
key + Something you use to open a lock or start a car

7 New HSK word(s): HSK4 紧张 + jin3zhang1 nervous; keyed up; intense; tense; strained; in short supply; scarce; CL:阵/阵zhen4 HSK4 钥匙 + yao4shi5 key; CL:把ba3 HSK4 重点 + zhong4dian3 important point; main point; focus; key (project etc); to focus on; to put the emphasis on HSK4 关键 + guan1jian4 crucial point; crux; CL:个/个ge4; key; crucial; pivotal HSK5 键盘 + jian4pan2 keyboard HSK5 猴子 + hou2zi5 monkey; CL:只/只zhi1 HSK6 要素 + yao4su4 essential factor; key constituent
10 Old HSK word(s): B N * da2'an4 answer/ solution/ key B N * guan1jian4 crux/ key/ hinge B N * hou2zi monkey C N * yao4shi key C N * gu3gan4 backbone/ mainstay/ key member C N * guan1tou2 juncture/ key moment/ critical point C N * lv2 donkey/ ass D N 线* xian4suo3 clue/ key D N * jian4pan2 keyboard D VA * gong1guan1 tackle key problem



Thần kinh +


Chìa khóa +


Tập trung +


Chìa khóa +

Bàn phím +

Khỉ +

Năng +
Grade E word(s):

我们一共捉到10只金丝猴。 Altogether we caught ten golden monkeys.
教师在学习中的关键作用是不该忽视的。 The key role of the teacher in the learning process should not be neglected.
音乐学生学习给一个现有的调子配上其他音部,还要学习怎样转成和声调。 Music students learn how to add other parts to add other parts to a given tune, and how to modulate to a related key.
我把钥匙掉在这附近某个地方了。 I dropped my key somewhere about here.
他由于忘了带钥匙,便以简单的应急办法从窗户爬进屋里。 As he had forgot his keys, he got into the house by the simple expedient of climbing through the window.
要参加体育活动--篮球、 冰球、 游泳之类的活动. Take any sport basketball, ice hockey, swimming or whatever.
据说我们的祖先是猴子。 It is said that our progenitors are monkeys.
密林深处有群猴子。 There is a group of monkeys in the innermost depths of the forest.
她最喜爱的运动是滑雪, 其次是冰球. Next to skiing her favourite sport was ice-hockey.
把这两个计划仔细地加以对比就可以看出一些关键性的差异. Careful contrast of the two plans shows up some key differences.
钥匙都在接待处呢. The keys are with reception.
他把钥匙插入锁里转动。 He put the key in the lock and turned it.
俄国于是对土耳其宣战。 Russia thereupon declared war upon Turkey.
他打开了手电筒,寻找钥匙。 He turned on the torch to look for his keys.
猴子头向下倒挂在树枝上。 The monkey was hanging head downwards from the branch.
他掀起垫子把钥匙悄悄放在下面. He lifted the mat and slid the key under (it).
他拣起信封时,一把钥匙掉了出来。 As he picked up the envelope, a key dropped out.
他像猴子那麽顽皮! He's as mischievous as a monkey!
他们设法欺骗弗雷德放弃在董事会的职位. They jockeyed Fred out of his position on the board.
禽鸟一种鸟,如鸭、鹅、火鸡或野鸡,用作食物或狩猎的猎物 A bird, such as the duck, goose, turkey, or pheasant, that is used as food or hunted as game.
她键入了所有的新数据。 She keyed in all the new data.
资产阶级政客们为了要在自己政党内确立有利地位而钻营策划。 The bourgeois politicians jockeyed about in order to establish advantageous positions within their party.
他是个十足的蠢驴. He's an absolute donkey.
我很倒霉,丢了钥匙。 I was unfortunate to lose my keys.
他狠命地抽打那头可怜的驴. He gave the poor donkey a terrible lashing.
我丢掉钥匙之后,真正遇到了麻烦。 I was really up the creek when I lost my keys.
英格兰队某些主力运动员受伤而使攻球削弱. England's attack has been weakened by the injury of certain key players.
她再与也不会干涉你了,你有了独立自主权,你已经有了你自己出入大门的钥匙。 She won't interfere with you any more; your independence is achieved and you have won your latchkey.
骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种动物. A mule is a hybrid of a male donkey and a female horse.
【谚】知识是宝库,实践是钥匙。 Knowledge is a treasure, but practice is the key to it.
我对这些废话烦透了,叫他直说吧! I'm tired of this nonsense. Make him talk turkey.
一篮子一篮子摘下来的棉花;退了毛的火鸡 Baskets of picked cotton; a picked turkey.
我看见他把钥匙插进锁孔、 转动钥匙, 然後打开了门. I saw him put the key in the lock, turn it and open the door.
单簧管,黑管一种管乐器,有直的圆筒形管身和一个外敞的管口及一个单簧吹口,以指孔和键的方式演奏 A woodwind instrument having a straight, cylindrical tube with a flaring bell and a single-reed mouthpiece, played by means of finger holes and keys.
有两个输入键有毛病。 Two input keys don't work.
这台计算机有标准的英文键盘。 The computer has a normal qwerty keyboard.
有关各符号的意义请见左边附表. For an explanationof the symbols see the key, inset left.
米基曾因毒品事而被捕. Mickey's been busted for drugs.
那架风琴有两排键盘。 The organ has two banks of keys.
我因为丢失了钥匙, 无法开门。 I can't open the door because I've lost the key.
他的大钥匙把他的口袋捅破了一个洞。 His large key had poked a hole in his pocket.
骡子是公驴和母马交配而生的杂种。 A mule is a hybrid of a donkey and a horse.
领队告诫我们在大赛之前不要太激动. The manager warned us not to get too keyed up before the big match.
看到政府官员在内阁改组之前耍弄花招以讨得首相欢心是很有趣的。 It's amusing to watch members jockeying for the Prime Minister's attention prior to Cabinet reshuffle.
马上过来, 你这个小捣蛋! Come here at once, you little monkey!
联键音栓连接两个风琴键盘使之能够同时演奏的装置 A device connecting two organ keyboards so that they may be played together.
马赫先生从抽屉里拿出一条链子,链子一头挂着一串钥匙。 From the drawer Mr Mach took out a chain, with a bunch of keys dangling at its end.
换码,转义,退出,逸出,中断执行尤指用来中断一条指令、停止程序运行或者在同一个程序中改变层次 A key used especially to interrupt a command, exit a program, or change levels within a program.