
26 New HSK word(s): HSK3 根据 + gen1ju4 according to; based on; basis; foundation; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 可怜 + ke3lian2 pitiful; pathetic; to have pity on HSK4 + qiong2 exhausted; poor HSK5 隔壁 + ge2bi4 next door; neighbor HSK5 随身 + sui2shen1 to (carry) on one's person; to (take) with one HSK5 + dui1 to sculpt; to carve; musical instrument (old) HSK5 + zhui1 to chase after; to seek; to do one's utmost to seek or procure sth; to recall HSK5 追求 + zhui1qiu2 to pursue (a goal etc) stubbornly; to seek after; to woo HSK6 斟酌 + zhen1zhuo2 to consider; to deliberate; to fill up a cup to the brim HSK6 枯萎 + ku1wei3 to wilt; to wither; wilted; withered; drained; enervated; exhausted HSK6 轨道 + gui3dao4 orbit; railway or tram line; fig. conventional way of thinking HSK6 历来 + li4lai2 always; throughout (a period of time); (of) all-time HSK6 不时 + bu4shi2 from time to time; now and then; occasionally HSK6 + mi1 to narrow one's eyes; to squint HSK6 + mi2 to blind (as with dust); Taiwan pr.mi3 HSK6 跟随 + gen1sui2 to follow HSK6 跟踪 + gen1zong1 to follow sb's tracks; to tail; to shadow; tracking HSK6 鉴于 + jian4yu2 in view of; seeing that; considering; whereas HSK6 贯彻 + guan4che4 to implement; to put into practice; to carry out HSK6 重迭 + chong2die2 to overlap; to superimpose; to telescope; to run together; to duplicate; one over another; superposition; an overlap; redundancy; reduplication (in Chinese grammar, e.g. 散散步san4 san4 bu4to have a stroll) HSK6 贫困 + pin2kun4 impoverished; poverty HSK6 贫乏 + pin2fa2 lack; incomplete HSK6 记载 + ji4zai3 to write down; to record; written account HSK6 + jiang3 oar; paddle HSK6 间谍 + jian4die2 spy HSK6 遵循 + zun1xun2 to follow; to abide by; to comply with; compliance
Old HSK word(s):



Theo +


Nghèo +


Nghèo +

Tiếp theo cửa +

Mang theo +

Đuổi theo +

Đuổi theo +

Việc theo đuổi +

Theo quyết định của +

Khô héo +

Theo dõi +

Theo truyền thống +

Theo thời gian +

Nheo +

Nheo +

Làm theo +

Theo dõi +

Theo quan điểm của những +

Theo dõi +

Chồng chéo +

Nghèo đói +

Nghèo +

Theo +

Chèo +

Theo dõi +

Làm theo +
Grade E word(s):
