
44 New HSK word(s): HSK1 对不起 + dui4bu5qi3 unworthy; to let down; I'm sorry; excuse me; pardon me; if you please; sorry? (please repeat) HSK3 难过 + nan2guo4 to feel sad; to feel unwell; (of life) to be difficult HSK3 回答 + hui2da2 to reply; to answer; the answer; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 批评 + pi1ping2 to criticize; criticism; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 抱歉 + bao4qian4 to be sorry; to feel apologetic; sorry! HSK4 错误 + cuo4wu4 error; mistake; CL:个/个ge4; mistaken; false; wrong HSK4 答案 + da2an4 answer; solution; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 优点 + you1dian3 merit; benefit; strong point; advantage; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 后悔 + hou4hui3 to regret; to repent HSK4 入口 + ru4kou3 entrance HSK4 好处 + hao3chu5 benefit; advantage; gain; profit; also pr.hao3 chu4; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 道歉 + dao4qian4 to apologize HSK5 责备 + ze2bei4 to blame; to criticize; condemnation; reproach HSK5 劳驾 + lao2jia4 excuse me HSK5 核心 + he2xin1 core; nucleus HSK5 有利 + you3li4 advantageous; to have advantages; favorable HSK5 遗憾 + yi2han4 regret; to regret; to be sorry that HSK5 利润 + li4run4 profits HSK5 借口 + jie4kou3 to use as an excuse; on the pretext; excuse; pretext HSK5 优势 + you1shi4 superiority; dominance; advantage HSK6 责怪 + ze2guai4 to blame; to rebuke HSK6 埋怨 + man2yuan4 to complain; to grumble (about); to reproach; to blame HSK6 技巧 + ji4qiao3 skill; technique HSK6 提示 + ti2shi4 to prompt; to present; to point out; to draw attention to sth; hint; brief; cue HSK6 慰问 + wei4wen4 to express sympathy, greetings, consolation etc HSK6 盈利 + ying2li4 profit; gain HSK6 对策 + dui4ce4 countermeasure for dealing with a situation HSK6 预言 + yu4yan2 to predict; prophecy HSK6 嘱咐 + zhu3fu4 to tell; to exhort; injunction HSK6 败坏 + bai4huai4 to ruin; to corrupt; to undermine HSK6 出路 + chu1lu4 a way out (of a difficulty etc) HSK6 答复 + da2fu4 to answer; to reply; Reply to: (in email header) HSK6 答辩 + da2bian4 to reply (to an accusation); to defend one's dissertation HSK6 缘故 + yuan2gu4 reason; cause HSK6 效益 + xiao4yi4 benefit; effectiveness; efficiency HSK6 请柬 + qing3jian3 invitation card; written invitation HSK6 请帖 + qing3tie3 invitation card; written invitation HSK6 误差 + wu4cha1 difference; error; inaccuracy HSK6 福利 + fu2li4 (material) welfare; well-being; benefits HSK6 着想 + zhuo2xiang3 to give thought (to others); to consider (other people's needs); also pr.zhao2 xiang3 HSK6 宣誓 + xuan1shi4 to swear an oath (of office); to make a vow HSK6 窍门 + qiao4men2 a trick; an ingenious method; know-how; the knack (of doing sth) HSK6 灌溉 + guan4gai4 to irrigate HSK6 惋惜 + wan3xi1 to regret; to feel that it is a great pity; to feel sorry for sb
Old HSK word(s):



Xin lỗi +


Xin lỗi +


Câu trả lời +


Những lời chỉ trích +


Xin lỗi +


Lỗi +


Câu trả lời +


Lợi thế +


Xin lỗi +


Lối vào +


Lợi ích +


Xin lỗi +

Đổ lỗi +

Cho tôi xin lỗi. +

Lõi +

Thuận lợi +

Xin lỗi +

Lợi nhuận +

Xin lỗi, +

Lợi thế +

Đổ lỗi +

Đổ lỗi +

Lời khuyên +

Lời khuyên +

Gửi lời chia buồn +

Lợi nhuận +

Câu trả lời +

Lời tiên tri +

Lời khuyên +

Chiến lợi phẩm +

Lối ra +

Trả lời +

Trả lời +

Vì lợi ích +

Lợi ích +

Lời mời +

Lời mời +

Lỗi +

Lợi ích +

Vì lợi ích +

Những lời tuyên thệ +

Lời khuyên +

Thủy lợi +

Xin lỗi +
Grade E word(s):
