
alone + Without anyone or anything else

6 New HSK word(s): HSK5 复制 + fu4zhi4 to duplicate; to make a copy of; to copy; to reproduce; to clone HSK5 何况 + he2kuang4 let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more HSK5 独立 + du2li4 independent; independence; to stand alone HSK5 单独 + dan1du2 alone; by oneself; on one's own HSK5 寂寞 + ji4mo4 lonely; lonesome; (of a place) quiet; silent HSK6 孤独 + gu1du2 lonely; solitary
16 Old HSK word(s): B VA * du2li4 stand alone/ independence B VS * guang1 solely, only, alone B Adv;Conj * zhi3you3 alone/ only B Adv * dan4 alone B Adv * dan4 alone C Adv * du2zi4 alone/ by oneself C N * tuan2zhang3 regiment-commander/ colonel/ head of a delegation C Conj * he2kuang4 let alone (used in rhetorical questions) C VS * dan1du2 alone/ lone/ solitary C VS * ji4mo4 lonely/ lonesome/ quiet/ still/ silent D VS * gu1dan1 lonely D VS * gu1du2 lonely D VS * du2 alone D VS * qi1liang2 desolate/ dreary/ lonely D VA * shao1 take alone sth; to sb D Adv * wei2du2 alone/ only


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Lonely +
Grade E word(s):

请别打扰我。 Please leave me alone.
只有时间才能使人淡忘那些不快的记忆。 Time alone will efface those unpleasant memories.
暴风给成千上万的人带来灾难。 The cyclone brought misery to thousands of people.
在这座陌生的城市里,她感到很寂寞。 She feels rather lonely in the strange town.
我盼望著能自己一人在这所房子 . I look forward to being alone in the house.
一个英国人,尽管只有他一个人,也会独个儿排成整整齐齐的一队。 An Englishman, even if he is alone, forms an orderly queue of one.
他在家里度过了一个寂寞的夜晚。 He spent a lonesome evening at home.
他四处张望,要确定周围没人。 He looked around to confirm that he was alone.
我想我不要独自一人去。 I don't think I will go alone.
他不许我单独一人走回家。 He wouldn't hear of my walking home alone.
集会解散了, 我独自一人离去。 The party is dissolved, and I go forth alone.
你本来不该笨得单独去爬山。 You should have known better than to go mountain climbing alone.
父亲答应让他的儿子单独出国旅行。 The father allowed (=permitted) his son to travel abroad alone.
品德就是自我在暗地里独处时的样子。 Character is what we are when we are alone with ourselves in the dark.
我的狗不在旁边我就很寂寞。 I feel very lonely without my dog.
我会寂寞,若非有鸟也有花。 I should be lonely, were it not for the birds and the flowers.
他连温饱都无法解决, 就更不用说娱乐了。 He hasn't enough money for food, let alone amusements.
我能看到他们的家依旧是那个地方孤独的和无家可归的人的避风港。 I could see that as of old their house was a port of call for all the lonely and the lost of the district.
这个孤独的孩子渴望母亲的爱抚。 The lonely child is longing for the caress of his mother.
他当初刚到伦敦时很孤单. He was very lonely at first when he moved to London.
你要是不在,这世界不知将有多寂寞! What a lonely world it would be with you away!
【谚】欢笑,整个世界伴你欢笑。哭泣,只有你独自向隅而泣。 Laugh, and the world laughs with you; Weep, and you weep alone.
奥布赖恩,埃德纳生于1932爱尔兰作家。作品包括孤独的姑娘和约翰我几乎认不出你了(1977年),探索今日爱尔兰的女性生活 Irish writer whose works, including The Lonely Girl(1962) and Johnny I Hardly Knew You(1977), explore the lives of women in modern-day Ireland.
欧洲新闻界常把里根先生描绘成钉住卡扎菲上校不放,譬如说对叙利亚则睁一眼闭一眼。据说叙国也有化学武器,并与恐怖活动有关。 And in the European press, Mr. Reagan was frequently portrayed as fixated on Colonel Qaddafi, turning a blind eye, for example, to Syria, which is also said to have chemical weapons and has also been tied to terrorism.
她单独去是很危险的。 It's unsafe for her to go alone.
他决定单干创业. He decided to go it alone and start his own business.
他晚年独居,从不欢迎来访者。 In the latter years of his life he lived alone and never welcomed visitors.
他一觉醒来发现房子里只剩下他一个人了. He woke (up) to find himself alone in the house.
上校命令士兵们在甲板上集合。 The colonel ordered their soldiers to gather on the deck.
他的朋友很少,因此他的生活非常孤单。 He has so few friends that his life is lonely.
她反复地给孩子们说,他们不可以独自横过马路。 She drummed it into the children that they must not cross the road alone.
要不是办像酿酒厂或保险公司这样的副业,他们没有多少人只靠艺术就能过的舒舒服服。 Few of them managed to make a good living out of their art alone, without running a sideline such as a brewery or an insurance office.
遭遇伊拉克上校的最初片刻,目睹他令士兵在我们面前劫掠我们车里的物件,我们的生命似乎危在旦夕。 For the first few moments, confronted by an Iraqi colonel who had his soldiers loot our vehicle in front of us, it seemed as if our lives hung by a precarious thread.
求神赐福於那些饥饿、孤独或患病的人. Bless (ie We ask God to bless) all those who are hungry, lonely or sick.
这本书的作者是一个退休上校,他过去常参与策划间谍活动。 The book was written by a retired colonel who used to take part in cloak and dagger plots.
过去人们围着桌子一起合唱;如今则由于唱得较好这一荒唐的理由,而由一个男子独唱了。 Once men sing together round a table in chorus; now one man sing alone for the absurd reason that he can sing better.
正因如此,今天从事写作的男女青年已经忘记了人类内心的冲突。而这本身就能就好作品。因为这是唯一值得写、值得呕心沥血地去写的题材。 Because of this, the young man or woman writing today has forgotten the problems of the human heart in conflict with itself, which alone can make good writing because only that is worth writing about, worth the agony and the sweat.