
club + group of people who share an interest, as in sport
collection + group of similar things gathered as a hobby
every + Including each person or thing in a group
family + a group of people who are related through blood
government + group of people and system which rule a nation
leader + person who is in charge of a group or task
management + people who are in control of a business or group
manager + person who controls and runs a business or group
member + person or thing belonging to a group or team
membership + being a member of a group; joining a group
none + Not any of a group
relation + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
relationship + manner in which people, groups or countries behave toward one another
set + complete group of something, e.g. a chess set
sort + group or class of similar things or people
speaker + person who makes a speech before a group
team + group of people working on a task together
together + Near close in the same place not far in a family or group
army + large group of soldiers organized to fight in wars
belong + To be a member of a particular group and feel welcomed
bunch + group of things of the same kind
committee + group of people who do or decide something
community + group of people who share a common idea or area
council + group chosen to make decisions about something
crowd + large group of people together in one place
culture + beliefs and customs of a particular group
empire + group of countries controlled by one government
gather + To bring people/animals together into a group
include + to make someone/something part of a group
item + distinct, individual thing, often part of a group
mission + a special assignment that is given to a person or group
organization + formal group of people with a particular purpose
pile + group of things one on top of another
representative + Typical of a particular group or thing
select + To choose from a group, something most suitable
tune + group of musical notes that make a nice sound
audience + group of people listening, watch a play, movie etc
category + groups of things that are similar in some way
commission + group officially put in charge of e.g. education
crew + organized group of workers (e.g. on a ship)
exclude + To prevent someone from access to a group
exhibition + public event at which an object or group of objects is put on display for people to look at
jury + group of 12 citizens who listen to information about the problem or crime, receive instructions from the judge, and decide the guilt or innocence of the person on trial
majority + amount that is more than half of a group
manufacturer + group or company that makes a certain product
panel + group of people who answer questions or give opinions
personnel + group of people who work for a company
phrase + group of words that forms a unit and expresses a single meaning
privilege + advantage or right that is given to only a certain person or group of people
profile + description listing the basic information about a person or group
resolution + formal statement of the desires or decisions of a group
troop + group of soldiers, especially horse; an organized group
uniform + a set of clothes that show you are part of a group or school
band + group of people who work together e.g. play music
fellow + belonging to the same group
type + group of things or people sharing common features

New HSK word(s):
Old HSK word(s):

Grade E word(s):
