
51 New HSK word(s): HSK1 + er4 two; 2; stupid (Beijing dialect) HSK2 + liang3 two; both; some; a few; tael, unit of weight equal to 50 grams (modern) or 1⁄16 of a catty 斤jin1(old) HSK3 必须 + bi4xu1 to have to; must; compulsory; necessarily HSK3 瓶子 + ping2zi5 bottle; CL:个/个ge4 HSK3 满意 + man3yi4 satisfied; pleased; to one's satisfaction HSK4 其次 + qi2ci4 next; secondly HSK4 态度 + tai4du5 manner; bearing; attitude; approach; CL:个/个ge4 HSK4 幽默 + you1mo4 (loanword) humor; humorous HSK4 + lia3 two (colloquial equivalent of 两个/两个); both; some HSK4 浪费 + lang4fei4 to waste; to squander HSK5 未必 + wei4bi4 not necessarily; maybe not HSK5 开幕式 + kai1mu4shi4 opening ceremony HSK5 老实 + lao3shi5 honest; sincere; open and guileless; naive HSK5 概念 + gai4nian4 concept; idea; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 梳子 + shu1zi5 comb; CL:把ba3 HSK5 不见得 + bu4jian4de5 not necessarily; not likely HSK5 双方 + shuang1fang1 bilateral; both sides; both parties involved HSK5 + he4 to scare; to intimidate; to threaten; (interjection showing disapproval) tut-tut; (interjection showing astonishment) HSK5 + xia4 to frighten; to scare HSK5 风俗 + feng1su2 social custom; CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 宁可 + ning4ke3 preferably; one would prefer to...(or not to...); would rather; (would) be better to; (to pick) the lesser of two evils HSK5 海鲜 + hai3xian1 seafood HSK5 海关 + hai3guan1 customs (i.e. border crossing inspection); CL:个/个ge4 HSK5 怀孕 + huai2yun4 pregnant; to have conceived; gestation; pregnancy HSK6 一举两得 + yi1ju3liang3de2 one move, two gains (idiom); two birds with one stone HSK6 开采 + kai1cai3 to extract (ore or other resource from a mine); to exploit; to mine HSK6 裁员 + cai2yuan2 to cut staff; to lay off employees HSK6 恐惧 + kong3ju4 fear; dread; phobia HSK6 排放 + pai2fang4 emission; discharge; exhaust (gas etc) HSK6 损坏 + sun3huai4 to damage; to injure HSK6 挖掘 + wa1jue2 to excavate; to dig; to unearth HSK6 剥削 + bo1xue1 to exploit; exploitation HSK6 习俗 + xi2su2 custom; tradition; local tradition; convention HSK6 畏惧 + wei4ju4 to fear; to dread; foreboding HSK6 + ken3 to gnaw; to nibble; to bite HSK6 咀嚼 + ju3jue2 to chew; to think over HSK6 岂有此理 + qi3you3ci3li3 how can this be so? (idiom); preposterous; ridiculous; absurd HSK6 发射 + fa1she4 to shoot (a projectile); to fire (a rocket); to launch; to emit (a particle); to discharge; emanation; emission HSK6 生态 + sheng1tai4 ecology HSK6 解雇 + jie3gu4 to fire; to sack; to dismiss; to terminate employment HSK6 风土人情 + feng1tu3ren2qing2 local conditions and customs (idiom) HSK6 任重道远 + ren4zhong4dao4yuan3 a heavy load and a long road; fig. to bear heavy responsibilities through a long struggle (cf Confucian Analects, 8.7) HSK6 欣慰 + xin1wei4 to be gratified HSK6 部署 + bu4shu3 to dispose; to deploy; deployment HSK6 启示 + qi3shi4 to reveal; to enlighten; enlightenment; revelation; illumination HSK6 神态 + shen2tai4 appearance; manner; bearing; deportment; look; expression; mien HSK6 冰雹 + bing1bao2 hail; hailstone; CL:场/场chang2,粒li4 HSK6 姿态 + zi1tai4 attitude; posture; stance HSK6 宁肯 + ning4ken3 would rather...; it would be better...; would prefer HSK6 实惠 + shi2hui4 tangible benefit; material advantages; advantageous (deal); substantial (discount) HSK6 恰到好处 + qia4dao4hao3chu4 it's just perfect; it's just right
Old HSK word(s):



Hai +


Hai +


Phải +


Chai +


Sự hài lòng +


Thứ hai +


Thái độ +


Hài hước +


Cả hai +


Thải +

Không nhất thiết phải +

Buổi lễ khai trương +

Phải trung thực +

Khái niệm +

Chải +

Không nhất thiết phải +

Cả hai bên +

Sợ hãi +

Sợ hãi +

Hải +

Chứ không phải +

Hải sản +

Hải +

Khi mang thai +

Cả hai +

Khai thác +

Sa thải +

Sợ hãi +

Lượng khí thải +

Thiệt hại +

Khai thác +

Khai thác +

Hải +

Sợ hãi +

Nhai +

Nhai +

Thái quá +

Khí thải +

Sinh thái +

Sa thải +

Hải +

Đường dài phải đi. +

Hài lòng +

Triển khai +

Mặc khải +

Thái độ +

Hail +

Thái độ +

Chứ không phải +

Giá cả phải chăng +

Chỉ cần phải +
Grade E word(s):
