
5 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + sui4 classifier for years (of age); year; year (of crop harvests) HSK3 + qiu1 autumn; fall; harvest time; a swing HSK5 收获 + shou1huo4 to harvest; to reap; to gain; crop; harvest; profit; gain; bonus; reward HSK6 丰收 + feng1shou1 bumper harvest HSK6 采集 + cai3ji2 to gather; to collect; to harvest
7 Old HSK word(s): A VA * shou1 put away/ collect/ harvest/ receive B v;n * shou1huo4 gain/ harvest C VA * huo4 seize/ catch/ get/ gain/ acquire/ harvest/ reap C VA * feng1shou1 reap a bumper harvest/ have a good harvest C VA * shou1ge1 gather and cut/ reap/ harvest D VA * qiu1shou1 harvest in autumn D N * shou1cheng harvest


李医生今年 40~。

Tuổi +


Mùa thu +

Hoạch +

Hoạch +

Việc mua lại +
Grade E word(s):

我们今年取得了大丰收。 We have a plenteous harvest this year.
我们都帮忙收割。 We all helped the harvest.
歉收引起食物严重短缺。 The bad harvest led to severe food shortage.
因为现在是收获期,所以我们都非常忙。 We are all very busy because it's the harvest time.
庄稼已妥善收获完毕. The harvest has been safely gathered in.
在收获季节里农民非常忙碌. Farmers are very busy during (the) harvest.
我们本可以收割完, 但却遇上了暴风雨. We should have finished harvesting, but a storm intervened.
农民们在地里收割(作物). The farmers are out harvesting (the corn).
秋收即将开始。 The autumn harvest is about to start.
农民们正在田野里收割稻子。 The peasants are harvesting rice in the field.
有些年我们获得大丰收,有些年则收成很坏,但好坏你都得接受。 Some years we have a plentiful harvest, others a very poor one, but you have to take the good with the bad.
秋收后,我们将获得大量稻谷。 After harvest we will have a mass of rice.
今年的葡萄酒产量前景不佳. The prospects for this year's wine harvest are poor.
尽管遭受干旱,还是获得了好收成。 A good harvest was obtained in spite of the drought.
我的引导者呵,领导着我在光明逝去之前,进到沉静的山谷里去吧。在那里,一生的收获将会成熟为黄金的智慧。 Lead me, my Guide, before the light fades, into the valley of quiet where life's harvest mellows into golden wisdom.
好收成与坏收成交替更迭。 Good harvests alternate with bad.
他知道他们正忙着收庄稼,他不妨和他们-块儿去干。 He knew they were busy betting in the harvest. He might as well go and join them.