
6 New HSK word(s): HSK5 克服 + ke4fu2 (try to) overcome (hardships etc); to conquer; to put up with; to endure HSK5 + chuang3 to rush; to charge; to dash; to break through; to temper oneself (through battling hardships) HSK6 攀登 + pan1deng1 to climb; to pull oneself up; to clamber; to scale; fig. to forge ahead in the face of hardships and danger HSK6 吃苦 + chi1ku3 to bear; hardships HSK6 + sou1 classifier for ships; Taiwan pr.sao1 HSK6 受罪 + shou4zui4 to endure; to suffer; hardships; torments; a hard time; a nuisance
4 Old HSK word(s): C * chi1 ku3 bear hardships/ suffer C M * sou1 measure word for ships or boats D N * chuan2bo2 watercraft/ ships D N * chuan2zhi1 ships


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Grade E word(s):

他把醋洒在鱼和土豆片上。 He sprinkled vinegar on his fish and chips.
这条河很宽,足以使很多船通过。 The waterway is wide for many ships to pass through.
撞船事故发生地区的所有船只都参加了搜寻幸存者的工作。 All the ships in the vicinity of the crash joined in the search for survivors.
我们每年给三个研究生的奖学金. We give three research fellowships a year.
李把他在生意中的道德标准运用到私人关系中去。 Lee carries over his business ethics into his personal relationships.
船在直布罗陀上煤。 Ships coal at Gibraltar.
这个岛难得有船停靠. The island is seldom, if ever, visited by ships.
船只本身需要海军和空军的保护。 The ships required the protection of naval and air power.
军舰将护送船队. Warships will accompany the convoy.
敌人的军舰封锁了港口。 The enemy's ships blockaded the harbor.
运兵船由两艘军舰护航。 The troop ship was escorted by two warships.
煤砖,炭砖把煤灰,木炭或锯木灰和木片压缩制成的砖块状物,用作燃料和点火 A block of compressed coal dust, charcoal, or sawdust and wood chips, used for fuel and kindling.
调遣为了战略目的而对军队、船只或飞机部署的变化 A change in the location of troops, ships, or aircraft for tactical or strategic purposes.
国旗挂于船只或飞机上的国旗,常带有部队分队或部队单位的特殊识别标记 A national flag displayed on ships and aircraft, often with the special insignia of a branch or unit of the armed forces.
今年, 他们已发射了数艘宇宙飞船。 They have sent up several spaceships this year.
舰队司令乘直升机视察他所指挥的军舰。 The admiral visit the ships under his command by helicopter.
例如,我们的一艘货轮上星期在台风中沉了。 For instance, one of our cargo ships sank last week in typhoon.
他们须疏浚运河河道轮船方可通航. They have to dredge the canal so that ships can use it.
敌舰的影像已显现在雷达(屏幕)上. Enemy ships were detected on the radar (screen).
封锁线驻扎于一个地区周围包围或保卫它的一列人、军事岗位或船只 A line of people, military posts, or ships stationed around an area to enclose or guard it.