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极度的痛苦使他发狂。 He was driven crazy by the extremity of pain.
极度的狂怒使妻子不但在家里,而且还在外头破口大骂。 It was more than blind rage which led the wife to swear outside as well as in.
我们上季度的煤气费异常高. Our gas bill for the last quarter was unusually high.
这部词典的销售量是去年同季度的两倍. Sales of the dictionary are twice what they were in the same quarter last year.
急欲获得的妄想权力或荣誉的;嫉妒的 Covetous of power or honor; envious.
我们队在上季度的联赛中排名最後. Our team came/was bottom of the league last season.