
9 New HSK word(s): HSK4 + zu1 to hire; to rent; to charter; to rent out; to lease out; rent; land tax HSK5 + shui4 taxes; duties HSK6 勤俭 + qin2jian3 hardworking and frugal HSK6 扩散 + kuo4san4 to spread; to proliferate; to diffuse; spread; proliferation; diffusion HSK6 威信 + Wei1xin4 Weixin county in Zhaotong 昭通Zhao1 tong1, Yunnan HSK6 威信 + wei1xin4 prestige; reputation; trust; credit with the people HSK6 威望 + wei1wang4 prestige HSK6 弥漫 + mi2man4 to pervade; to fill the air; diffuse; everywhere present; about to inundate (water); permeated by (smoke); filled with (dust); to saturate (the air with fog, smoke etc) HSK6 租赁 + zu1lin4 to rent; to lease; to hire
Old HSK word(s):



Thuê +

Thuế +

Thuê +

Khuếch tán +

Thuê +

Thuê +

Thuê +

Khuếch tán +

Thuê +
Grade E word(s):
