
4 New HSK word(s): HSK2 正在 + zheng4zai4 in the process of (doing something or happening); while (doing) HSK4 + chang2 threshing floor; classifier for events and happenings: spell, episode, bout HSK6 事件 + shi4jian4 event; happening; incident; CL:个/个ge4 HSK6 往事 + wang3shi4 past events; former happenings
2 Old HSK word(s): C N * dong4jing4 sound and movement/ activity/ happening C N * shi2kuang4 actual situation/ what is actually happening



Được +


Field +

Sự kiện +

Trong quá khứ +
Grade E word(s):

大事具有重要意义的事件或事变 A significant occurrence or happening.
那条高速公路上车祸发生得越来越频繁。 Accidents on that highway are happening with increasing frequency.
她尽管人已老了, 然而仍由她掌管(一切事情). She may be old, but she's still in control (of all that is happening).
新闻最近事件的信息,特别是通过报纸、期刊、广播和电视进行报导 Information about recent events or happenings, especially as reported by newspapers, periodicals, radio, or television.