical; plant; vegetation; CL:种/种zhong3 HSK4 + shu1 to lose; to transport; to donate; to enter (a password) HSK4 打扮 + da3ban5 to decorate; to dress; to make up; to adorn; manner of dressing; style of dress HSK4 + xian2 salted; salty; stingy; miserly HSK4 硕士 + shuo4shi4 master's degree; learned person HSK4 尽管 + jin3guan3 despite; although; even though; in spite of; unhesitatingly; do not hesitate (to ask, complain etc); (go ahead and do it) without hesitating HSK4 力气 + li4qi5 strength; CL:把ba3 HSK4 登机牌 + deng1ji1pai2 boarding pass HSK4 阳光 + yang2guang1 sunshine; CL:线/线xian4; transparent (open to public scrutiny) HSK4 师傅 + shi1fu5 master; qualified worker; respectful form of address for older men; CL:个/个ge4,位wei4,名ming2 HSK4 + diu1 to lose; to put aside; to throw HSK4 永远 + yong3yuan3 forever; eternal HSK4 冷静 + leng3jing4 calm; cool-headed HSK4 凉快 + liang2kuai5 nice and cold; pleasantly cool HSK4 普通话 + pu3tong1hua4 Mandarin (common language); Putonghua (common speech of the Chinese language); ordinary speech HSK4 密码 + mi4ma3 code; secret code; password; pin number HSK4 浪漫 + lang4man4 romantic HSK5 表面 + biao3mian4 surface; face; outside; appearance HSK5 运气 + yun4qi5 luck (good or bad) HSK5 工厂 + gong1chang3 factory; CL:家jia1,座zuo4 HSK5 幸运 + xing4yun4 fortunate; lucky; fortune; luck HSK5 事实 + shi4shi2 fact; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 模特 + mo2te4 (fashion) model (loanword) HSK5 权力 + quan2li4 power; authority HSK5 机器 + ji1qi4 machine; CL:台/台tai2,部bu4,个/个ge4 HSK5 + si1 to tear HSK5 损失 + sun3shi1 loss; damage; CL:个/个ge4; to lose; to damage HSK5 推广 + tui1guang3 to extend; to spread; to popularize; generalization; promotion (of a product etc) HSK5 在于 + zai4yu2 to be in; to lie in; to consist in; to depend on; to rest with HSK5 强烈 + qiang2lie4 intense; (violently) strong HSK5 强调 + qiang2diao4 to emphasize (a statement); to stress HSK5 眉毛 + mei2mao5 eyebrow; CL:根gen1 HSK5 力量 + li4liang5 power; force; strength HSK5 戏剧 + xi4ju4 drama; play; theater HSK5 矛盾 + mao2dun4 contradiction; CL:个/个ge4; conflicting views; contradictory HSK5 难怪 + nan2guai4 (it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that) HSK5 + zhen4 disposition of troops; wave; spate; burst; spell; short period of time; classifier for events or states of short duration HSK5 随身 + sui2shen1 to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one HSK5 + zi3 purple; violet; amethyst; Lithospermum erythrorhizon (flowering plant whose root provides red purple dye); Japanese: murasaki HSK5 + shai4 (of the sun) to shine on; to bask in (the sunshine); to dry (clothes, grain etc) in the sun; (fig.) to expose and share (one's experiences and thoughts) on the Web (loanword from "share"); (coll.) to give the cold shoulder to HSK5 + zheng1 to open (one's eyes) HSK5 网络 + Wang3luo4 Internet HSK5 网络 + wang3luo4 network (computing, telecommunications, transport etc) HSK5 坚强 + jian1qiang2 staunch; strong HSK5 坚决 + jian1jue2 firm; resolute; determined HSK5 掌握 + zhang3wo4 to grasp (often fig.); to control; to seize (initiative, opportunity, destiny); to master; to know well; to understand sth well and know how to use it; fluency HSK5 失去 + shi1qu4 to lose HSK5 失眠 + shi1mian2 to suffer from insomnia HSK5 秘密 + mi4mi4 secret; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 用功 + yong4gong1 diligent; industrious (in one's studies); to study hard; to make great effort HSK5 色彩 + se4cai3 tint; coloring; coloration; character HSK5 片面 + pian4mian4 unilateral; one-sided HSK5 倒霉 + dao3mei2 to have bad luck; to be out of luck HSK5 + xue4 blood; colloquial pr.xie3; CL:滴di1,片pian4 HSK5 促进 + cu4jin4 to promote (an idea or cause); to advance; boost HSK5 促使 + cu4shi3 to induce; to promote; to urge; to impel; to bring about; to provoke; to drive (sb to do sth); to catalyze; to actuate; to contribute to (some development) HSK5 贸易 + mao4yi4 (commercial) trade; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 舒适 + shu1shi4 cozy; snug HSK5 结实 + jie1shi2 to bear fruit HSK5 结实 + jie1shi5 rugged; sturdy HSK5 幼儿园 + you4er2yuan2 kindergarten; nursery school HSK5 摩托车 + mo2tuo1che1 motorbike; motorcycle (loanword); CL:辆/辆liang4,部bu4 HSK5 计算 + ji4suan4 to count; to calculate; to compute; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 安慰 + an1wei4 to comfort; to console; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 沙漠 + sha1mo4 desert; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 消失 + xiao1shi1 to disappear; to fade away HSK5 流泪 + liu2lei4 to shed tears HSK5 怀孕 + huai2yun4 pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy HSK5 怪不得 + guai4bu5de5 no wonder!; so that's why! HSK6 一目了然 + yi1mu4liao3ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom) HSK6 亏损 + kui1sun3 deficit; (financial) loss HSK6 示范 + shi4fan4 to demonstrate; to show how to do sth; demonstration; a model example HSK6 动力 + dong4li4 power; motion; propulsion; force HSK6 动脉 + dong4mai4 artery HSK6 政策 + zheng4ce4 policy; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 裁缝 + cai2feng2 tailor; dressmaker HSK6 坦白 + tan3bai2 honest; forthcoming; to confess HSK6 革命 + ge2ming4 revolution; revolutionary (politics); CL:次ci4 HSK6 蔚蓝 + wei4lan2 azure; sky blue HSK6 晋升 + jin4sheng1 to promote to a higher position HSK6 标本 + biao1ben3 specimen; sample; the root cause and symptoms of a disease HSK6 标记 + biao1ji4 sign; mark; symbol; to mark up HSK6 模型 + mo2xing2 model; mould; matrix; pattern HSK6 模范 + mo2fan4 model; fine example HSK6 机密 + ji1mi4 secret; classified (information) HSK6 样品 + yang4pin3 sample; specimen HSK6 丧失 + sang4shi1 to lose; to forfeit HSK6 摸索 + mo1suo5 to feel about; to grope about; to fumble; to do things slowly HSK6 热泪盈眶 + re4lei4ying2kuang4 eyes brimming with tears of excitement (idiom); extremely moved HSK6 推销 + tui1xiao1 to market; to sell HSK6 压岁钱 + ya1sui4qian2 money given to children as new year present HSK6 威力 + wei1li4 might; formidable power HSK6 不顾 + bu4gu4 in spite of; regardless of HSK6 不言而喻 + bu4yan2er2yu4 it goes without saying; it is self-evident HSK6 雄厚 + xiong2hou4 robust; strong and solid HSK6 平面 + ping2mian4 plane (flat surface); print media HSK6 屏幕 + ping2mu4 screen (TV, computer or movie) HSK6 隐蔽 + yin3bi4 to conceal; to hide; covert; under cover HSK6 目光 + mu4guang1 sight; vision; view; gaze; look HSK6 眼色 + yan3se4 signal made with one's eyes; meaningful glance HSK6 眼神 + yan3shen2 expression or emotion showing in one's eyes; meaningful glance; wink; eyesight (dialect) HSK6 野蛮 + ye3man2 barbarous; uncivilized HSK6 旷课 + kuang4ke4 to play truant; to cut classes HSK6 遗失 + yi2shi1 to lose; lost HSK6 坚固 + jian1gu4 firm; firmly; hard; stable HSK6 当面 + dang1mian4 to sb's face; in sb's presence HSK6 以致 + yi3zhi4 to such an extent as to; down to; up to HSK6 水泥 + shui3ni2 cement; CL:袋dai4 HSK6 缺席 + que1xi2 absence; absent HSK6 知足常乐 + zhi1zu2chang2le4 satisfied with what one has (idiom) HSK6 失踪 + shi1zong1 to be missing; to disappear; unaccounted for HSK6 丢三落四 + diu1san1la4si4 forgetful; empty-headed HSK6 策略 + ce4lu:e4 tactics; to be tactful HSK6 肥沃 + fei2wo4 fertile HSK6 脆弱 + cui4ruo4 weak; frail HSK6 片断 + pian4duan4 section; fragment; segment HSK6 侥幸 + jiao3xing4 luckily; by a fluke HSK6 自满 + zi4man3 complacent; self-satisfied HSK6 保密 + bao3mi4 to keep sth confidential; to maintain secrecy HSK6 伪造 + wei3zao4 to forge; to fake; to counterfeit HSK6 欣欣向荣 + xin1xin1xiang4rong2 luxuriant growth (idiom); flourishing; thriving HSK6 舒畅 + shu1chang4 happy; entirely free from worry HSK6 线索 + xian4suo3 trail; clues; thread (of a story) HSK6 摩擦 + mo2ca1 friction; rubbing; chafing; fig. disharmony; conflict; also written 磨擦 HSK6 魔术 + mo2shu4 magic HSK6 亲热 + qin1re4 affectionate; intimate; warm-hearted HSK6 启示 + qi3shi4 to reveal; to enlighten; enlightenment; revelation; illumination HSK6 衬托 + chen4tuo1 to set off HSK6 神奇 + shen2qi2 magical; mystical; miraculous HSK6 冷却 + leng3que4 to cool off; cooling HSK6 冷落 + leng3luo4 desolate; unfrequented; to treat sb coldly; to snub; to cold shoulder HSK6 粉色 + fen3se4 pink; white; erotic; beautiful woman; powdered (with make-up) HSK6 兑现 + dui4xian4 (of a cheque etc) to cash; to honor a commitment HSK6 密度 + mi4du4 density; thickness HSK6 实力 + shi2li4 strength HSK6 混浊 + hun4zhuo2 turbid; muddy; dirty HSK6 浓厚 + nong2hou4 dense; thick (fog, clouds etc); to have a strong interest in; deep; fully saturated (color) HSK6 慢性 + man4xing4 slow and patient; chronic (disease); slow to take effect (e.g. a slow poison) HSK6 兴旺 + xing1wang4 prosperous; thriving; to prosper; to flourish
Old HSK word(s):



Mà +


Máy bay +


Máy tính +


Ngày mai +


Mà +


Mà +


Mà +


Mắt +


Mặc dù +


Màu sắc +


Mặc +

Màu xanh +


Màu xanh +


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Thang máy +


E-mail +


Máy tính xách tay +


Mặt trăng +


Thoải mái +


Tiền mặt +


Nhà máy +


Mất +


Ăn mặc +


Mặn +


Master +


Mặc dù +


Sức mạnh +


Thẻ lên máy bay +


Ánh nắng mặt trời +


Master +


Mất +


Mãi mãi +


Mát mẻ +


Mát mẻ +


Mandarin +


Mật khẩu +


Lãng mạn +

Bề mặt +

May mắn +

Nhà máy +

May mắn +

Thực tế mà +

Người mẫu +

Sức mạnh +

Máy +

Giọt nước mắt +

Mất +

Khuyến mãi +

Mà +

Mạnh mẽ +

Nhấn mạnh +

Lông mày +

Sức mạnh +

Drama +

Mâu thuẫn +

Không thắc mắc +

Mảng +

Mang theo +

Màu tím +

Ánh nắng mặt trời +

Giữ cho mắt mở +

Mạng +

Mạng +

Mạnh mẽ +

Mạnh mẽ +

Master +

Mất +

Mất ngủ +

Bí mật +

Sức mạnh +

Màu sắc +

Một mặt +

Không may mắn +

Máu +

Đẩy mạnh +

Đẩy mạnh +

Thương mại +

Thoải mái +

Mạnh mẽ +

Mạnh mẽ +

Mẫu giáo +

Xe gắn máy +

Máy tính +

Thoải mái +

Sa mạc +

Biến mất +

Những giọt nước mắt +

Khi mang thai +

Không thắc mắc +

Trong nháy mắt +

Mất +

Người mẫu +

Sức mạnh +

Động mạch +

Mật +

Thợ may +

Thẳng thắn mà nói, +

Cuộc cách mạng +

Màu xanh +

Khuyến mãi +

Mẫu vật +

Mark +

Người mẫu +

Người mẫu +

Bí mật +

Mẫu +

Mất +

Mò mẫm +

Những giọt nước mắt +

Marketing +

Tiền may mắn +

Sức mạnh +

Mặc dù +

Nó đi mà không nói +

Mạnh mẽ +

Một màn hình phẳng +

Màn hình +

Bí mật +

Mắt +

Cái nháy mắt +

Mắt +

Dã man +

Với sự vắng mặt +

Mất +

Mạnh mẽ +

Khi đối mặt với +

Vì vậy mà +

Xi măng +

Vắng mặt +

Mãn nguyện +

Mất tích +

Mất +

Mật +

Màu mỡ +

Mong manh +

Mảnh +

May mắn +

Tự mãn +

Bí mật +

Giả mạo +

Phát triển mạnh +

Thoải mái +

Manh mối +

Ma sát +

Ma thuật +

Thân mật +

Mặc khải +

Mang lại cho +

Ma thuật +

Làm mát +

Mất mặt +

Màu hồng +

Tiền mặt +

Mật độ +

Sức mạnh +

Mây +

Mạnh mẽ +

Mãn tính +

Phát triển mạnh +
Grade E word(s):
