
hunt + To search for wild animals to kill (for food)

3 New HSK word(s): HSK5 采访 + cai3fang3 to interview; to gather news; to hunt for and collect; to cover HSK6 查获 + cha2huo4 to investigate and capture (a criminal); to ferret out; to hunt down and arrest HSK6 打猎 + da3lie4 to go hunting
4 Old HSK word(s): C N * lie4ren2 hunter/ huntsman C VA * sou1ji2 seek-gather/ collect/ hunt high and low for (things) D * da3 lie4 hunt D VA * cha2huo4 hunt down and seize/ ferret out


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Grade E word(s):

猎人守候着兔子从洞里出来。 The hunter watched for the hare to come out of the burrow.
这世上有些人把整个时间花费于搜寻正义,却腾不出时间来付诸实践。 Some folks in this world spend their whole time hunting after righteousness and can not find any time to practice it.
这帮人正被警方追捕。 The gang is being hunted by the police.
她已调到附属建筑的办事处去了. She's been shunted off to an office in the annexe.
他好容易找到一家餐馆去填饱肚子。 He hunted up a restaurant to appease his hunger.
狼总是成群猎食. Wolves hunt in packs.
猎人捕获了一只豪猪。 The hunter seized a porcupine.
猎人把狮子的头挂在墙上当纪念品。 The hunter put the lion's head on the wall as a trophy.
猎人拿出了非常美味的鹿肉招待我们。 The hunter entertained us with venison which was very delicious.
禽鸟一种鸟,如鸭、鹅、火鸡或野鸡,用作食物或狩猎的猎物 A bird, such as the duck, goose, turkey, or pheasant, that is used as food or hunted as game.
他正在当年的旧文件中搜寻伊丽莎白时代一般家庭开支的细节。 He is hunting up details of Elizabethan household expenditure in a document of the time.
猎人藏在小木屋里。 The hunter hid in a log cabin.
那位猎人同意明天带我们去打猎。 The hunter agreed to take us to go hunting tomorrow.
我可告诉你,在那个神圣的日子里不许打猎或搞娱乐活动消遣。 I charge you not to hunt or recreate your selves on that sacred day.
戴安娜在希腊罗马神话中是狩猎女神。 Diana is the goddess of hunting in Greek and Latin mythology.
警方正进一步寻找线索. The police are on the hunt for further clues.
他把档案翻了一遍,最后才找到图纸。 He hunted through the files till he found the blueprint.
那样的天气情况打消了任何打猎的念头。 The weather conditions ruled out any chance of hunting that day.
由于他打死了不少狼,他享有模范猎手的称号。 He holds the title of model hunter for the number of wolves he has killed.
参加打猎者打猎中的跟随着一群猎狗的全体骑马猎人 The body of riders following a pack of hounds in hunting.
威廉姆斯先生热衷于打猎。 Mr. Williams goes in for hunting.
打猎时他射下一只大大雁。 In the hunting he fetched down a wild goose.
男孩子们带着猎鹰出去打猎了。 The boys went hunting with their falcon.
捍卫性道德的运动正在转化成对持异议人士的迫害. The crusade for sexual morality is turning into a witch-hunt.