
54 New HSK word(s): HSK2 跑步 + pao3bu4 to run; to jog; (military) to march at the double HSK2 跳舞 + tiao4wu3 to dance HSK2 + rang4 to yield; to permit; to let sb do sth; to have sb do sth; to make sb (feel sad etc) HSK3 或者 + huo4zhe3 or; possibly; maybe; perhaps HSK3 + huan4 to change; to exchange HSK3 还是 + hai2shi5 or; still; nevertheless; had better HSK3 照顾 + zhao4gu5 to take care of; to show consideration; to attend to; to look after HSK3 发现 + fa1xian4 to find; to discover HSK3 小心 + xiao3xin1 to be careful; to take care HSK3 + na2 to hold; to seize; to catch; to apprehend; to take HSK3 变化 + bian4hua4 change; variation; to change; to vary; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 记得 + ji4de5 to remember HSK4 + nong4 to do; to manage; to handle; to play with; to fool with; to mess with; to fix; to toy with HSK4 表示 + biao3shi4 to express; to show; to say; to state; to indicate; to mean HSK4 获得 + huo4de2 to obtain; to receive; to get HSK4 感觉 + gan3jue2 to feel; to become aware of; feeling; sense; perception; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 零钱 + ling2qian2 change (of money); small change; pocket money HSK4 改变 + gai3bian4 to change; to alter; to transform HSK4 使 + shi3 to make; to cause; to enable; to use; to employ; to send; to instruct sb to do sth; envoy; messenger HSK5 可见 + ke3jian4 it can clearly be seen (that this is the case); it is (thus) clear; clear; visible HSK5 想象 + xiang3xiang4 to imagine; to fancy; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 + zheng4 to struggle to get free; to strive to acquire; to make (money) HSK5 感受 + gan3shou4 to sense; perception; to feel (through the senses); to experience; a feeling; an impression; an experience HSK5 迟早 + chi2zao3 sooner or later HSK5 当心 + dang1xin1 to take care; to look out HSK5 制作 + zhi4zuo4 to make; to manufacture HSK5 敏感 + min3gan3 sensitive; susceptible HSK5 代替 + dai4ti4 instead; to replace; to substitute (X for Y, or a number in an algebraic expression) HSK5 修改 + xiu1gai3 to amend; to alter; to modify HSK5 反而 + fan3er2 instead; on the contrary; contrary (to expectations) HSK5 燃烧 + ran2shao1 to ignite; to combust; to burn; combustion; flaming HSK6 一目了然 + yi1mu4liao3ran2 obvious at a glance (idiom) HSK6 素食 + su4shi2 vegetables; vegetarian food HSK6 运行 + yun4xing2 to be in motion; to move; (of a computer) to run HSK6 融化 + rong2hua4 to melt; to thaw; to dissolve; to blend into; to combine; to fuse HSK6 要命 + yao4ming4 to cause sb's death; very; extremely; frightening; annoying HSK6 警惕 + jing3ti4 to be on the alert; vigilant; alert; on guard; to warn HSK6 抵制 + di3zhi4 to resist; to boycott; to refuse (to cooperate); to reject; resistance; refusal HSK6 灵敏 + ling2min3 smart; clever; sensitive; keen; quick; sharp HSK6 弥补 + mi2bu3 to complement; to make up for a deficiency HSK6 随意 + sui2yi4 as one wishes; according to one's wishes; at will; voluntary; conscious HSK6 飞跃 + fei1yue4 to leap HSK6 眼色 + yan3se4 signal made with one's eyes; meaningful glance HSK6 跳跃 + tiao4yue4 to jump; to leap; to bound; to skip HSK6 发觉 + fa1jue2 to find; to detect; to discover HSK6 腹泻 + fu4xie4 diarrhea; to have the runs HSK6 务必 + wu4bi4 must; to need to; to be sure to HSK6 保重 + bao3zhong4 to take care of oneself HSK6 姑且 + gu1qie3 temporarily; the time being; for the moment; provisional; tentatively HSK6 变故 + bian4gu4 an unforeseen event; accident; misfortune HSK6 变迁 + bian4qian1 changes; vicissitudes HSK6 磨合 + mo2he2 to break in; to wear in HSK6 认定 + ren4ding4 to maintain (that sth is true); to determine (a fact); determination (of an amount); of the firm opinion; to believe firmly; to set one's mind on; to identify with HSK6 潜移默化 + qian2yi2mo4hua4 imperceptible influence; to influence secretly
Old HSK word(s):



Chạy +


Nhảy +


Hãy +


Hay +


Thay đổi +


Hay +


Hãy chăm sóc +


Tìm thấy +


Hãy cẩn thận +


Hãy +


Thay đổi +


Hãy nhớ +


Hãy +


Cho thấy +


Hãy +


Cảm thấy +


Thay đổi +


Thay đổi +


Hãy +

Có thể nhìn thấy +

Hãy tưởng tượng +

Hãy +

Cảm thấy +

Sớm hay muộn +

Hãy cẩn thận +

Hãy +

Nhạy cảm +

Thay vào đó +

Thay đổi +

Thay vào đó +

Đốt cháy +

Trong nháy mắt +

Ăn chay +

Chạy +

Làm tan chảy +

Hay +

Hãy cảnh giác +

Tẩy chay +

Nhạy cảm +

Hãy lên +

Hãy +

Bước nhảy vọt +

Cái nháy mắt +

Nhảy +

Tìm thấy +

Tiêu chảy +

Hãy chắc chắn +

Hãy chăm sóc. +

Hãy +

Sự thay đổi +

Thay đổi +

Chạy +

Tìm thấy +

Không thể trông thấy +
Grade E word(s):
