
investigation + search for information about something

2 New HSK word(s): HSK4 调查 + diao4cha2 investigation; inquiry; to investigate; to survey; survey; (opinion) poll; CL:项/项xiang4,个/个ge4 HSK6 考察 + kao3cha2 to inspect; to observe and study; on-the-spot investigation
1 Old HSK word(s): B v;n * diao4cha2 investigate/ survey/ investigation



Survey +

Nghiên cứu +
Grade E word(s):

这一事故正在调查之中。 The accident is under investigation.
这仅仅是调查的开始。 It's only the initiative of the investigation.
政府对国营和私营部门的就业情况作了一次调查。 The government made an investigation of the employment in the public and private sectors.
他未做认真的调查就仓促做出了结论。 He jumped to a conclusion without careful investigation.
近代研究已使这个问题大为明朗化了。 Modern investigations have thrown great light on this question.
要想弄清事实,唯一办法是作周密的调查。 The only way to get at the facts is to make a thorough investigation.
政治迫害表面上是开展揭露颠覆的活动,但实际上用于扰乱和削弱持不同看法的人的调查 An investigation carried out ostensibly to uncover subversive activities but actually used to harass and undermine those with differing views.