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炮兵部署在西边. Artillery was deployed in the west.
要是太阳从西边出来,他就会通过考试--他不可能通过考试。 If the sun were to rise in the west, he would pass the exam.
他在英格兰西南部有一处房地产. He has a property in the West Country.
手绣的丝制手帕在西方市场销路很好。 Silk handkerchiefs embroidered by hand sell well in the Western market.
布里斯托尔位於英格兰的西部. Bristol is in the west of England.
她在西部(如加利福尼亚州)到现在已住了十年了. She's lived in the West (eg California) for ten years now.
乔治敦开曼群岛国的首都,在西印度群岛中牙买加西面的大加曼岛上。它是一个国际性的金融中心。人口7,617 The capital of the Cayman Islands, on Grand Cayman in the West Indies west of Jamaica. It is an international banking center. Population, 7,617.
主修金融学。涉及的课程有如下几门:银行业务,89分;银行与计算机,90分;贷款,92分;信用证,90分;储蓄,88分;外汇兑换,92分;电汇,90分;汇款,94分;西方金融制度,92分。 Majored in banking. Courses covered are as follows: Banking operations, 89; banking and computers, 90; loans, 92; letters of credit, 90; savings, 88; foreign exchange, 92; telegraphic transfers, 90; remittances, 94; financial systems in the west, 92.