
140 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + kuai4 lump (of earth); chunk; piece; classifier for pieces of cloth, cake, soap etc; colloquial word for yuan (or other unit of currency such as Hong Kong or US dollar etc), usually as 块钱/块钱 HSK1 + bu4 (negative prefix); not; no HSK1 + hao2 roar; cry; CL:个/个ge4 HSK1 + hao4 ordinal number; day of a month; mark; sign; business establishment; size; ship suffix; horn (wind instrument); bugle call; assumed name; to take a pulse; classifier used to indicate number of people HSK1 没有 + mei2you3 haven't; hasn't; doesn't exist; to not have; to not be HSK3 不但 + bu4dan4 not only (... but also...) HSK3 + nan2 difficult (to...); problem; difficulty; difficult; not good HSK3 + ku1 to cry; to weep HSK3 健康 + jian4kang1 health; healthy HSK3 空调 + kong1tiao2 air conditioning; air conditioner; CL:台/台tai2 HSK4 + gan1 dry; clean; in vain; dried food; foster; adoptive; to ignore HSK4 + gan1 to concern; to interfere; shield; stem HSK4 + gan4 tree trunk; main part of sth; to manage; to work; to do; capable; cadre; to kill (slang); to fuck (vulgar) HSK4 + wu2 -less; not to have; no; none; not; to lack; un- HSK4 抽烟 + chou1yan1 to smoke (a cigarette, tobacco) HSK4 矿泉水 + kuang4quan2shui3 mineral spring water; CL:瓶ping2,杯bei1 HSK4 不仅 + bu4jin3 not only (this one); not just (...) but also HSK4 否则 + fou3ze2 if not; otherwise; else; or else HSK4 通知 + tong1zhi1 to notify; to inform; notice; notification; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 难受 + nan2shou4 to feel unwell; to suffer pain; to be difficult to bear HSK4 距离 + ju4li2 distance; CL:个/个ge4; to be apart from HSK4 困难 + kun4nan5 difficult; challenging; straitened circumstances; difficult situation HSK4 钥匙 + yao4shi5 key; CL:把ba3 HSK4 科学 + ke1xue2 science; scientific knowledge; scientific; CL:门/门men2,个/个ge4,种/种zhong3 HSK4 从来 + cong2lai2 always; at all times; never (if used in negative sentence) HSK4 受不了 + shou4bu4liao3 unbearable; unable to endure; can't stand HSK4 辛苦 + xin1ku3 hard; exhausting; with much toil; thanks for your trouble HSK4 关键 + guan1jian4 crucial point; crux; CL:个/个ge4; key; crucial; pivotal HSK4 空气 + kong1qi4 air; atmosphere HSK5 干燥 + gan1zao4 to dry (of weather, paint, cement etc); desiccation; dull; uninteresting; arid HSK5 未必 + wei4bi4 not necessarily; maybe not HSK5 无所谓 + wu2suo3wei4 to be indifferent; not to matter; cannot be said to be HSK5 土豆 + tu3dou4 potato; CL:个/个ge4; peanut (Tw); CL:颗/颗ke1 HSK5 勤奋 + qin2fen4 hardworking; diligent HSK5 范围 + fan4wei2 range; scope; limit; extent; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + ying4 hard; stiff; strong; firm; resolutely; doggedly; good (quality); able (person) HSK5 不要紧 + bu4yao4jin3 unimportant; not serious; it doesn't matter; never mind; it looks all right, but HSK5 不足 + bu4zu2 insufficient; lacking; deficiency; not enough; inadequate; not worth; cannot; should not HSK5 不见得 + bu4jian4de5 not necessarily; not likely HSK5 不然 + bu4ran2 not so; no; or else; otherwise; if not HSK5 不如 + bu4ru2 not equal to; not as good as; inferior to; it would be better to HSK5 忍不住 + ren3bu5zhu4 cannot help; unable to bear HSK5 艰巨 + jian1ju4 arduous; terrible (task); very difficult; formidable HSK5 艰苦 + jian1ku3 difficult; hard; arduous HSK5 难怪 + nan2guai4 (it's) no wonder (that...); (it's) not surprising (that) HSK5 + Fei1 abbr. for 非洲Fei1 zhou1, Africa HSK5 + fei1 to not be; not; wrong; incorrect; non-; un-; in-; to reproach or blame; (colloquial) to insist on; simply must HSK5 时期 + shi2qi1 period; phase; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 账户 + zhang4hu4 bank account; online account HSK5 + suo3 to lock up; to lock; lock; CL:把ba3 HSK5 气氛 + qi4fen1 atmosphere; mood HSK5 智慧 + zhi4hui4 wisdom; knowledge; intelligent; intelligence HSK5 + wu4 do not HSK5 何况 + he2kuang4 let alone; to say nothing of; besides; what's more HSK5 使劲儿 + shi3jin4r5 erhua variant of 使劲/使劲 shǐjìn HSK5 倒霉 + dao3mei2 to have bad luck; to be out of luck HSK5 刻苦 + ke4ku3 hardworking; assiduous HSK5 亲切 + qin1qie4 amiable; cordial; close and dear; familiar HSK5 必然 + bi4ran2 inevitable; certain; necessity HSK5 差距 + cha1ju4 disparity; gap HSK5 宁可 + ning4ke3 preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils HSK5 空间 + kong1jian1 space; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 怪不得 + guai4bu5de5 no wonder!; so that's why! HSK6 无理取闹 + wu2li3qu3nao4 to make trouble without reason (idiom); to be deliberately provocative HSK6 无动于衷 + wu2dong4yu2zhong1 aloof; indifferent; unconcerned HSK6 无比 + wu2bi3 incomparable; matchless HSK6 无非 + wu2fei1 only; nothing else HSK6 肆无忌惮 + si4wu2ji4dan4 absolutely unrestrained; unbridled; without the slightest scruple HSK6 期限 + qi1xian4 time limit; deadline; allotted time HSK6 鞭策 + bian1ce4 to spur on; to urge on; to encourage sb (e.g. to make progress) HSK6 英明 + ying1ming2 wise; brilliant HSK6 枯萎 + ku1wei3 to wilt; to wither; wilted; withered; drained; enervated; exhausted HSK6 斩钉截铁 + zhan3ding1jie2tie3 lit. to chop the nail and slice the iron (idiom); fig. resolute and decisive; unhesitating; categorical HSK6 + kou4 to fasten; to button; button; buckle; knot; to arrest; to confiscate; to deduct (money); discount; to knock; to smash or spike (a ball); to cover (with a bowl etc); fig. to tag a label on sb HSK6 + kou4 button HSK6 拼搏 + pin1bo2 to struggle; to wrestle HSK6 矿产 + kuang4chan3 minerals HSK6 不堪 + bu4kan1 cannot bear; cannot stand; utterly; extremely HSK6 不禁 + bu4jin1 can't help (doing sth); can't refrain from HSK6 不敢当 + bu4gan3dang1 lit. I dare not (accept the honor); fig. I don't deserve your praise; you flatter me HSK6 不由得 + bu4you2de5 can't help; cannot but HSK6 不免 + bu4mian3 inevitably HSK6 不言而喻 + bu4yan2er2yu4 it goes without saying; it is self-evident HSK6 还原 + huan2yuan2 to restore to the original state; reduction (chemistry) HSK6 尴尬 + gan1ga4 awkward; embarrassed HSK6 太空 + tai4kong1 outer space HSK6 零星 + ling2xing1 fragmentary; random; bits and pieces; sporadic HSK6 羽绒服 + yu3rong2fu2 down-filled garment HSK6 艰难 + jian1nan2 difficult; hard; challenging HSK6 隔阂 + ge2he2 estrangement HSK6 明智 + ming2zhi4 sensible; wise; judicious; sagacious HSK6 暧昧 + ai4mei4 vague; ambiguous; equivocal; dubious HSK6 别扭 + bie4niu5 awkward; difficult; uncomfortable; not agreeing; at loggerheads; gauche; awkward (writing or speech) HSK6 哭泣 + ku1qi4 to weep HSK6 吹牛 + chui1niu2 to talk big; to shoot off one's mouth; to chat (dialect) HSK6 + rang3 to blurt out; to shout HSK6 坚韧 + jian1ren4 tough and durable; tenacious HSK6 坚硬 + jian1ying4 hard; solid HSK6 发动 + fa1dong4 to start; to launch; to unleash; to mobilize; to arouse HSK6 制约 + zhi4yue1 to restrict; condition HSK6 肿瘤 + zhong3liu2 tumor HSK6 勉强 + mian3qiang3 to do with difficulty; to force sb to do sth; reluctant; barely enough HSK6 条款 + tiao2kuan3 clause (of contract or law); CL:项/项xiang4 HSK6 风气 + feng1qi4 general mood; atmosphere; common practice HSK6 体积 + ti3ji1 volume; bulk; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 儒家 + Ru2jia1 Confucian school, founded by Confucius 孔子Kong3 zi3(551-479 BC) and Mencius 孟子Meng4 zi3(c. 372-c. 289 BC) HSK6 迫不及待 + po4bu4ji2dai4 impatient (idiom); in a hurry; itching to get on with it HSK6 作废 + zuo4fei4 to become invalid; to cancel; to delete; to nullify HSK6 航天 + hang2tian1 space flight HSK6 航空 + hang2kong1 aviation HSK6 得不偿失 + de2bu4chang2shi1 the gains do not make up for the losses (idiom) HSK6 微不足道 + wei1bu4zu2dao4 negligible; insignificant HSK6 须知 + xu1zhi1 prerequisites; rules that must be known before starting sth HSK6 凶恶 + xiong1e4 fierce; ferocious; fiendish; frightening HSK6 仓库 + cang1ku4 depot; storehouse; warehouse HSK6 娇气 + jiao1qi4 delicate; squeamish; finicky HSK6 高潮 + gao1chao2 high tide; high water; upsurge; climax; orgasm; chorus (part of a song) HSK6 毫无 + hao2wu2 not in the least; to completely lack HSK6 废寝忘食 + fei4qin3wang4shi2 to neglect sleep and forget about food (idiom); to skip one's sleep and meals; to be completely wrapped up in one's work HSK6 交代 + jiao1dai4 to hand over; to explain; to make clear; to brief (sb); to account for; to justify oneself; to confess; to finish (colloquial) HSK6 立方 + li4fang1 cube HSK6 辛勤 + xin1qin2 hardworking; industrious HSK6 启程 + qi3cheng2 to set out on a journey HSK6 神气 + shen2qi4 expression; manner; vigorous; impressive; lofty; pretentious HSK6 间隔 + jian4ge2 compartment; gap; interval; to divide HSK6 心疼 + xin1teng2 to love dearly; to feel sorry for sb; to regret; to grudge HSK6 并非 + bing4fei1 really isn't HSK6 + juan3 to roll up; roll; classifier for small rolled things (wad of paper money, movie reel etc) HSK6 + juan3 to roll (up); to sweep up; to carry on; roll HSK6 + juan4 scroll; book; volume; chapter; examination paper; classifier for books, paintings: volume, scroll HSK6 炊烟 + chui1yan1 smoke from kitchen chimneys HSK6 宽容 + kuan1rong2 lenient; tolerant; indulgent; charitable; to forgive HSK6 宁肯 + ning4ken3 would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer HSK6 空隙 + kong4xi4 crack; gap between two objects; gap in time between two events HSK6 空前绝后 + kong1qian2jue2hou4 unprecedented and never to be duplicated; the first and the last; unmatched; unique HSK6 容忍 + rong2ren3 to put up with; to tolerate HSK6 污蔑 + wu1mie4 to slander; to smear; to tarnish HSK6 潜移默化 + qian2yi2mo4hua4 imperceptible influence; to influence secretly HSK6 恼火 + nao3huo3 to get angry; irritated; to annoy; to aggravate; annoying HSK6 兴高采烈 + xing4gao1cai3lie4 happy and excited (idiom); in high spirits; in great delight
Old HSK word(s):



Khối +


Không +


Không có. +

今天是 2002 年 1 月 1~。

Không có. +


Không có +


Không chỉ +


Khó khăn +


Khóc +


Sức khỏe +


Điều Hòa Không Khí +


Khô +


Khô +


Khô +


Không có +


Khói +


Nước khoáng +


Không chỉ +


Nếu không +


Không báo trước +


Khó chịu +


Khoảng cách +


Khó khăn +


Chìa khóa +


Khoa học +


Không bao giờ +


Không thể đứng +


Khó +


Chìa khóa +


Không khí +

Khô +

Không nhất thiết phải +

Nó không quan trọng +

Khoai tây +

Khó +

Khoảng +

Khó +

Nó không quan trọng +

Không đủ +

Không nhất thiết phải +

Nếu không +

Không tốt như +

Không thể cưỡng lại +

Khó khăn +

Khó +

Không thắc mắc +

Không - +

Không - +

Khoảng thời gian +

Tài khoản +

Khóa +

Bầu không khí +

Khôn ngoan +

Không +

Không đề cập đến những +

Vì vậy, khó xử +

Không may mắn +

Khó +

Không tốt hơn +

Không thể tránh khỏi +

Khoảng cách +

Chứ không phải +

Không gian +

Không thắc mắc +

Khó chịu +

Không quan tâm +

Không thể so sánh +

Không có gì hơn +

Không kiềm chế +

Khoảng thời gian +

Không +

Khôn ngoan +

Khô héo +

Khoát +

Khóa +

Khóa +

Công việc khó khăn +

Khoáng +

Không thể chịu nổi +

Không thể giúp đỡ, nhưng +

Tôi không xứng đáng được nó +

Không thể giúp đỡ, nhưng +

Không +

Nó đi mà không nói +

Khôi phục lại +

Khó xử +

Không gian +

Không thường xuyên +

Xuống áo khoác +

Khó khăn +

Khoảng cách +

Khôn ngoan +

Không rõ ràng +

Khó xử +

Khóc +

Khoe khoang +

Khóc +

Khó khăn +

Khó +

Khởi động +

Khó khăn +

Khối u +

Hầu như không +

Điều khoản +

Không khí +

Khối lượng +

Khổng +

Không thể chờ đợi +

Khoảng trống +

Hàng không vũ trụ +

Hàng không +

Không có giá trị nến +

Không đáng kể +

Không báo trước +

Khốn +

Nhà kho +

Khó tính +

Cực khoái +

Không có +

Đêm không ngủ +

Tài khoản +

Khối +

Khó +

Khởi hành +

Không thận trọng +

Khoảng thời gian +

Đau khổ +

Không +

Khối lượng +

Khối lượng +

Khối lượng +

Khói +

Khoan dung +

Chứ không phải +

Khoảng trống +

Không thể lặp lại +

Khoan dung +

Vu khống +

Không thể trông thấy +

Khó chịu +

Hứng khởi +
Grade E word(s):
